Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 324 - Julian Vs Maylene (3)

Maylene calls back her Machoke and looks at its Pokeball.

Maylene "You did well Machoke" ​​

She said and put the Pokeball back to the pocket, then she turned towards her Lucario.

Maylene "Lucario, you have seen that the opponent is very strong, we have to go all out"

Her Lucario nodded and walked towards the battlefield.

Julian "Cranidos, can you continue?"

Julian asked.

Cranidos nodded his head, he is ready to defeat his last opponent.

Julian "Good"

Both Lucario and Cranidos faced each other, Lucario has seen Cranidos battle, it knows it cannot take this little one lightly.

Cranidos rubs his legs against the ground like a bull ready to charge any time with all his power.

Referee "You may continue"

With this signal, both of them started.

Maylene "Lucario, Aura Sphere"

Lucario starts off with a very powerful fighting type move, Aura Sphere, there are very few pokemons that are known to learn this move and Julian has two of them, Riolu who will evolve into Lucario and learn it along with Togetic who can also learn Aura Sphere once she evolves into Togekiss.

Julian "Cranidos continue with Zen Headbutt"

Cranidos charges directly at the Aura Sphere as the dome on top of his head got covered with Psychic energy.

Cranidos increased his speed and went right through the Aura Sphere, due to Zen Headbutt being a psychic type move and the speed and power behind Cranidos, he easily shattered the Aura Sphere and continued heading towards Lucario.

Maylene "Lucario block it"

Seeing that Cranidos isn't stopping and there is no way for them to dodge this, the only thing they can do is block.

Lucario created a long staff and held it in front of it and blocked Cranidos.

Cranidos slammed into the staff made from the aura, the clash created a shockwave but it didn't stop there, with the power behind the attack still present Cranidos started to push even further, the Aura Staff started to crack and shattered into pieces and Cranidos landed on the chest on Lucario and pushed it back.

Lucky for Lucario that staff it had created observed all the energy behind Cranidos's attack and it only felt a lite bump on its chest when Cranidos made contact.

Maylene didn't waste any time and made a move.

Maylene "Lucario, use Close Combat"

As Lucario is very close, it got near Cranidos and started to swing its fist and legs at Cranidos.

Julian "Use Protect"

Cranidos created a round forcefield all around his and stopped Lucario from landing a hit, but Lucario continued hitting the forcefield cause small cracks to surface on it, the cracks them slowly started to move all over the forcefield.

Julian "Cranidos, store up Ancient Power till the barrier collapses"

Cranidos did so and started to create small rocks all over him, these rocks are multiplying and covering up all the space inside the barrier.

As the barrier collapsed, the rocks came rushing out and taking Lucario by surprise, these rocks went everywhere, Lucario got hit by more than five of these small rocks, it didn't cause much damage but it was enough for Cranidos to make some distance against Lucario.

Seeing that they lost their chance Maylene squeezed her fist but continued making her move.

Maylene "Lucario continue using Aura Sphere"

Lucario nodded and created two Aura Sphere and threw it at high speed towards Cranidos.

Julian "Cranidos use Substitute"

Cranidos moved back and created a fake dummy of himself so that it can take the hits, the first Aura Sphere went and destroyed the substitute, the second one just past through the smoke and hit the ground causing dust to fly everywhere.

Cranidos got enough time to move around the battlefield with all that distraction Lucario created from those Aura Sphere.

Julian "Use Stone Edge"

As dust still filled the battlefield Cranidos uses it as a distraction to get to Lucario's side and slammed his hand on the ground, suddenly multiple blue rocks come ripping out of the ground which caught Lucario by surprise who was trying to find Cranidos.

The Stone Edge hit Lucario and sent it flying back, but Lucario twisted its body in mid-air to position itself straight and landed on its feet.

Due to its slender and flexible figure, Lucario can easily move and torque its body to its wishes.

Julian "Headbutt"

Cranidos suddenly come shooting out of the dust leaving behind the trail of dust.

Maylene "Bone Rush"

Lucario created a bone-shaped from its aura and swung it straight on Lucario's head, the attacks landed on each other, with the Bone Rush Lucario got the upper hand and brought down Cranidos, Cranidos crashed on the ground but he didn't stay down for long, he used his tail to quickly get back to his feet and landed a Headbutt on one of Lucario's knee.

Lucario didn't expect Cranidos to continue attacking even after being put down.

Julian "Now Iron Tail"

As Cranidos is still close to Lucario, he made another move, he used his legs to turn around as fast as possible and aimed at Lucario's other leg with Iron Tail.

Maylene "Jump back"

Hearing Maylene Lucario jumped back as fast as possible and dodged the Iron Tail.

Julian "It's over, Zen Headbutt"

As soon as Lucario moved back Cranidos now has enough distance to deliver the final blow with a Zen Headbutt.

Cranidos uses his powerful legs and charges towards Lucario as he uses Zen Headbutt with all his power behind it.

Maylene "Lucario, we cannot just take that, use High Jump Kick"

Maylene called out her Lucario's most powerful move, High Jump Kick, its a very powerful move that can guarantee a knockout but if the attack misses the user will get severely hurt.

Seeing there is no escape to the Zen Headbutt, Maylene decided to go all out with High Jump Kick.

Lucario jumped and charged towards Cranidos with his knee first.

Both clashed in mid-air caused a big boom, the shock wave traveled all over the field blasting off everything around, the rubles were sent flying everywhere, the ground below them cracked like a spiderweb from the shockwave.

The backlash hit and both pokemon are sent flying backward, both landed on their back, both of them received heavy damage from that exchange

Julian didn't expect Maylene to pull off such a dangerous move in such a situation but he didn't complain about it because at the end of the day it's just a pokemon battle and any side can get hurt.

Both pokemon struggled to get up their feet and are able to stand up, both of them looked at each other, suddenly Cranidos went to his knee.

Lucario put on a little more strength and stood up straight on his feet and looked down on Cranidos but it suddenly collapsed straight on its back and fainted.

Referee "Lucario is unable to battle, Cranidos wins"

As the result was announced, Julian sighed and looked at Cranidos, Cranidos also collapsed after a few seconds and fainted.

That exchange was clearly on Cranidos's favor, with the typing advantage and Cranidos's insane physical attack stat, but the move Lucario use is one of the strongest fighting type moves, it was an unexpected thing for Julian, for someone to use such a dangerous move in a fraction of seconds.

It proved that Maylene had a really good eye for close combat.

But it didn't matter at the end, Lucario went down before Cranidos, it tried to use the last bit of its energy to stand straight and blacked out.

Cranidos won the battle.

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