As the video started to play the Charizard roared loudly and a man standing behind it lifted his hand and flashed a bracelet which had a similar marble on Charizard's neck but much smaller.

The marble on the man's wrist shined and light emitted out of it, the marble on Charizard also shined brightly and the two light fuses with each other, soon Charizard starts to glow and becomes taller, the two horns on its head becomes three, its wingspan becomes larger, its body becomes a little slender, its tail, legs, and hands grow long as well. ​​

Charizard mega evolve into Mega Charizard Y, the people in the mall seeing the video on the screen becomes shocked and fabricated by the changes on Charizard.

Sycamore smiles and stands up from his chair and steps forward.

Sycamore "This is Mega Evolution"

He says with a proud smile over his face, all the reporters, researchers, and trainers start to buzz about the thing they saw just now, they cannot properly process what just happened.

One of the reporters get up and decides to ask the question

"Professor Sycamore can you explain what is this Mega Evolution"

Sycamore "Mega Evolution is Evolution beyond normal evolution, it makes the pokemon more powerful than its final form, Mega Evolution not just only change its appearance and increase its power but also it's abilities and typing"

"So you are saying a pokemon can still evolve even after reaching its final form?"

Sycamore "Yes, but this change is just temporary"

"How is this Evolution achieved"

Sycamore "To mega evolve a pokemon beyond its final form, one must need a Mega Stone which can be seen in the Video, it is the shiny marble on Charizard's chest, the other important thing is the Keystone which can be seen in the video, it is the one the trainer is wearing on his wrist"

The reporters are aggressively writing down everything they are hearing from Professor Sycamore.

"Professor Sycamore, you said Hoenn is the region that started it, can you elaborate on that"

Sycamore "Well at first it was believed that Mega Stones and Keystones could only be found in Kalos and the first Pokemon that mega evolved was in Kalos as well, it was a Lucario."

Sycamore "I dedicated my whole life to find the secret behind Mega Evolution and it led me to the Sundial in Anistar city present in Kalos, this Sundial radiates very unique energy waves similar to Mega Stones, I thought the Sundial was the reason for Mega Stone to exist in this World, but recently my research team found something very interesting, the radiation which is emitted by this Sundial was also found in Hoenn but the amount of radiation was larger than the one in Kalos. After doing our research we finally concluded the reason behind the existence of these mysterious stones. 3000 years ago when the large meteorite hit Hoenn to create Sootopolis city, the same meteorite also brought Mega Stones and Key Stones with it, parts of the meteorite were separated from the main body and fell in different regions as well one of them being Kalos"

Wallace who was sitting was also shocked hearing this, he has spent his whole life in Sootopolis city but never knew about it.

The people present in the mall were also shocked by hearing so many new things, they couldn't even process it properly.

The reporters were busy recording and writing down everything.

Reporter "Professor Sycamore can all pokemon Mega Evolve?"

Sycamore "From what I know every Pokemon can Mega Evolve if introduced to the right Mega Stones which resonate with them, some Pokemons can have multiple Mega Evolution, like Charizard here, Charizard can have two different Mega Evolutions, the one in the video is called Mega Charizard Y its a Fire/Flying type, the other Mega Evolution is called Mega Charizard X where its typing changes to Fire/Dragon"

Reporter "Can we see the other Mega Evolution"

Sycamore "Sure, Sophie play the other clip"

Sophie nodded and played the other Mega Evolution clip where the same process took place and this time Charizard's body turned black and blue flames were coming out from the side of its mouth.

People were amazed by this evolution as well.

Reporter "So where can we find these Mega Stones?"

Sycamore "Well it all depends on a person's luck, Mega Stones can be found anywhere in Hoenn or any place where the piece of Meteorite has crashed because the radiation from the meteorite has caused the land to produce a certain kind of energy which helps to create Mega Stones and Key Stones"

Reporter "So can we see this Mega Evolution with our own eyes in front of us"

Sycamore "Hahaha, that is why Miss Diantha is with me, Miss Diantha please it's your turn"

Saying so Sycamore steps aside to let Diantha be the center of attraction.

Diantha "I am honored to be here and show you the first public documentation of Mega Evolution but before that I want to say this, It is indeed necessary for a Keystone and Mega Stone to be present for a pokemon to mega evolve but there is also another thing that is necessary, the bond between you and your pokemon, without absolute trust between you and your pokemon you cannot achieve Mega Evolution"

The Reporters took her photos and started to write down what she said as well.

Julian also nodded his head agreeing to Diantha about this aspect.

Diantha "Now, let's not talk too much and get to the fun part, Gardevoir come out"

Diantha sent out her Gardevoir, her Gardevoir was wearing a necklace and it had a Mega Stone embedded on it, the people present were quick enough to point it out and it was their first time seeing a Mega Stone in real life.

Diantha took a step forward and started the process.

Diantha "Ready Gardevoir?"

Her Gardevoir nodded and Diantha began, she flashed an identical necklace as Gardevoir's which has a Key Stone in it, it started to emit light alongside Gardevoir's Mega Stone, soon Gardevoir evolved into Mega Gardevoir, now it looked stronger and elegant than before giving off a very refreshing vibe.

People were in awe seeing such a beautiful transformation, Wallace who was sitting behind is also excited by this because not only will it change the era of man and pokemon kind but also gives him and Hoenn to have a fighting chance if calamity does occur.

Daisy was also fascinated by this Mega Evolution and she was already drawing down inspirations she got from seeing all three of those Mega Evolutions, but she suddenly realized something and looked at Julian.

Daisy "Julian, don't you have a bunch of Mega Stones with you, one on Gyarados, Pidgeot and many of your other pokemon"

Julian looked at her and smiled wearily.

Julian "Yes, I have a few of them but keep quite you don't have to speak out loudly"

Luckily the place was now filled with all kind of discussion and nobody heard Daisy talk about them.

Daisy "Oops sorry"

Julian "Don't worry even if they knew, what are they going to do about it"

Julian didn't care even all the Elite Four come together and attack him he would still be about to defeat them easily.

The conference went on and reporters asked many questions about Mega Evolution to Professor Sycamore and he answered them.

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