Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 283 - The Spear Pillar

Julian looked at huge landmass in front of him, a tall peak and on top of this peak there seems to be some ancient alter on top of it, Julian still can't get a clear view of it because it's still foggy as he is at the highest point in Sinnoh right now.

Julian 'Is that the spear pillar?' ​​

He asked himself and walked towards the top, after a minute walk Julian could fell the very little air pressure here, the lack of air could make anyone lightweight but not Julian.

He soon found himself in front of the weirdest place he has ever seen, he saw a gigantic platform, it was filled with pillars everywhere, some of them are tall and some are short and some of them are just broken, the cracks could easily be seen on them, even after so much time has passed this alter has withstood it.

Millions of years, from the very beginning of this planet, they said that this alter was present, it gives access to the portal that connects this world to other dimension but Julian still has no idea how it works.

He looks around the alter trying to find something, he can sense omniforce looming around the whole alter, the spear in the middle of this alter has a more concentrated amount of omniforce around it.

He touched the spear but there is no reaction from it, he didn't channel his Omniforce inside it because he doesn't want to take the risk, something might happen that he may regret in the future, so he decided to stay safe and try to figure out what's going on here.

He could tell that the blast of Omniforce he felt yesterday came from here but there is no sign of anything that could cause it, there are no fresh broken pillars, the broken ones already are old and have started to grow mold on them indicating how old they really are.

He looked around the spear as he thought it might have something that is out of this world, he did find three holes on each side of the sphere and a line connecting them.

It seems like they are meant to fit the three orbs in, Julian has an idea about what might happen if the three orbs go in.

Julian 'If the three orbs go in, will it open the portal to the other dimension?'

He questioned himself.

Seeing he couldn't find anything else around here he got disappointed.

Julian 'At the end of the day it's just an old abandoned alter, even though it's covered by omniforce it has nothing that is of use to me'

He thought and decided to leave where suddenly he heard some footsteps.

Julian frowned and looked behind.

Julian 'Who could it be, I thought no one will be able to enter here'

He thought and made his way behind the spear and stood there hiding from the person that entered the alter just now.

Julian [Gengar go and take a look at our guest]

Julian sent a telepathic message to Gengar, Gengar got out of his shadow and swam through the shadows and took a look at the intruder.

Gengar shared his vision with Julian and he is also able to see who this person is.

It's none other than Cyrus, the leader of the team Galactic and he is holding something very precious and unique in his hands.

Julian's eyes went wide as he saw what he is holding.

Julian 'Isn't that one of the orbs?'

He questioned himself as he felt the pulsing Omniforce from the Orb, he took a careful look and found out it was the Griseous Orb.

Julian frowned.

Julian 'How did he get his hands on it?'

Julian wondered, he continued looking and saw Cyrus walked close to the Spear.

The Orb in his hands started to glow and suddenly the omniforce around the area got violent and started to accumulate around the Orb, suddenly the fog around the place started to gather up and showed an illustration of few men in black robs doing some ritual here.

Cyrus smiled seeing this.

Cyrus "Hahahaha, those idiots really thought that they could open the portal with a fake Orb, even though they really did go all out to find the secrets of the Orbs, unlucky they cannot replicate the will of the gods, hahaha"

He said and laughed.

Julian also watched this, he found out the reason why that blast of Omniforce happened, it was due to these people in the black robes who are trying to summon Giratina.

Julian frowned, summoning Dialga and Palkia is for some extent ok, but Giratina is a different matter, if the legends are true it can distort the world and completely ruin it.

Unless Dialga and Palkia comes to the rescue, but the deed would have been done as the human and pokemon kind will get erased.

Julian has to figure out who this group of people are and what is their real purpose.

Cyrus "The Cult of Darkness are really useful, if I could get the method by which they were able to duplicate a celestial item, I would be one step closer to my goal"

He said and laughed again.

Julian 'So these people are called the Cult Of Darkness'

Cyrus "Too bad for them, the thing they are searching for is in my hands and I won't let them destroy my beautiful dream"

Cyrus laughed but this time his laugh is sinister and sadistic.

Julian [Gengar knock him out]

As Cyrus is laughing sadistically, Gengar is also laughing as he looks at his next prey.

Gengar "Gegegege"

As Cyrus hears this laughing, he suddenly feels a very frightening chilling run down his spine and before he could notice anything, he got knocked out by Gengar.

Gengar giggled as he looked at Cyrus on the ground completely knocked out, Julian comes out of his hiding and walked towards the fallen Cyrus and lifts up the Griseous, he strokes the Orb with his hand and he could tell that this orb has more omniforce in it that what is in his body, this Orb has been absorbing Omniforce from millions of years so Julian didn't find it weird, what he felt from this orb is pure cold, nasty and dark energy from it, just like Gengar's.

But there is also very dominant, righteous and impulsive energy inside it, this was of the dragon trait, just like his Flygon and his developing Gible.

Julian 'I will keep this orb, make sure it goes to where it belongs and not in the hands of these idiots'

He said to himself and looked at Gengar, to his surprise Gengar is already playing with Cyrus in his dreams, he is showing Cyrus the worst nightmare he could ever have, Cyrus's heartbeat is fast and he is sweating from fear in his dreams.

Julian says nothing, from what he saw he knew Cyrus is a Psychopath, he doesn't have emotions, the ones he displays are just an act.

Julian "Gengar let him be and suffer, we need to get out of here, we got what we need"

Julian said and walked away and Gengar followed behind and went into his shadow.

As Julian left, Cyrus is suffering from a terrible nightmare.

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