Julian is currently sitting in his home and watching the TV, suddenly he gets a call, he looks at the phone and it is from Professor Oak.

Oak "Julian, you should come down to the lab quickly, your egg is acting up" ​​

Julian "Are you sure?"

Oak "Yes, it just wiggled"

Julian "Ok I will be there"

Julian quickly got up from his couch and rushed towards Professor Oak's Laboratory, he had left the egg in the very expensive incubator Professor Oak has.

Since the laboratory is just minutes away from his home, soon he arrived at the laboratory to find Professor Oak waiting for him outside.

Oak "Julian quick get in"

He said and rushed back into the lab, Julian followed him and they finally arrived in the egg incubator room, there are many pokemon eggs inside in this room but his egg is placed right in the middle under a very large egg incubator.

Julian approached the egg and touched it to feel if something is off, as he did the egg wiggled again.

Julian "Is it hatching?"

Oak "Maybe, this is a very rare egg, I have never seen an egg that needs this long to hatch, we even have many false warning past months but it quite down afterward"

Julian "Well it was given to me by a Mew, what do you expect"

Oak "You are really lucky to be gifted an Egg by a Mew, even 1% of the population has a hard time meeting them but you even got a gift, I wish I was there to document it"

Julian just laughed, he had told Professor Oak that this egg was given to him by Mew as he still needed a professional to check the health of the egg and when it hatches he might need Professor Oak to be on the spot if anything goes wrong.

Oak "Let's wait and watch, I think the egg will soon hatch"

Julian nodded and stood beside the egg as he watched carefully.

The Egg soon started to glow and giggle at the same time, then it started to change colors as well.

Julian thought it would be a Mew as he got it from Mew and the place he got it from were filled with Mew as well.

He waited for a while and the Egg started to giggle even faster and rapidly change colors, Julian even lost the count of the colors it has changed to.

Then it finally happened, it cracked.

Julian "It's coming out"

Julian said.

Professor Oak also rushed in closer with his notepad.

A bright white light came out of the crack and the cracks soon started to multiply and it soon covered the whole egg, a piece of the eggshell fell revealing white light inside the egg, soon the remaining shell also started to fall.

Now there is only white light shaped like an egg shape.

Julian is very surprised by this because he could feel Omniforce around this light, same like Infernape when he is in his Predominant form.

The light scattered and disappeared revealing a very small white pokemon.

It has two tails, small body, a small head, and a red crystal on its forehead.

It blinked its small eyes which is still big compared to its head and looked at Julian, it could feel the same kind of energy from Julian that it had.

Oak "Is that a Mew?"

Professor Oak's eyes were wide open as he saw this tiny pokemon which is just 6 inches in size, and with its tails which is twice the length of its body, it is 18 inches long from the tip of its ear to one of its tail.

Julian "It looks like one but it isn't"

Oak "Huh? What do you mean?"

Julian "A Mew should have a pink or a very light pink color skin, a shiny will be blue in color, but this little guy here is pure white and it has two tails while Mew only has one, and it has a red crystal on its forehead as well"

When Oak heard this he got surprised as well.

Oak "Does this mean its a new species?"

Julian "Possibly"

Julian said and tried to pick up this little creature, the little pokemon saw Julian's big hand coming at it, feeling the very familiar energy around Julian, it floated up in the air which startled Julian.

Then this little pokemon landed on his hand and rolled up its tail around his wrist and lied down and closed its eyes.

Julian 'So cute'

Of course, he didn't say it loudly, he brought it closer and patted its small body.

Infernape who was outside with his fellow pokemon felt the presence of this new life, a small ball of Omniforce and walked towards the Laboratory, Julian's other pokemon also followed behind him and they soon arrived right outside the door.

Julian walked out as he felt his pokemons outside and showed them this new little creature.

Julian "Now don't wake it up"

His pokemons bent down and looked at this little creature with astonishment in their eyes, they had never seen anything like this before.

Infernape felt a close connection to it as he could tell it had the same aura as Julian.

Julian "Ok you guys go back and spend some time with each other before we leave"

Julian said and walked back.

Oak "Julian do you know what pokemon this might be?"

Julian "I think its closely related to Mew as to how similar it looks, the only difference is that it has two tail, white fur, and a red crystal on its head"

Oak "If this is a new species it could be a good find but its all up to you, if you want to go public or not"

Julian "Let's not think about it, if it is meant to go public nobody would still dare to try something with me around"

Oak "I get it"

Oak sighed.

Oak "So you will be leaving Kanto tomorrow right?"

Julian "Yes, I hope you take care of my pokemons"

Oak "Haha, no need to worry, but I won't mostly have to take care of them, they are the ones who maintain peace in the pokemon area"

Julian "Thank you, let me go and talk to them"

Julian walked out with the small pokemon in his hand, it seems to be enjoying its sleep on Julian's hand.

He then walked towards the area his pokemons are hanging out.

When they noticed him walking towards them they stopped and looked at him.

Julian "Tomorrow some of you will be leaving with me to Sinnoh, I know all of you want to come but I cannot do that but don't worry, I can call you whenever I want so you don't have to worry"

Julian said and patted all of them

Julian "Gyarados, Venusaur make sure no one causes any trouble"

Gyarados and Venusaur nodded.

As they were the more responsible pokemon out of the bunch Julian left them in charge.

He then looked at his other pokemons and smiled at them as well.

Julian "Ok, now I will take few of you will me, Infernape, Snorlax, Gengar, Tyranitar, and Absol, you five will be coming with me"

His other pokemons are sad but they understand.

Julian "I hope all of you don't stop training just because I am not with you, I will always be checking on your progress from Professor Oak"

Julian took out five of his pokeballs and returned the five pokemons back to their Pokeball, he then went into the laboratory and handed over his other pokeballs to Professor Oak.

Julian "Keep them safe"

Oak "I know"

Julian "Now I have to go back to my home and pack my stuff and also figure out about this little guy"

Julian said as he looked at the small pokemon in his hand, it slowly opened its eyes and looked at Julian and float towards his shoulder and sat down as it used its tails and wrapped it around his arm.

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