Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 302 - Breeding Lecture

Early morning Julian woke up and packed up his stuff as its time to continue his journey towards the Solaceon town, he wanted to learn about some breeding stuff and the best way for a rough trainer like to to learn about it is through exhibitions likes this that are held in cities and towns.

The exhibitions start today morning and Julian has to reach there before sundown so he can at least get some knowledge about it. ​​

After feeding his pokemon he hits the road and speeds away towards Solaceon town, his bike rides over the route at high speed as the air blows his coat behind him wildly.

Crystal pops out its head and gets hit by the fast blowing wind and causes it to close its eyes, it opens its eyes once again and starts to enjoy the speed they are riding it, it then starts to do weird stuff like opening its mouth, pull out its tails to let it flow along with Julian's coat.

Julian had to slow down a little because he is afraid he might blow away Crystal if it tried to get out of his pocket.

Julian "Crystal stay in, I will give you some milk after we get to the nearest town"

Julian shouted as the air muffled his voice, Crystal nodded and went down his pocket and only popped out half of its head to look at what is in front of them.

Julian soon arrived in front of Solaceon town.

Julian "Well looks like I arrived faster than I expected, I still have a lot of time to look around and get some knowledge"

He said and put on his cloth mask and rode into the town, as he expected the whole town is in buzz because breeders from all over the region have come here, there even seems to be a public lecture being held here to make the normal masses understand about pokemon breeding and what should and shouldn't be done while breeding.

Julian found the place where this lecture will be held, it seems that a very famous Pokemon breeding professor will be here today.

Julian 'Well looks like I am lucky, the professor that is coming is Professor Cifen, I know about him, he seems to be very knowledgeable about pokemon and their breeding, he also helped people find out about pokemons and how certain type of pokemons can only be bred with certain type of pokemon, he is also behind the classification of Egg group for pokemon'

Julian is surprised by this visit of Professor Cifen, he is a very reputable professor because he cracked the code of pokemon breeding and that some types of pokemon can only breed with certain pokemons.

But Julian has to wait for an hour before this lecture begins.

Julian "Since I have to wait, let's walk around and see what else there is in this town"

He said and started to walk around the town after parking his bike, the town is not very big so Julian can cover the whole town on his feet.

He starts to look around the town and sever displays displayed by young and aspiring breeders, some of them displayed the process of breeding, some explained the science and procedure behind it.

Seeing this Julian starts to understand a little about breeding.

After looking around for a while he soon got to the center of the town where the lecture will be held, since its a free lecture anyone is invited, Julian looks around and finds a seat that is not occupied and sits down, he is sitting at the back.

He is surprised by how many people are actually joining this lecture, he looked around and saw people everywhere, all of them are here to listen to the lecture.

He saw some new station vehicles around the main stage, it seems the news channels are covering this as well.

Julian sat down and waited until Professor Cifen walked up the platform, he is an old man with a white beard and hair, he is wearing a brown suit and a small baton in his hand.

Cifen "Welcome everyone, today we will be discussing pokemon breeding, many of you rise pokemon and your pokemon has the right to breed as well"

Julian 'You don't have to say that loud, everyone understands'

Julian though.

Cifen "And sometimes as a trainer you have to know how to breed your pokemon so that their children would be born healthy and strong just like their parents if their parents are strong and healthy as well"

Julian 'Did I make a mistake coming here, you really don't have to specify that, everyone knows about it'

He though and continued listening to Cifen.

Soon Cifen started his lecture and a few minutes passed by Julian calmed down as the lecture was not bad at all, Professor Cifen really knows his job and is explaining everything carefully to the audience.

Julian carefully listened to Cifen and took down some important notes in his mind about all the things he needs to know, what pokemon belongs to what egg group and which pokemon can successfully breed with each other.

While Julian is busy doing this, very close to the town a group of men and women in white uniforms are standing together, they seem to be up to something.

One of them is standing in the middle and talking to others.

"We need to kidnap Cifen and get out of there quickly, the whole area is under protection so we have to act quickly"

The man in the middle said.

"Ok all of you, as soon as we enter the perimeter of the lecture, move out and smokescreen everyone, then pick up Cifen and get out of there as soon as possible"

They discussed for a few seconds and got into the hovership which took off.

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