Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 213 - Before The League

Chloe "Its the first time I have seen you battle"

Daisy "Me too" ​​

Both of them were very excited about seeing Julian's battle, they knew that their boyfriend is the strongest champion but they could never see him battle.

Julian "You know that my battles are dangerous, I don't want both of you near them, it's good that Devon corporation as a powerful barrier stopping"

Chloe "We understand"

Daisy "I didn't expect little Pupitar to have grown to such a big a powerful Tyranitar, I still remember how he used to hang on to your leg and not let go"

Julian "Yes, he has grown powerful"

Julian said and looked around, he saw people were taking his pictures with Chloe and Daisy in their phones.

Julian "Come, let's go and check out the fossils"

Daisy "Yes, Let's go"

Julian, Daisy, and Chloe walked away.

Mr. Stone walked towards his son and patted his shoulder.

Mr. Stone "One day, you will battle him again but you still have a long way to go, Son"

Steven "I understand dad, by the way why was he in your office"

Mr. Stone "Oh that, we are going to sponsor him in the coming league"

Steven "Oh, great move Dad"

Mr. Stone "Hahaha, of course, I have been in this business industry for quite a long time to know what to do and when"


Julian, Daisy, and Chloe came back to the lab where their fossils are being revived, when they reached there they something glowing, it was not just one but two.

The reviving machines were glowing from the inside, to be exact it was the fossils that are glowing.

Julian "Looks like we are here at the right moment"

Julian said and walked towards the Fossils, Daisy and Chloe followed him and stood in front of their respective fossil.

Chloe in front of the Claw Fossil and Daisy in front of the Root Fossil.

The scientists are busy taking down the data of this process and concentrated on their work.

Soon the Fossils inside the devices started to change shape.

Julian "Look they are being revived"

Julian said.

The fossils glow bright and covered the whole room soon revealing two small pokemon, one on each device.

Anorith and Lileep, these two are pokemons that went extinct millions of years ago and now they are in front of them.

Daisy "Wow, it looks so different from the pokemons found in today's day and age"

Daisy said and picked up Lileep, it has a purple body with circular patterns on the side of its head, pink petals are coming out from the top and there seem to be two eyes between the pink petals.

Anorith, on the other hand, has two sharp claws below its head, two big eyes on the sides and sharp spikes at the side of its body.

Chloe "They don't look cute but still have a very unique appearance to them"

Julian "Indeed, I hope both of you will take good care of them"

Chloe/Daisy "We will"

Anorith and Lileep started to bond with Chloe and Daisy. Since they were the first person they saw when they came back to life, they felt that they are their mothers.

Chloe and Daisy let them bond with their other pokemons so that they will be able to handle meeting Julian's pokemon later.

Since this was over they went back to their hotel.

That day another news took over Hoenn once again, the battle between Julian and Steven got viral, got millions of views and got shared everywhere.

People were going crazy over how powerful Julian's Tyranitar looked.

It even made into the news.

Julian who is currently watching the TV sighed seeing the news on the TV right now.

His 'Favorite' news anchor Achara was once again on the screen.

Anchor "People of Hoenn we have another news about our favorite champion of all time, Julian. It was said that he got challenged by the heir of the Devon corporation Steven Stone who was the previous year champion of the pokemon league but got defeated by the elite four Drake during his climb through the rankings.

The Champion Julian excepted the challenge and they battled on the battlefield present at the Devon Corporation. The audience who were present in the seen said that the battle was very devastating and without the protection being present many would have definitely got hurt.

Many spectators filmed the battle on their phone but one person had a professional camera with him and we were able to acquire the footage from him here take a look.

Steven Stone used his most powerful Pokemon which is a very rare Shiny Metagross and the Champion Julian used a Tyranitar, this is the first pokemon that Champion Julian has released in public and many competitors are already trying to come up with strategies to defeat Julian's Tyranitar.

As we all know Champion Julian has never lost a single battle and the only pokemon of his that ever fainted was his Kabutops which had a battle with Lance, the current champion of Kanto and Jhoto.

The trainers who are participating in this year's league only have one wish and that is to take down at least one of the champion Julian's pokemon's.

I know, I know, he is not a champion anymore and many of our viewers were telling that in yesterdays forum discussion but speaking his name and not adding Champion in front of it seems very disrespectful to me, we all know that he didn't lose his title, he just didn't want it or he would still be the champion of Kanto"

As Achara finished her news the program came to an end.

Julian sighed.

Julian "Well now at least the league will be more interesting, trainers are now training harder, so I might actually find some decent battles, here and there".

Julian said as he looked at his two girlfriends who completely ignored him and continued playing with their new pokemons.

Julian 'I think telling them to catch knew pokemons was a bad idea'

Gengar "Gegegege"

Gengar laughed and patted Julian's shoulder and gave him some hope that he is not alone.

Julian "Gengar you really are a true partner"

Gengar "Gegegegegegege".

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