He returned Gible to his Pokeball then started to head towards the museum, when he reached there he saw that the commotion was down and the situation seemed calm.

He walked in to find few scientists around a pokemon, they seem to be treating it. ​​

He walked near it to see a Shieldon, it is the other fossil pokemon of Sinnoh region and a counterpart to Cranidos as it will have one of the highest defense stats in the pokemon kingdom once it evolves into a Bastiodon.

It has a shield-shaped head and its body is yellow, one of its legs seems to be injured and the scientist around it are treating it.

Scientist "We found Shieldon, what about Cranidos?"

Scientist 2 "That Cranidos is very aggressive, he went on a rampage for no reason, if someone crosses his path he will attack"

Scientist 3 "We need to capture it quickly, don't know what it might do?"

Scientist "Maybe we should ask the gym leader Roark's help he has a Cranidos, he must be experienced dealing with them"

Julian "There is no need for that"

Julian said and walked towards them.

The scientists turned around and looked at this young man wearing a black face mask covering his lower part of the face.

Scientist "Who are you?"

Julian "Oh?'

Julian realized that he is still wearing his mask and removed it and showed his face to the scientists, after seeing who this man is, the scientists were shocked.

They couldn't believe Julian is standing in front of them.

Scientist "Mr. Julian you are in Sinnoh?"

Julian "Yes, it has been more than a week since I arrived"

He said and took out a Pokeball.

Julian "I heard what went on so I went in search for the Cranidos and I caught it, I hope you don't mind if I keep him"

The scientists didn't expect Julian to have caught the Cranidos.

Scientist "Sure, we were no able to tame him at all, we were planning to release their group in the wild so they can breed and expand again. If you had come before we might have not agreed but we found another Skull fossil so you can keep Cranidos"

He said.

These scientists have been working on these fossils for quite a while, they planned to resurrect it and when they are fully mature release them in the wild so they can breed and soon their population would increase.

Julian "Thankyou very much, I promise I will take good care of him"

Scientist "Sure"

Julian thanked them once again and decided to take a quick look around the museum for a while.

After doing so he went and got himself a room in a good hotel, he asked the manager to not talk about him and keep quiet.

Julian then went to the nearest abandoned mining site to bring out his newly caught pokemon Cranidos, he didn't want to let Cranidos free in a room filled with lots of breakable items and seeing how aggressive Cranidos was he decided to take him out on an open field, after reaching the mining spot and looking around to find nothing dangerous he called out Cranidos.

Cranidos came out and looked around, he then looked at Julian and tilted its head.

Julian "Looks like you have calmed down"

He said and walked towards Cranidos, Cranidos backed a little but Julian touched his head and rubbed it to calmed him down.

Julian "You seem to have been startled before"

Julian could tell that Cranidos wasn't as aggressive as he thought, being surrounded by weird people when coming back to life will surely startle many pokemons, some might be ok, some might get scared but this Cranidos went physical and with his high attack power he could easily cause some havoc.

Cranidos calmed down as he sensed Julian's aura and rubbed his head which is as hard as Iron.

Julian felt cold to the touch as he rubbed his hand over the dome-shaped skull of Cranidos.

Julian "I think you should meet your new friends"

As Julian said this, Crystal who seems to be always in his pocket popped out its head and looked curiously at Cranidos.

Seeing Crystal's head pop out of nowhere Cranidos got startled, Crystal approached him and they soon got along, Julian them let him meet with Manaphy and Gible.

Seeing Gible Cranidos got angry but due to Gible's very forward nature, Cranidos got very awkward and tried to keep his distance from Gible.

Julian laughed seeing this, seeing his pokemon get along made his happy as well.

Julian 'System show Cranidos's stats'

System 'Affirmative'



Type - Rock

Level - 03

Bond - 20%

HP - 40

Attack - 110

Defense - 40

Sp. Atk - 30

Sp. Def - 30

Speed - 50

Move set - Leer, Headbutt, Iron Head.

Ability - Mold Breaker (Unlocked), Sheer Force (Locked)


Julian 'As expected his Attack stats are high. If I am right there is no pokemon which will have a higher attack stats that Cranidos's evolved form if we don't include mega evolution and legendaries'

Julian is right, there are no pokemons that has a higher attack stat than a Rampardos.

Julian 'Even though his attack his very high, I need to work him to increase his defense stats, they need a lot of work and also his speed can improve as well'

Due to all its defense is on its head Cranidos is lacking defense over his body and that can be a problem if he is not strong enough to take hits.

He then started to train them, he let Cranidos watch from the side for a few days and leg him know what to do when he starts training as well.

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