Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 183 - Return Back The Crystal

Salves "Yes it's me Salves from LaRousse headquarters"

"....." ​​

Salves "The former champion of Kanto Julian is here"


Salves "He said he wants the green crystal"


Salves "What about the Shadows?"


Salves "Ok then"

Salves put the phone away and sighed, he then turned towards Julian who is sitting on the chair and looking outside at the aurora.

Salves "Sir Julian, the league has agreed to your request"

Julian nodded and stood up from the chair.

Julian "Then let's go and take a look"

Salves "Then please follow me"

Salves got out of his office and escorted Julian towards the underground facility where the green crystal is placed.

After reaching the underground facility Julian saw men armed fully with weapons standing in line in front of a metal door.

Salves walked towards the door, took out his access card then submitted his biometrics, the door finally opened revealing the things present inside.

Julian and Salves entered inside and the door behind them closed.

Julian is surprised seeing what is inside this room, rare pokemon fossils he has never seen before, real stuffed ancient pokemons, pokemon eggs, evolution stones and many more.

Salves then took Julian deeper into the room to reveal a secret cabinet, he opened it to reveal a big box made of lead, Salves opened the box to reveal the piece of meteorite he came here for.

He looked at the crystal stuck to the meteorite and scanned it, he confirmed that this crystal matches the aura released by the consciousness which is inside Chloe.

He took the meteorite and carefully checked it.

Julian 'Now that I have this, let's take it back to Chloe and see what happens next'

Julian put away the meteorite and looked at Salves.

Julian "Then, Chief Salves I will be leaving"

Salves "Before you go, be careful, the Shadow Legion is after that crystal"

Julian "Don't worry they are insignificant"

Salves didn't say anything after that, he doesn't know why Julian would call a faction like Shadow insignificant but he knew no one can defeat Julian when it comes to battle, that is why even after resigning from the champion position he is still respected.

Julian walked away with the meteorite leaving behind Salves alone.

Salves "I don't know why he needs it but I hope everything will be fine"

Suddenly a researcher ran towards him with a tablet in his hand.

Researcher "Chief, bad news"

Salves "What?"

Researcher "Something extremely powerful is heading towards our city. When we used the satellite to enhance the image we saw this"

The researcher passed the tablet to Salves. When Salves looked at the image he frowned.

Salves "Rayquaza? Why is it coming towards LaRousse city?"

Salves has no idea, he gave the tablet back to the researcher.

Salves "Keep an eye on it, if things go south quickly evacuate the citizens"

Researcher "yes"

He ran out leaving Salves alone again.

Salve "Is it just coincidence for Sir Julian to come and take away the crystal and Rayquaza's sudden appearance? I don't know but I should inform this to the headquarters"

Salves also left.


Julian got out of the league facility and looked outside, the Aurora has disappeared but he knows it is not over unless he gets rids of the shadows.

Julian 'After Deoxys returns back to the crystal I will ask Chloe where is the headquarters and destroy it'

He sat on his bike and rode back to the hotel, as he walked in he saw Chloe and Daisy talking with each other and laughing wholeheartedly.

Julian 'They seem to get along perfectly, here I thought there would be some conflicts between them, looks like I was wrong, well a woman's mind is something that will remain unknown to the universe'

Daisy and Chloe noticed Julian entering and became happy.

Daisy "Thank god you arrived safely, I was so worried"

Chloe "Yes"

Julian "Don't worry, here I brought it"

Julian said and took out the crystal, as soon as he took it out a burst of psychic energy came out of Chloe's body, Julian quickly shielded Daisy with Omniforce.

Chloe lost her footing but Julian caught her quickly and placed her on the bed, she slowly opened her eyes once again and looked at Julian.

Chloe "Bring it closer to me, it wants to move back into it"

Julian nodded and placed the piece of meteorite next to her, slowly a green aura started to come out of Daisy and seep into the crystal.

Julian used his omniforce to carefully observe this process.

Julian 'It's going to talk a long time before they completely separate, Deoxys had latched onto her life force to survive till now but now it got back its crystal, it should be no problem'

Julian brought out Infernape to keep a watch while he looks after this process.

Daisy "Will she be alright?"

Julian "Don't worry she will be fine"

Julian said and slowly infused omniforce to stabilize her lifeforce.


Inside the Shadow Legion headquarters.

Grunt "Boss we found her, and it seems Chloe is also with her"

Brad "What? What is Chloe's relationship with her, is she also somehow related to that man?"

Grunt "I don't know boss, I only saw those two talking with each other inside the hotel room"

Brad "Whatever, quickly got and take them in, let's see what he will do when he finds out his beloved is with us"

Grunt "Ok Boss"

The Grunt walked away, soon a scientist walked in with an excited expression.

Scientist "Boss, great news"

Brad "What is it?"

Scientist "Our device is complete, upon that the juvenile Rayquaza is heading towards LaRousse city, we can take control over it, just give us your command and we will do it"

Brad "Hahahahaha great, once we have control over Rayquaza, then I will see how Mr. Champion will do".

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