Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 253 - Heading Towards Jubilife City

Julian has finally found a Gible he was searching for long, he walked away from the pride of Garchomp, he took out his bike to ride towards the cave he came through.

It is already evening so he decided to camp here today, he didn't want to spend his night inside a cave which is filled with wild bats and he doesn't want to get annoyed by them as they are nocturnal creatures. ​​

He set up a camp quickly under the stary sky and released his pokemons, Gible is new to the family so he got surprised seeing huge pokemons around him, he looked around and saw Snorlax just sleeping there, he then saw Tyranitar and how massive he is and the aura of pure dominance is pulsing around him, then there is Absol who is majestic and has an aura of confidence around him, he has already met Gengar, then he sees Infernape, for some reason he could tell Infernape is the strongest one here.

Gible then turned around and looked at Tyranitar and charged towards him and used Iron Heat, Tyranitar is confused seeing this, Gible is trying to figure out where he stands against Tyranitar.

Tyranitar looks at Julian to ask what to do.

Julian [Just let him be, he will soon get tired]

Gible's attacks did not affect Tyranitar, he soon got tired and realized that Tyranitar is not even paying attention to him.

Seeing this Gible gets angry and starts to ignore Tyranitar and then puts his attention on the smaller pokemons around, he looks at Manaphy and Crystal who are playing with each other.

Seeing Gible join them they greeted him, soon the little ones started playing.

Julian started to prepare food for the young ones, food for his old pokemons are already stored, smelling the cooked food, Snorlax who is sleeping started to drool and moved to cause the three small pokemon who were playing on his belly to get startled, they have never seen this fat blob of pokemon move at all but seeing his move now they got startled, Snorlax got up causing the ground to shake a little.

Julian "Snorlax you finally woke up, wait a minute I will get your food"

He said and continued cooking for the little ones, as it finished he gave them their food and they started to munch it down, all three of them loved the food, Gible even tried to take away Manaphy's bowl but Manaphy shot some Bubble Beam at him and sent him away.

Julian then pulled out a very large bowl that is filled with food, this is Snorlax's one time meal, once he eats this much he won't eat for weeks as he will be busy sleeping.

Snorlax walked towards his bowl and lifted it high and gulped down the whole bowl in one go causing the little pokemons to become surprised.

They had never seen this huge mass of muscle move but now he is standing on his leg and gulping down a huge bowl of food in one go.

After finishing, Snorlax looked around to see three very tiny pokemon compared to him and waved at them, then went back to sleep as usual.

Seeing this Julian just shook his head, Snorlax is like a sloth but he is still very reliable.

Julian spent time with his new pokemons and bonded with them so they don't feel like outsiders, he let them familiarize with his older pokemons.

Crystal was fine as it seemed it didn't fear anything, Manaphy had this unique ability to be comfortable with any type of pokemons, Gible is little different, he would try to pick a fight with Tyranitar to show of his strength but would get completely ignored by Tyranitar.

This was Gible's way of bonding with others, rest of the time he would be busy chasing Crystal and Manaphy as they play along.

As the sun set down and the pokemons of the night got active Julian went to sleep after sending the little ones back to their pokemons, he left his other pokemons outside so that a wild pokemons don't attack while he is sleeping.


Next day arrived as the sun rays hit Julian's face, he woke up and realized that he is camping outside, it's been months since he camped outside, he got up and looked around, Infernape is already up and training, as usual, his other pokemons are still sleeping.

After giving them their breakfast Julian decided to leave.

Julian "Ok, its time to go, back to your Pokeball"

He sent them back to their pokeballs, Crystal is in his pocket and he walks into the cave to get back on the road and head towards Oreburgh city.

On his way back from the cave he saw the same as usual, Golbats and Zubats hanging upside down and some Digletts and Dugtrio moving underground.

He soon got out of the cave and soon hit the road on his bike towards Oreburgh city.

Sinnoh is very different from Kanto and Hoenn, he saw many new pokemons he hasn't seen before in real life, the pokemons here in Sinnoh are very vibrant, he noticed few of them had stylish haircuts and wearing colorful dresses, he then noticed a board on the street.

Julian 'A pokemon contest is being held in Jubilife city, should I go and check it out? well I need to find a pokemon center so I might head there as well'

Julian thought and rode towards Jubilife city, he wanted to register for the league and that would be done in a pokemon center.

Since the nearest center is in Jubilife city why not go there and check out the contest here in Sinnoh as well.

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