Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 280 - Gengar's Defeat

Now that he has a place to stay for the night, he decided to look into the ruins present here in this city, being an ancient town that is reported to be even older than Eterna city he had to take a look at it.

He left the house in search of ruins around the city, there seems to be some that are already found so he decided to take a look at them first. ​​

When he arrived there he saw a stone tablet in front of a tomb, the stone tablet had the carvings of the three lake guardian and between them, there seem to be three crystal carvings.

One is like a normal crystal with rough edges and asymmetrical in shape, One is shaped like a sphere, and other is shaped like a spherical nanogon with differently sized sides, these crystals seem to hold some mystery as well, he then looked at the ruins, he saw tall rocks placed in a pattern.

This seemed like some kind of alter which might have been used to worship the Creation Trio, like the temple in Eterna city this one also had sculptures of Giratina alongside with Dialga and Palkia, the town believed that even if Giratina was banished it is still one of the reasons for their existence so they worship all three of them here.

Julian found the same saying here as well, along with Arceus they created the universe, he found something else that was not mentioned in the temple of Eterna.

The three crystals that he saw at the beginning of this ruin are actually the orbs that hold the will of the three creation trio itself, and the three Guardian are responsible to protect them, just these three orbs can bring an end to this small world in this infinite universe.

If it falls on the wrong hands it will be a huge disaster.

The first crystal, the one which is Asymmetrical in shape is called the Griseous Orb, it holds the will of Giratina.

The second crystal, the sphere is called Lustrous Orb, it holds the will of Palkia.

The third crystal, the spherical nanogon is called Adamant Orb, it holds the will of Dialga.

These three orbs can bring disaster but luckily the three guardians are the only one that knows where these orbs locations are.

After getting more knowledge about the ancient civilization Julian tried to find other ruins but he was out of his luck, he didn't find any and the day was soon coming to an end.

He decided to go back to Cyndee's place

Julian stay in Cyndee's house went well and he got time to bond with Togepi, Togepi is actually a she, he spent time with Togepi and let his other pokemons do so as well, Manaphy as always the first one to befriend Togepi due to its nature, then comes Gible who will charge into anyone without concern, luckily he didn't charge at Togepi and knocked her out.

Togepi also felt comfort when staying with Julian, Togepi shares happiness with others when it is showered with joy and kindness, Julian's pokemon did the same for her, and being around Julian made her feel safe due to his aura.

Julian also has many things in his mind, he cannot let Togepi battle because Togepi don't possess powerful attack or special attack, even though her defense may be high it wont matter if the opponent receives no damage, what Julian has to do is just wait and let Togepi evolve, once it does its Special attack and defense will rise significantly and he will have a perfect member for his team, and with Togepi's presence all his pokemons will be happy all the time.

Of all his pokemon Gengar had the most surprising reaction, he always loved to scare all of Julan's new pokemon but when he tried to do the same with Togepi, Togepi ran towards him and hugged him, this scared Gengar at the beginning, he never saw a pokemon charge at him so fearlessly with a big smile on their face.

He got disappointed and went back to Julian's shadow with a sense of defeat, but he won't give up so easily, he tried many times to scare Togepi but would always get hugged happily by Togepi instead, this traumatized Gengar a little, he even started to question himself and asked himself if he has lost his scariness.

Julian just laughed at it, but Gengar is not the type to stick to something for much longer, after continuous defeat, he just let go of the thought of scaring Togepi.

The next day Julian had to leave and Cyndee was sad letting go of Togepi but Togepi shared her happiness with her and made her feel better.

Saying their goodbyes Julian left with Crystal in his pocket and the rest of his pokemon inside their ball except Gengar who stays in the shadow.

Julian's next stop is Hearthome city and it will take him some time to reach there but until then, its the same old usual days of traveling and having fun with his pokemon.


In Veilstone city in a huge skyscraper, on its roof a chopper came landing, men in team galactic suits stood there as they looked at the incoming chopper.

The chopper landed and Cyrus came out and looked around, one of the grunts approached him.

Grunt "Boss there seem to be some violent readings coming from Mt. Coronet"

Cyrus "Did you find the source?"

Grunt "No boss the readings are very violent we cannot even get through the first layer, the signal will just get consumed after that"

Cyrus 'Interesting, I have to give a visit to Mt. Coronet then'

He thought and walked away.

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