The condition of Hoenn is worst than Julian expected, the water level is rising significantly and half of Slateport city is drowned underwater, Little root town is completely underwater now.

Julian could sense the two huge amount of aura being released clearly, he knew the time has come step up and do something. ​​

Julian 'These aura being released isn't something anyone can handle'

For the first time, Julian was sensing something that was above his capabilities, he could easily tell that the behemoths were awakening and they would destroy everything in their path and continue doing the task that they were assigned to until they are stopped again and if they cross path with each other it would be a calamity that no one can escape from.

The auras that he is sensing right now is coming from Mt. Chimney and other from the south of Hoenn.

Julian 'Luckily the elites acted fast and evacuated the people from the south, Sootopolis is safe as the walls are higher than any land in Hoenn so people here are safe, but the cities and town near Lavaridge city are in danger'

Julian is currently looking at the TV in which they are currently showing the flood that is taking place in Slateport city through a chopper.

Julian 'I cannot simply sit and watch I have to do something'

Julian stood up and walked out.

Daisy "Where are you going?"

Julian "I will be leaving Sootopolis cities for a few days, I want you to stay here"

Daisy "I will go with you"

Julian "No, it's dangerous where I am going, so stay here"

Daisy "But?"

Julian "No buts, just stay here, I will come back safely"

Daisy nodded and is sad but Julian doesn't have time to worry about her, he had to deal with the current situation.

Julian walked out of the hotel and got in his bike and drove off towards the forest side.

After he reached the forest he took out his mask and the red coat and wore it, he then took out the Eon flute and blew it, suddenly sonic booms could be heard and Latios charged towards Julian with full speed.

Latios levitated in front of him and he had a worried face, Latios could also sense the disaster coming and he is worried about it as well.

Julian "Don't worry, I will look into it"

Julian patted Latios head and hopped on to him as they flew towards Mt. Chimney.

Latios tore through the air and Julian used Omniforce to keep himself on Latios, even though he is on Latios it will take time.

When Latios and Julian finally arrived on Mt. Chimney, Julian is shocked by seeing what is in front of his eyes, the temperature is so high around here that the plants and trees are burning, there is no sign of life around here, all the pokemons living in this area has already left, the few scientists who are working here are wearing special suits which are protecting them front the extremely hot radiating heat.

Julian 'This is madness, their powers are way above my expectations. Of course, they are ancient legendary pokemons, that created the land and the sea and finally stopped after creating Hoenn. They are the first to ever be created of their species, they have lived for who knows how long'

Julian now understood the thing he saw on a screen is completely different from the ones he is going to face, they will be stronger and bigger than the ones he has seen in his previous life.

Julian sighed.

Julian 'No matter what I want I cannot change fate, I wanted peace and quiet but I ended up here, right now, ready to do something really stupid'

Julian is laughing at his fate right now, he understood that as he entered this world everything started to change, his fate also changed when he decided to come to this world, at first he killed to survive, now he had to fight for others survival.

Julian 'Well let's get over with this quickly and peace and quiet will return to my life once again'

Julian thought and patted Latios head and signaled him to go down, as he landed the scientists were startled by his appearance.

Few of them recognized him from the Mt. Pyre video.

Julian "All of you leave, it is dangerous to stay here anymore"

Scientist "But we are in the middle of our research"

Julian "Do you want to die?"

Scientist "N..No"

Julian "Then everybody gets lost from Mt. Chimney it will erupt and none of you will survive even with your protective suits on"

The scientists looked at each other and nodded, they decided to leave as they felt scared of Julian, after an hour the site was clear, the scientists have left with all the equipment s.

Julian 'This area is cleared now let's go and see the south'

Julian ordered Latios to fly south and so he did, he shot through the air and headed towards Slateport city.

When Julian arrived there he saw choppers on the outskirts of Slateport city, they were all news channel choppers.

Julian 'Idiots, they don't even know how dangerous it is here'

Latios flew forwards and Julian saw how half of Slateport city is underwater, the market place he saw was completely underwater.

He noticed a few choppers flying around and filming as the rain started to pour in.

Julian 'This is bad, it's raining now'

Julian already figured out what is happening, the aura from Groudon also woke up Kyogre and it increased its power to bring forth the heavy rain, he suddenly noticed the sudden spike of energy coming from Mt. Chimney.

They are trying to display their powers.

By now Julian knew both of them were already awake and it won't take long before they come out of their lairs.

Julian moved in front of the choppers and looked at them, the sudden appearance of Julian caused the people inside the chopper to get startled and they quickly started filming Julian.

Julian "You all get out of here, it's dangerous"

Reporters "Mister, who are you? What are you doing here, are you the same person that appeared over Mt. Pyre during the lightning storm, what was that pokemon which was with you"

Julian was suddenly bombarded with questions and this ticked of Julian.

Julian's eyes turned cold and he released a heavy pressure on them.

Julian "Leave right now, but if you have a death wish I don't care anymore"

The pressure from Julian suffocated them and soon they left the area in their choppers in fear of Julian.

Seeing them leave Julian sighed in relief but it didn't last long, he suddenly felt it a very powerful gaze looking at him from underwater.

Julian looked down at the raging waves, he knew it was Kyogre, only it could have such a strong gaze.

But this is not the only thing, he felt the spike of energy from Mt. Chimney double than before and it finally happened.

The volcano erupted, it shook the whole Hoenn as flames rose high in the sky and black smoke covered the sky.

Suddenly the sky became bright and the sunlight turned harsh.

Julian "It's here"


A/N - I think some of you are really underestimating Groudon and Kyogre, they are not just a blue ice hen, a rooster on fire and a zapped bird.

They are the pokemons that created the whole pokemon world's land and see, they alone walked and swam across the whole planet to create land and water.

Forget what they showed in the anime and in games, Anime was PG so they didn't go extreme with any legendary pokemon fights and in games, you need to defeat them to complete the game.

Maybe Groudon and Kyogre are not on par with the creation trio but they are still capable of causing a natural disaster.

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