Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 298 - Victini Vs Shinx (Little Competition)

His Six pokemons came forwards and each of them picked up one piece of paper each, then they brought the paper to Julian so that he can open them and see who will be facing who.

First came Shinx and gave the paper to Julian, Julian opened up the piece of paper and revealed the number inside to be '1'. ​​

Gible came second and gave the paper to Julian, the number inside is '3'.

Then came Togetic with number '2'.

Cranidos came forwards and got number '2', hence he will be facing Togetic.

Victini got number '1' and will be facing Shinx.

Manaphy got '3' and will be facing Gible.

Seeing the match ups, Julian nodded and moved to the side.

Julian "Shinx and Victini you both have five minutes to prepare, then we will start the competition"

Julian said and walked to the side and let the little ones do what they want as he just looks at them.

Soon five minutes passed and the first battle is about to begin.

Julian is standing in the referee corner, while Victini and Shinx are standing opposite to each other as they are ready to start battling.

Julian "Are both of you ready?"

He asked them, the nodded in response.

Julian "Then let the battle begin"

With those words, the battle started.

Shinx started first as he sent a bolt of electricity towards Victini, Victini dodged it and appeared right behind Shinx by using Teleport, Shinx turned around and swiped at Victini with its Claws covered with electricity.

Victini moved back and sent out a Psyshock towards Shinx, Shinx jumped up and dodged the Psyshock by few inches and once again shot a lightning bolt at Victini.

Victini used Magic Coat and took the hit, the bolt of Electricity went back to Shinx and hit him.

Shinx backed down and used charged towards Victini while using Thunder Fang, Victini tried to back off but Shinx used his powerful hind legs to launch himself towards Victini and got a bite on its leg.

Victini got zapped but it teleported away escaping from the continuous zapping.

Victini shook its head and snapped out of the buzzing sensation in its body.

Victini then started to shoot Fireballs rapidly at Shinx, this was taught to Victini by Gengar, how to channel energy into a concentrated shape, that is a circle and shoot it repeatedly.

Though a single fireball doesn't have much damage, getting hit by multiple fireballs can cause severe damage and shock to the opponent's body.

But Shinx has a counter, he is fast and agile, he easily dodges the fireballs and charges towards Victini with another Thunder Fang, this time Victini is ready and when Shinx get close to it, Victini teleports and appears right behind Shinx and blasts Shinx with multiple fireballs, causing Shinx to crash on the ground.

Shinx struggles and gets back to his feet and looks at Victini, Shinx has the least experience when it comes to battle in Julian's team as he is a new member but he is very focused and determined when it comes to training, this caught Absol attention and he sometimes trains Shinx.

Shinx once again shots a lightning bolt at Victini and Victini counter it with multiple fireballs causing smoke to cover the whole battlefield, this is where Shinx takes advantage, Shinx's eyes are special, he can see through objects when he concentrates, he still cannot use this ability to full extent until he evolves into a Luxray but its till enough to see through smoke.

He sees Victini in the middle of the smoke looking around trying to find him, he once again shoots a lightning bolt at Victini.

This time Victini didn't see it coming and got zapped and fell on the ground.

Seeing his chance Shinx charged towards Victini using Thunder Fang for the final blow, sensing Shinx rushing towards it, Victini pulled off one of its favorite moves as well.

It suddenly used Searing Shot, with this a large fire ring started to expand around Victini and in a fraction of seconds, it traveled across the whole battlefield.

The Searing Shot had successfully hit Shinx and he went down, he didn't faint but if he continues he might.

Julian "Ok that's it Victini wins"

Julian declared the winner and its Victini, Shinx got sad but Julian walked towards him and patted his head.

Julian "Don't worry you did great"

Julian said and gave Shinx his favorite treat, Shinx became happy again after eating his favorite treat, Victini also asked for a treat as it won so Julian laughed and gave it one as well.

Victini is a proud one and its Searing Shot has never failed it, there is no way of escaping it as it covers the whole battlefield and the power behind it is enormous as well.

Victini has very powerful moves in its arsenal that is why it won this match easily.

Julian "Ok Victini and Shinx go and play sit with Infernape, Cranidos and Togetic will battle next"

Shinx and Victini nodded and went towards Infernape and sat next to him as they watch their friends take each other on the next battle.

Cranidos clearly has the advantage here because of his typing and more experience then Togetic also has some good moves in her Arsenal which can help her overcome the disadvantage.

Julian "Are you both ready?"

He asked them.

The two nodded in excitement.

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