All around Hoenn celebration is taking place, for escaping from the disaster and for a very new beginning.

New cities are being built at a rapid pace, people are working together and helping each other, huge funds are being sent to Hoenn from other regions. ​​

It is a political move by other regions but still, Hoenn took it. Since Hoenn is going to be a powerful region after what has happened.

New materials are being found, new pokemon species that were never seen in Hoenn were spotted, the origin of Mega Stones and many more, Hoenn has become a powerhouse.

Even though they have become more powerful economically they are not fools to stand alone, they need to maintain a good relationship with their neighbors to maintain that. It a give an take world no matter where a person is, it is the rule of nature itself.

The news about the meteorite and its disappearance reached the masses causing even a bigger reaction, this mysterious trainer became the hero of Hoenn.

Many theories came out of this, people would never forget their savior, who saved them from not one but multiple threats, the appearance of the legendary pokemons also made the nonbelievers of them believe that these monsters exist.

Soon many theories and rumors started to surface from the masses, some said this legendary trainer is not from their world because he had pokemons that are never seen before, some said it is a pokemon master who came back to live with the masses, some even speculated that it was Julian the previous champion of Kanto who is also the strongest champion, but no one had any evidence to back it up.

The person behind all this is right now sleeping on a bed with two beautiful women by his side.

He opens his eyes and looked around to see Chloe and Daisy by his side, he smiles and gets up.

Julian "Peace and quite just the way I like"

Julian said and walked into the kitchen to make some morning coffee for all of them, after finishing it he took a bath and gave the coffee to Chloe and Daisy who woke up just a few minutes ago.

Chloe "So what are we going to do?"

Julian "Don't know, the league has been postponed for two months, I guess we will be touring around Hoenn and check out what is going on"

Daisy "Yes, I wanted to look around Lavaridge town to Slateport city, I heard the new land there is beautiful, tall mountains and hills are now present there and new pokemon species, I want to see them all"

Julian "Sure, since I have nothing to do, we should tour around Hoenn"

Daisy "Great, I actually want to go to Rustboro city first"

Chloe "Why?"

Daisy then took out two stones from her bag, he bag was also like Julian but not with infinity space in it, it used the same technology as Pokeball, anything inside would become lightweight and can store up to 50 sq feet of free space.

They were the fossils which Julian gave her when he found them back in the deserted area.

Chloe "Are they fossils?"

Daisy "Yes, Julian found them, I heard that in Rustboro city they can bring back the fossils back to life by cloning their DNA, I wanted to do it for quite a long time but I wasn't able to"

Chloe "Wow, can I have one of them?"

Daisy "Sure I don't mind at all"

Chloe picked one of the fossils, she took the claw fossil and Daisy stuck with the root fossil.

Since the girls got busy talking with each other Julian walked up to the TV and switched it on to see what is going on.

As he switched it on, the first thing to appear is a news channel, Julian hated news channel but it was the only way to get proper information, the news on the internet was full of shit and weird people being interviewed who had no idea what they are talking about.

He saw a woman in a suit standing in front of a screen which played the footage of Rayquaza and him heading towards the meteorite.

Julian's eye went wide when he saw this, he was offline for a few days and he hasn't watched TV as well, he arrived at Ever Grande city yesterday night while flying on Pidgeot's back.

Julian 'What the fuck? did the satellites capture that footage, luckily it's very blurry'

Daisy and Chloe also joined him to look at the TV.

Anchor "As you can see, this person is riding on a Rayquaza and went past the monitoring satellites to destroy the meteorite which was supposed to hit Hoenn, the pokemon with white flame beside it cannot be identified at all because of the brightness of the flames, this pokemon seems to be the attacker as well because a white blinding light could be seen and then the meteorite disappeared, then the satellites around that area got melted.

The space station was able to save the footage before it got destroyed.

Many people believe that this man that could be seen on Rayquaza is the same person that stopped Groudon and Kyogre, both Groudon and Kyogre suddenly disappeared with no trace left behind.

People have started to theorize that this person is not from our world itself as it is clearly seen that he was still intact even being in cold space with no space suit on.

Some people say he is a Pokemon master that has come back to live in civilization.

Some say that he is the previous champion of Kanto, as he is the strongest champion to ever exist"

Hearing this Julian spit out his coffee in surprise.

Chloe and Daisy looked at Julian.

Julian "What's with that absurd theory?"

Chloe "Wait a minute? This does make sense whenever this person appears you are nowhere to be found, where were you when all this was happening?"

Daisy "Yes, I also had this same thought and this person does look like you from the back"

Julian started to sweat.

Julian "I was helping innocent people evacuate from the city"

Chloe "How do you believe you are not lying to us?"

Julian "Let's forget about that, how do you explain that person being intact in outer space, I am a human there is no way I can be in space with no spacesuit"

Daisy "You do have a point, but?"

Julian "Well whoever it is, he doesn't want people to know who he is, that is why he is covering his face, leave the man live his life, jeezzzzz"

Chloe frowned.

Chloe 'He is definitely hiding something'

Chloe moved forward and kissed him and sat on his lap.

Chloe "Won't you tell your girlfriend about it?"

She said in a seductive tone, Daisy also figured out what Chloe is trying to do and also joined the fray but grabbing on to his arm and pressing her breast on it.

Daisy "Julian tell us what are you hiding?"

Daisy said with an innocent voice, for a second Julian's mind went blank but he soon realized.

Julian 'These women are dangerous'

Julian suddenly grabbed them and pulled them closer.

Julian "You both are being naughty, you both need punishments"

Julian carried them and threw them on the bed.


A/N - now it is up to you, readers to use your mind and hand, how is it going to play out is all up to you, hehehehe??


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