Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 244 - Towards Sinnoh

Julian finished up packing his stiff, he noticed that Gary has come back so they talked for a while, soon Gary left.

Crystal had made a home for itself in Julian's front pocket of his long coat, its small head would pop out as it looks around the new world it is seeing for the first time. ​​

Its favorite is MooMoo milk as it has already finished four bottles in a day.

The day came to an end.


Next day.

Julian woke up early and got ready to leave, Crystal who was sleeping next to him flew up and went into Julian's new coat's front pocket and popped its head out.

Julian "Crystal are you ready?"

Crystal mewed and nodded, Julian realized that Crystal is very intelligent and could clearly understand what he is saying from the beginning, it didn't understand anything Professor Oak said but it could understand what Julian said.

Julian 'It may be due to the Omniforce'

That was the only conclusion he came up with, he didn't bother about it anymore.

He walked out of his home and took out his trusty bike, his car is parked in the garage, he decided to take his bike as he doesn't need his car in Sinnoh as both his girlfriends are in Kalos and are busy with their work.

He drove towards the lab to say his goodbye to his pokemons one last time.

As he arrived outside he saw all his pokemons waiting for him.

Julian "You all are here"

He met his pokemons and gave them one last pat before saying his goodbye, he let them meet the others before leaving, Professor Oak also came to say his bye.

Oak "Be careful and don't lose that envelope"

Julian "I won't, don't worry I won't lose it"

Julian finally leaves on his bike with his five chose pokemon with him


He soon arrives at the port to see his ship is already in the dock, he entered the ship parked his bike and walked in, to his surprise the captain of the ship is waiting for him, they knew that he is arriving so they decided to give him a grand welcome.

Captain "Welcome Sir Julian, we hope you have a great time during your travel"

Julian nodded his head and let them escort him towards his room.

Days went by and Julian is enjoying his time in this luxury ship, he sometimes would get approached by beautiful women but he would reject them, as his love for Chloe and Daisy grows he feels less and less attracted to other women.

He is currently standing at the bow of the ship looking in front and Infernape by his side and Crystal sitting on top of Infernape's shoulder, just two days and he will be in Sinnoh, the ship had to actually change its route due to possible storms that might have accrued during night time, so he is running two days late.

Julian "Who knows what Sinnoh might have for us, what do you say buddy?"

Infernape gestures that he doesn't know, Crystal is overly hyped for no reason and is always causing trouble for Gengar and Infernape, it would suddenly run off, luckily it doesn't wander off too far from Julian and Infernape can easily find it.

Gengar also comes out of his shadows and look at the endless ocean.


Right under his ship, below the water surface, on the deepest part of the sea, a huge Wailord swims over the sea bed causing the anything that is lying on the seafloor to lift and float away with the underwater current, rocks, pebbles, small undiscovered pokemons, each one get's washed up by the huge Wailord.

Along with all these things, there is also an egg which is blue in color and small yellow spots which get lifted away and is washed up by the underwater current, luckily the egg has already matured and with the little pressure from the outside, the egg cracks.


Back to Julian, he is feeding Crystal as it drinks up all his supply of MooMoo milk he had, luckily the ship had tons of supply with them so he borrowed some.

Julian 'Looks like I need to buy a huge amount of MooMoo milk and stash them up'

Julian though as he watched the little guy finish its whole bottle of milk and burp lightly.

He sighed and put Crystal in his front pocket and let it sleep for now.

The night was about to fall when suddenly there was a knock on the door, he opened the door to see a man who works in this ship, he is wearing a white uniform, Julian recognized this man as he had seen him with the captain.

Man "Sir Julian, the captain wants to meet you"

Julian "Why?"

Man "It's better if the captain explains it himself"

Julian nodded and followed the man to the captain's chamber, they soon arrived at the captain chamber, Julian saw the captain staring at a digital 3D map on his table as it displayed some Gyarados running wild.

Julian "What is it, captain?"

The captain looked at Julian and sighed in relief.

Captain "Sir Julian I think we need your help?"

Julian "My help? for what?"

Captain "Our sources are saying that a group of Gyarados seems to be running rampage ahead of us, we cannot take a detour as the other areas are soon going to have heavy rain, we have no choice but to confront them"

Julian "I see"

Captain "These Gyarados are vicious, this isn't the first time they have been spotted, they will attack anything that gets in their sites, they have already caused two-ship wreaks, the officers in Sinnoh are not strong enough to take them on and the elites are very busy with their work"

Julian "I get it, continue forward, I will take care of them"

Captain "Thank you very much"

Julian nodded and walked outside to the bow of the ship to see the night sky, and how the moonlight is being reflected on the surface of the sea, he saw some Lumineon and Finneon, their fin shined and illuminated the area around them.

Julian 'So they are Finneon and its evolution Lumineon, they are beautiful fish pokemons'

Soon he started to hear roars.

Julian "So they are ahead, Gengar get ready"

Gengar came out of his shadow and laughed creepily as he looked at the direction of the roars.

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