Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 178 - Pupitar Vs Tyranitar

After entering LaRousse city Julian headed straight towards a hotel and booked a room, he parked his car in the parking lot and decided to head out in search for Daisy and Chloe.

Julian got on this bike and rode off. ​​

Julian 'Let's see where they are right now?'

Julian used his omniforce to track down both Daisy and Chloe's location, he found both of them were together at the north most side of the city.

Julian 'Hmm? That's the forest side of LaRousse city'

Julian recognized where they are but to confirm it he looked in his phone and he is right, the north most part of LaRousse is a thick forest and very powerful pokemons resides there.

Julian 'What are they doing there?'

Julian wondered.

Julian 'I can only find out when I go there'

Julian thought and turned the accelerator on the bike's handle and shot off towards the forest side.

As he accelerated through the streets of LaRousse city, he finally reached the outskirts of the forest, he looked around to see that there were lifeforms on trees and very abundant in numbers.

Julian 'How many Pokemon does this forest have, just the outskirts and I have already found ten in the vicinity'

Julian thought as he entered the forest, he had to be careful while riding as pokemons on the trees could launch an attack on him any second from out a nowhere.

Julian kept Pupitar beside him as he was the only one left to evolve, Julian decided to train him more, it's not that Pupitar is weaker than his teammates, it just that to evolve into Tyranitar he needs much more training and experience than his fellow pokemons.

Tyranitars are very rare pokemon, most of the Pupitars cannot reach the ideal level to evolve into Tyranitar. If a Tyranitar is found in the wild it means it has gone through hell and battle after battle for territories to finally evolve into the monster that their species are.

Pupitar has been training very hard and has the heights level among his fellow pokemons, he just needs more battling and he will reach the ideal level for his evolution to kick in.

He has already started to master dark-type energy with Absol, even though he still doesn't have the typing, his DNA still has the dark traits and when he evolves it will overtake his ground type traits.

Julian "Pupitar stay close and be on guard, the deeper we go, the more dangerous it will get"

Pupitar nodded and floated closely to Julian as he drove deeper into the forest.

The deeper he went in the forest the more pokemon he encountered, Pupitar battled them one after the other, sometime they would get teamed up but Julian still made Pupitar fight them all to put some pressure on him and help him level up fast.

Julian 'I can sense they are near here somewhere'

Julian concentrated and found a lingering aura that he found in the hotel room that day, it was coming from underground.

Julian 'Underground'

Julian thought and moved forward, as Julian reached the place where the aura was the clearest, he frowned when he saw what is in front of him.

A huge Tyranitar standing next to a huge rock.

Julian noticed the scars on its body. He knew this Tyranitar in front of him has fought many battles, from the scar on its belly, he could tell it has defeated many opponents and reached this state

Julian 'This place is great for hiding, I don't know how Chloe and Daisy got past that Tyranitar to get to the underground, but I have to get past it by defeating it'

He looked at Pupitar next to him, Pupitar is ready as he wants to face off against a powerful opponent as well, he has been defeating pokemons after pokemons whit not much effort recently and this Tyranitar in front of him is the real deal and it would definitely give him a hard time.

Julian "Do you want to take it on?"

Julian asked Pupitar, he knows that the Tyranitar is way above Pupitar's league but this may also be helpful for Pupitar to grow more powerful and whit his help from behind he might even win.

Pupitar nodded and moved forward.

Julian also got ready.

The Tyranitar who is standing next to the rock looked at the huge Pupitar in front of it, but it was still little compared to it, Pupitar was bigger than the rest of his species but in front of Tyranitar he Dwarfed, he only came to Tyranitar's knee.

Seeing the Pupitar approaching it, Tyranitar growled and threatened him to back off but Pupitar stayed his ground.

Seeing that Pupitar is not moving Tyranitar roared and sent a powerful Dark Pulse shooting towards Pupitar.

Julian "Pupitar dodge, then use Rock Slide"

Pupitar quickly moved away and dodged the Dark Pulse and sent large rocks at Tyranitar, the rocks crashed onto Tyranitar and pushed it back a little, the rocks got destroyed and Tyranitar stared furiously at Pupitar.

It once again launched a Dark Pulse at Pupitar.

Julian "Dodge and use Focus Blast"

Pupitar moved away and started to store a large amount of energy at a single point, Tyranitar is 4x weak to fighting type moves and if it gets hit by a Focus Blast which is one of the strongest fighting moves it will be devastating.

Sensing the attack Tyranitar quickly took action and launched a powerful Hyper Beam towards Pupitar, Pupitar also launched his Focus Blast and the two attacks clashed.

Tyranitar's attack was definitely stronger than Pupitar's but the typing advantage of Pupitar's attack also played a huge role and both attacks defused each other.

The backlash of these attack colliding caused the trees around the area to be completely ripped off from its stem, the grass on the ground was also charred.

Julian "Pupitar now Ancient Power"

Pupitar's body glowed and started to collect energy from the surroundings and he then shot a huge ball made from rock energy.

The ball of energy hit Tyranitar and it inflected some pain to it, upon that all of Pupitar's stats rose by one stage making him stronger, bulkier and faster.

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