Julian "A Green crystal?"

Chloe "Yes, the boss of Shadow is after this crystal, he thinks it is somehow related to the pokemon that fought with Rayquaza four years ago" ​​

Daisy "Is it the same pokemon that took control over you?"

Chloe nodded her head.

Chloe "Yes, it is a pokemon from outer space, we don't know anything about it, the boss of Shadow wanted me to go and steal this crystal from the research lab of LaRousse city. When I infiltrated inside the research lab, I found the crystal and just when I was about to take it away it suddenly flashed, the next thing I remember after that is I was in LaRousse city in here, with a faint memory of meeting you on that hillside"

Julian already got what has happened, this crystal belongs to Deoxys and when Chloe tried to take it away, the consciousness of that crystal took over Chloe.

Julian "Tell me more"

Chloe "As I found myself in this place, I was very confused, I tried to get out of here but suddenly a voice spoke to me, I didn't understand what it said but the meaning behind it was very clear to me, it was as if it sent information straight to my head"

Julian "What did it say?"

Chloe "It was asking for help, it said it is trapped and it will die if it cannot get back into its crystal"

Julian "So the consciousness is still inside you?"

Chloe nodded

Julian "What happened to the crystal?"

Chloe "The league took away the crystal and stored it in their high tech vault"

Julian "I see so it has no way to go back to its crystal"

Chloe "Yes"

Julian thought for a while, he could easily take away the crystal if he asks the league, he doubts that they will reject any of his requests.

Julian "Daisy said her life was in danger, what does that mean, I know there was the disaster but why are you still here instead of going out?"

Chloe "It's the shadows"

Julian "Them again?"

Chloe "Yes, they somehow found out you are in Hoenn, the boss seems to be scared off you and he quickly started to look into you, they somehow found out about Daisy and were planning to use her against you, luckily that pokemon told me about this and I took away Daisy from Sootopolis city"

Julian 'Looks like I have to take special care of Brad, he needs some good therapy by yours truly'

Julian started to think of different ways he would torture Brad for even thinking about kidnapping his girlfriend

Chloe "When I brought her here, the pokemon was still strong and it did something to bring a Tyranitar outside, since then the Tyranitar has been outside guarding the entrance, I don't know why but it was effective, no one was able to find us. Too bad the consciousness of this pokemon is slowly fading away, it used its power just when you arrived, now I can only feel a slight trace of it inside me"

Julian frowned hearing this.

Julian 'I see, Deoxys somehow infused that Mega Stone inside the rock so that the Tyranitar comes attracted to it, but it also made its radiation less so that the Tyranitar doesn't get the exact location of that mega stone'

Chloe "Julian, please help it"

Julian nodded, he could do at least that much to help Deoxys who saved his girlfriends' life.

Julian "I will contact the league and ask them to give that meteorite to me, I don't think they will refuse me so you don't need to worry, but first, let's get out of here"

Julian said and stood up and took them out of the underground room when they came outside they saw an uneven ground, burnt grass, and some broken trees.

Julian "Just a little fight don't worry much about it"

Julian said as he looked at their expression.

He then brought out Flygon and Pidgeot, he couldn't bring both of them in his bike and he left this car back at the hotel.

Julian "You two can sit on Pidgeot, I will sit on Flygon"

Chloe looked at Pidgeot and is surprised, she didn't expect Pidgeot to be this big, she vaguely remembered Pidgeot during the hillside battle but she didn't remember exactly how big he was.

Daisy and Chloe sit on Pidgeot and Julian sit on Flygon, they fly away back to the hotel Julian has rented.

After getting back to the city, they landed on the hotel's roof and Julian called back his pokemons, they soon got down and entered the room.

Julian "Should I get a bigger room?"

Julian asked as the bed is small for three of them, they could indeed adjust in but he didn't know if they want to.

Chloe "No need, we will adjust right Daisy?"

Chloe said and winked at Daisy.

Julian had no idea what was running in this woman's mind.

Chloe "Come daisy lets go bath together, I haven't had a proper bath for days"

Chloe dragged away Daisy with her into the bathroom.

Chloe "And Julian, no peeking"

Saying that they closed the door, Julian smiled wearily and looked outside the window.

Julian 'Let's hope everything goes well'

Julian laid back on the bed and browsed through the internet on his phone.

Soon after a few minutes, he heard the bathroom door open and he was stunned. Chloe and Daisy were standing there with just towel wrapped over their body as water still dripped through their hair.

Chloe "Come on Daisy, I know you have been waiting for it"

Chloe dragged Daisy on to the bed and they both jumped on Julian.

Julian didn't admit defeat and soon he was in charge, the whole day, the three bonded with each other and had fun.

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