After a day of traveling around the city they day came to an end Next day Julian decide to challenge the gym and move on as he needs to reach LaRousse city to eliminate the Shadows after defeating the Sootopolis gym and he might face even more problems if the gym leaders aren't able to solve the situation of Mt. Chimney.

He asked Daisy to stay or look around the city while he challenges the gym, Daisy agreed so he left the room and headed towards the gym. ​​

When he reached the gym he saw it was themed after space, he saw planet models outside the gym, he also saw two Baltoy statues on the side of the entrance, as he entered the gym he saw the gym's keeper standing in front of the battlefield entrance.

Keeper "Welcome, are you a challenger?"

Julian "Yes I am"

Keeper "Then please enter, the Gym leaders will be waiting for you on the battlefield"

Julian nodded and walked into the door leading to the battlefield, as he entered he saw the battlefield was uneven and he saw four Baltoys on each side on the gym, they were all using their psychic powers to help the planet models levitate high in the air, Julian saw this and shook his head.

He then noticed two kids around the age of 14 come out wearing blue dresses, they are the twins Tate and Liza.

Even though they are 14 years old they have already become gym leaders and that is really impressive.

Tate "So you are our next challenger, Sis it's going to be our 34th consecutive victory"

Liza "It sure will"

Julian 'Well they are arrogant'

Nut Julian didn't mind it, they are 14 and already gym leaders, they could become the champions in future.

Soon a woman with blue hair and glasses walked in, Julian had seen her before, she is Rachel the mother of these two twins and also the referee for this gym.

Julian "So what kind of battle are we having"

Tate/Liza "Of course a double battle"

Julian nodded his head, he was planning to use a certain pokemon for today's battle.

Rachel "Then I will explain the rules, this gym battle will be a Double Pokemon Battle, where both Trainer and the Gym leaders will use two pokemon, nither the Trainer or the Gym Leader is allowed to substitute their pokemon during the battle, the first one to find both of their pokemon unable to battle loses"

Julian nodded listening to the rules.

Tate and Liza also nodded and sent out their pokemon.

Tate "Solrock let's go"

Liza "Lunatone I choose you"

Rachel "Ok then, Trainer bring out your two pokemon"

Julian "Grovyle, Metang you guys are up"

Julian used these two as they are the best counter for this team, Grovyle being a grass-type and Metang being a steel-type.

Tate "You must have done your homework huh? Using pokemons which have an advantage over us, but it won't matter what type of pokemon you use you will still lose"

Liza "Yes, no way are you going to defeat the two of us"

Julian looked at them and understood what was going on, they have fought and won 34 consecutive victories and they have now grown stronger so it has affected their thought process.

Well, Julian had nothing to say as they are still 14 years old.

Julian "From what I see you two are just kids who are too overconfident"

Julian started to get in their heads from the beginning, it would be a lot faster to defeat opponents who lose their reasoning due to anger and kids are like that.

Liza/Tate "What did you say?"

Julian "Am I wrong?"

Julian smirked looking at them.

Their mother Rachel just looked at them and frowned but didn't say anything, she cannot interfere during a battle.

Tate "Let us see if you can talk smack after we defeat you, Sis lets show him"

Liza "Ya, let's show him"

Tate "Solrock Use Tackle on Grovyle"

Julian "Metang cover Grovyle"

As Solrock dashed towards Grovyle Metang suddenly came forward and blocked Solrock, Solrock hit Metang and bounced back vibrating.

Liza "Lunatone use Ice Beam on Grovyle"

Julian "Metang deflect it with Bullet Punch"

Metang swung his arm and completely destroyed the Ice Beam.

Julian "Grovyle, use Agility"

Tate "Solrock use Earth Power on Metang"

Julian "Metang use Magnet Rise"

As Tate tried to use Earth Power on Metang, Metang used Magnet Rise and suddenly gained Immunity to Ground-type moves for some time.

The Earth Power hit Metang but it had no effect on him.

Julian "Grovyle use Leaf Blade"

Tate/Liza "Quick move away"

Solrock and Lunatone rise higher in the air but suddenly they see Grovyle use Metang as a springboard and launches himself towards the two pokemon as his red blades glow, Solrock and Lunatone are not fast enough to dodge the attack so they have to take it head-on.

Liza "Lunatone, use Protect"

Lunatone gets in front of Solrock and creates a barrier, Grovyle's Leaf Blades slash onto the protective barrier, the first slash makes a significant mark while the second slash cuts through the barrier but Solrock and Lunatone escape the disaster.

Julian "No so fast, Grovyle use Energy Balls, Metang use Flash Canon"

Grovyle creates numerous Energy Balls and Metang suddenly launches a powerful Flash Canon, Grovyle follows behind and shoots his Energy Balls as they revolve around the Flash Canon.

The power behind these attack are huge and they are fast, Solrock and Lunatone have to take these attack head-on once again.

Tate/Liza "Use Light Screen"

Both Solrock and Lunatone use Light Screen and they suddenly get protected by a double layer shining screen.

The combined move of Metang and Grovyle hits the screen and shatters it while it becomes weak, it then rips through the second screen and becomes weaker, luckily Solrock and Lunatone get enough time to move away and they escape the attack but it was not over, they suddenly see Metang right next to them.

Julian "Bullet Punch"

Metang swung his fist and blasts Solrock to the ground.

Julian "Leaf Blade"

As Lunatone is cornered it suddenly sees Grovyle come from behind Metang, jumps high and brings down the Leaf Blade on to Lunatone.

Both Solrock and Lunatone crash on the ground and are injured, Grovyle also lands back on the ground, but he suddenly starts to glow, Grovyle is evolving.

His height grows as his single leaf blades separate and turns into two blades in each hand, his tail becomes thicker and turns into a tree-like shape, red round seeds grow on his back.

Grovyle evolves into Sceptile.

Julian 'Finally, System display Sceptile Stats"

System 'Affirmative'



Type - Grass

level - 40

Age - 14 months

Bond - 100%

HP - 130

Attack - 150

Defense - 110

Sp. Atk - 175

Sp. Def - 110

Speed - 160

Move set - Leer, Pound, Giga Drain, Bullet Seed, Quick Attack, Agility, Leaf Blade, Protect, Energy Ball, X-Scissor, Counter, Magical Leaf, Dual Chop, Leaf Storm, Night Slash, Dragon Pulse, Solar Beam.

Ability-Overgrow (Unlocked), Unburdened (Unlocked).


Julian 'Significant increase in Attacks and Speed, he also learned some Dragon moves, now he will be able to learn Dragon force'

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