Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 169 - Primal Kyogre And Primal Groudon (2)

As Latios speed up Julian waited in anticipation, after flying for a while they reached near Mauville city and sighed in relief, Groudon didn't go over it but its northern entrance is now completely blocked by huge landmass.

Julian looked forwards and he could see the land mass here is still hot. ​​

Julian "It means Groudon is closer than I expected, Latios move quickly"

Latios nodded and shot towards the directing where Groudon is heading.

Soon Julian arrived above route 118, he saw Primal Groudon walking and creating Landmass as it moved forward, he saw the ground crack and magma gush out of it and form new lad over the old one.

Julian "Infernape, Heatran, Snorlax, come out"

Julian sent out his most powerful pokemons to face Groudon, all three of them landed on the newly formed land and their aura leaked heavily alerting Primal Groudon.

It turned around and looked at the three new opponents, one of them it had fought on equal footing before but now with its Primal form it is more powerful than before but right now it is facing three opponents who are equally as strong as Snorlax.

Primal Groudon looked up and saw Julian and roared at him.

Julian "Infernape, Snorlax, Heatran, force Primal Groudon to the south towards Slateport city"

Hearing Julian's command they got ready.

Heatran started off, his eyes blazed with flames and he started to control the magma around him, he is accumulating a huge amount of firepower in one attack.

He finished gathering energy to the limit and suddenly a large number of rocks and magma started to surround him as he created a humongous tornado out of it which is as tall as Primal Groudon.

He sent Magma Storm hurdling towards Groudon with full power, the humongous magma tornado rushed towards Primal Groudon and forced it to move it's directing towards the south, but Primal Groudon didn't give up so easily, it took the attack head-on and it took some damage but it not that effective, Primal Groudon destroyed the tornado with a powerful swing of its claw enforced with all its power.

It is not over as Snorlax went next and he started to prepare for his most powerful attack, he started to gather up all the dormant power in his body into a single point that is in front of his mouth, slowly a small concentrated ball of energy formed and it slowly started to get bigger and bigger.

The ball of energy started to absorb energy from its surroundings as well.

Primal Groudon noticed the spike of energy near it but it was too late.

Snorlax fired his most powerful Hyper Beam ever, the Hyper Beam shot straight through, distorting the air completely, breaking the sound barrier and hit Primal Groudon directly on its side.

The power behind it was huge, it caused an explosion bigger than when Groudon and Snorlax exchanged the Solar Beams with each other.

But Primal Groudon is no joke, its armor is too tough to crack, it received damage but it just ignored it, but it also lost its balance and tried to get back it's footing on the ground.

How could Infernape lose such a great chance, he was building up a huge amount of energy in his fists for quite a long time now, his fists are glowing white with energy waves emitting out of it, the blue flames over his head danced like crazy and suddenly burst into Blaze.

Infernape activated both his abilities, Blaze and Iron Fist, he launched himself towards Primal Groudon while using Flame Charge to increase his speed more than ever, he ripped through the sound barrier, causing even light to scatter around that area.

In just under a second Infernape is next to Primal Groudon's face, towards the right. Infernape roared as his blue flames turned purple and rose till the sky and he hit Primal Groudon with all his power behind this one single Focus Punch.

The punch hit and the blast caused everything into surrounding to break, the newly formed land shattered below them, the air became completely empty in the surrounding for a second and returned back.

After taking the Focus Punch Primal Groudon couldn't hold its footing and crash landed on the ground.

This is what Julian wanted, from now he could make Groudon move towards the directing as he wanted.

Julian "Quickly block its path towards the east and open up the south"

Heatran, Snorlax, and Infernape quickly took their position.

Primal Groudon started to get up slowly as the ground beneath it cracked and magma started to flow out of it again and new land started to rise again.

Primal Groudon shook off the effect from the previous attack and looked around to see it's path blocked, seeing only one path opened it started to move towards the south.

Julian "Don't let it make any change in directing make it tight if it tries to move towards the other directing attack it again with full power"

Seeing it would just get knocked down if it tried to move towards the other direction Primal Groudon started to move directly towards the south.

It plans to create land over the sea and reach Sootopolis city, it didn't know Julian also wanted it to do so if this happened Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre will surely meet each other and confront each other.

Since the battle will be held in the sea it will be less dangerous than being on the land where it is habituated by many living beings.

As for the ones in the water they have already escaped far, far away from Kyogre to not get caught in a terrifying storm.

It is the combined effort of Heatran, Snorlax, and Infernape that they are able to keep Primal Groudon in control, it hasn't gone berserk so Julian is in relief right now.

Whenever it tried to move towards another directing it would get blasted by many powerful attacks from all three of them.

What really worried Julian is that even after taking so many hits Groudon was still fine, it didn't show any sign of pain or exhaustion.

He knew that these Ancient beings can only return back to normal when they get exhausted or hurt and who could do that better than their counterpart.

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