Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 248 - Another Journey Begins

As Julian was trying to get some sleep he heard Dawn's voice again.

Julian 'Why is she back?' ​​

Julian got up from his bed and walked outside to find Pikachu in her arms and he seems to be hurt.

Julian "Pikachu?"

Julian rushed towards Pikachu to check on him.

Julian "Where did you find him?"

Julian asked Dawn.

Dawn "Out in the forest, I was trying to catch pokemon, then suddenly this Pikachu came out of the bushes, I tried to catch it but the Pokeball didn't work, so I guessed this Pikachu belongs to someone"

Julian nodded and sighed, he checked Pikachu and he seems to be ok, just little hurt and tired.

Julian "Someone, take Pikachu and get his treated"

One of the assistants walked and took Pikachu with him into the recovery room.

Julian "Did you find his trainer?"

Dawn "No but I am planning to find him, he must be very worried"

Julian nodded and headed towards the recovery room.

Julian 'It must those idiots again, I have to do something about them'

Julian thought as he remembered about the team rocket idiots.

Pikachu was soon brought back to his health, seeing Julian Pikachu greeted him, Crystal popped out its head and started at Pikachu with its big eyes.

It flew out of his pocket and circled Pikachu before grabbing his tail, Pikachu suddenly got startled and released a Thundershock, electrocuting everyone in the room.

Julian got scared thinking Crystal got hurt but to his surprise Crystal seems to be just fine and is giggling behind Pikachu.

He noticed something else, Crystal's red crystal is not surrounded by sparks and a light purple to red in the middle.

Julian 'System what happened to Crystal?'

System 'Crystal, seems to have learned an electric type move, allowing it to turn into an electric type'

Julian 'Show its moveset'

System 'Crystal = Moveset - Pur, Thundershock'

Julian is really surprised to see this, he didn't think Crystal will be able to learn a move so easily.

Julian "Crystal come back"

Crystal's red crystal went back to pure red and it returned to Julian's pocket and buried its head and hid away.

Everyone in the room is really surprised but no one talked.

Julian "Pikachu go with Dawn and try to find Ash, he will be worried about you"

Pikachu nodded and went towards Dawn.

Julian "His trainer name is Ash, you should be able to recognize him, he was the one who battled me in the finals of the Ever Grande Conference"

Dawn said her goodbye once again and this time with Pikachu with her.

Julian decided to call a few people and tell them that he has arrived in Sinnoh, he called Daisy and Chole and informed them first then Professor Oak as well.

The day soon came to an end and Julian decided to call it a day.


Next morning he got up early and was ready to leave when he saw Ash rushing towards the Lab, seeing Julian there Ash ran even faster.

Ash "Did you see Pikachu? Team Rocket stole him from me"

Julian "You should head towards Floaroma Town, Pikachu is with a new trainer called Dawn, they must be searching for you as well"

Ash "Thanks"

Professor Rowan also comes outside and sees Ash.

Rowan "You must be Ash, Professor Oak sent me your Aipom's Pokeball"

He gave Ash Aipom's pokemon, Ash took it and ran away towards Floaroma town.

Julian "You should call Dawn and tell her Ash is coming to look for them"

Rowan "I will do that, you should be safe during your travel as well"

Julian "Don't worry I will be fine"

Julian says and sits on his bike and rides off.

Crystal peeks out of his pocket and enjoys the fast wind hitting its face.

Julian "Where should I go, I think, I should catch some pokemons and explore some forests nearby before heading towards a major city"

Julian looked at the GPS to find the nearest gym, the nearest one is in Canalave city but the gym there doesn't except any trainer who has less than five badges.

It is one of those gyms that have a certain requirement before challenging them.

Julian "Canalave city's gym is not an option now so the first gym to challenge should be in Oreburgh city, the gym is a rock type gym, I should try to find a ground type pokemon or a grass type, I already have Manaphy a water type so I don't have to worry about a water type pokemon"

Julian said and closed his GPS.

Julian 'Ah, it reminds me I haven't checked Manaphy's stats at all, let's see, System show Manaphy's stats'

System 'Affirmative'



Type - Water

Level - 01

Bond - 30%

HP - 50

Attack - 50

Defense - 50

Sp. Atk - 50

Sp. Def - 50

Speed - 50

Move set - Bubble, Tail Glow, Water Sport

Ability - Hydration


Seeing Manaphy's stats Julian is really happy.

Julian 'Its a mythical pokemon, I expected nothing less, it also knows three moves from birth, its parents must have been very strong'

Manaphy are the only mythical pokemon that are known to lay eggs, but the pokemon that emerges from that egg is a Phione.

Nobody knows how Manaphys are born, Phione doesn't seem to evolve as well, since there is very few research done on Manaphy as they are rarely seen, the world doesn't know much about them.

Since he planned to catch some ground type pokemon he decided to go near the valleys of Canalave city as there are flat planes and rocky caves around there, most ground type pokemons seem to thrive in such places.

He twisted his accelerator and rode off faster.

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