Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 293 - End Of The Competition

Inside the waiting room of the stadium, Ash and his friends are with few other people like Holly and Conway.

Conway "Ha, is still can't believe I got praised by the Julia, Dawn we are the best team, we will surely win this competition" ​​

Dawn "Yes, if we continue this we will surely win this competition, I am excited"

Holly "Don't be so sure, I and Brock won't be easy to defeat"

Brock's partner Holly said with her high spirit

Brock "Yes, what every my dear Holly says"

He said as he went on his knee and hold her hand.

Ash seems to be in a completely different mood, seeing this Brock put his hand on his shoulder.

Brock "What happend Ash?"

Ash "You heard what Julian said, we performed the worst from all the team in the top 16, I don't know what should I do"

Brock "I don't think you should take it so heard to yourself, Julian said what he saw, and it is up to you to fix it and prove Julian wrong by performing better in the next round"

Ash "Yes I guess, I have to perform better in the next round"


Julian got back to his room as he was exhausted just sitting on a chair and watching trainers battle, he has to do this for another two days but the Mega Stone he received is worth it and he also got the information about the mysterious cave where these stones could be found.

Since he had nothing else to do he talked with Daisy and Chloe, he found out that they have already finished their first training session.

Chloe will soon start to perform in commercials and Daisy will be working on the field under a senior's supervisor.

Seeing their progress Julian feels proud, even though he did get interrogated by them if he hung out with other girls, which he clearly denied as he didn't hang out with any girls.

The day soon came to an end and Julian call it a day.

Next day was the same as he has to go early to the stadium and soon the crowd gathered up for the top 16, the trainers are excited to continue the tournament.

The tournament started and trainers started to battle, Dawn and Conway went first and won them self a place in the top 8, Brock and Holly also made themselves a place in the top 8.

Surprisingly Ash seems to have Paul's Chimchar in this team, their teamwork didn't improve but they weren't a disaster and won them self a place in top 8 as well.

After a break, the top 8 began soon and this time Brock and Holly got eliminated, Dawn and Conway once again won and their teamwork seems to be improving more and more, they are now most favorite to win this competition, surprisingly even though Ash and Paul still didn't get along their pokemon worked together and brought down their opponent.

Other two-team of trainers also went to the top 4.

Another day was over and the team of 4 entered the semifinals where Ash and Paul will be facing the team of two trainers.

Dawn and Conway will be facing the team of other trainer.


The third and final day of the tag battle competition.

The first match was between Ash and Paul's team against their opponents, after a tough battle they advance forward to the finals.

Dawn and Conway also defeated their opponents and advanced to the finals.

After a break, they are now facing against each other, the crowd is excited and so is Julian, he didn't expect the finals will be between these two teams.

One has an overpowered pokemon in their team for this tournament and the other team has perfect coordination and can easily counter any team.

The battle soon started with a bang.

Ash used his new addition to his team Chimchar and Paul used his Elekid.

Julian is really impressed by how Paul train his pokemons, even though his attitude seems shitty, his way of training pokemon is really effective as they become really strong compared to the average species.

Just like the Elekid and the Chimchar, he trained that is now with Ash.

Dawn uses her Buizel and Conway uses his Heracross.

The battle goes on and soon Dawn and Conway easily overpower their overpowered opponents with their teamwork.

As Julian had expected Ash and Paul cannot win this unless they start to work together or a miracle happens.

But to Julian's surprise, a miracle did occur as Paul's Elekid suddenly started to glow and evolve.

His Elekid evolved into Electabuzz.

Dawn and Conway didn't expect this at all, Conway's plan went all haywire as he didn't expect his opponent's pokemon to evolve.

Paul's Electabuzz soon overpowered their opponent and easily took them down and won.

The results are final as Ash and Paul won the competition.

Julian smiles seeing this.

Julian "Well luck is an important factor in a trainer's life, let's just say Ash and Paul's luck are on point today"

Julian said and got up.

The awarding ceremony is soon about to start and Julian has to hand it over to the winners.

As Julian entered the battlefield, people started to cheer for him, he walked onto the platform and stood next to Maddy and Judge Stefen.

Maddy "Mr. Julian, the whole competition was a success thanks to you"

Julian "Well, thank you, you also worked a lot behind the scene as this is your event"

The announcer soon started to talk and called Ash and Paul to the stage to take their price.

Ash and Paul walked up to the stage, Paul's eyes are on Julian, Julian sees him and smiles.

Julian "Congratulations the two of you for winning the competition, luck was really close on your side"

Julian said and gave them their prize money check.

Paul doesn't seem to be pleased to what Julian said but he didn't deny as he knew if his Elekid didn't evolve they would have lost for sure.

Paul "How did you become so strong?"

He asked Julian straight forward.

Julian "Training alongside my pokemons and a healthy diet for them, really does the work"

That's all he said, as for earning the trust of his own pokemon Paul has to figure it out himself.

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