Julian walked into a room inside the inn without caring about Team Magma being here, plus he would get to know when they will leave for the orb.

He entered a room and closed it from inside and went straight to the bed. ​​

Outside his room, the unconscious grunts woke up and looked around to see nothing abnormal, they had completely forgotten what had just happened and thought they dozed off, they went back to guarding the door as if nothing happened.

After some time passed and the day was coming to an end Courtney the admin of team magma arrived at the inn, Julian was still awake and had Gengar on the watch.

He saw Courtney entering the inn and then walked into the room where the other admins were staying.

Gengar followed behind her went inside the room, Julian could see everything and noticed that Tabitha and Blaise were playing a board game, they stopped when they saw Courtney entering.

Blaise "How did it go?"

Courtney "Team Aqua are also trying to make a move tomorrow but only that Bald Amber will take charge. the other admins of there are being hunted down by Drake of the elite four, we easily outnumber them, we can get hands on both orbs if things go right"

Tabitha "Hahaha, everything is going exactly as Boss Maxie planned, once we get the orb we will control Groudon and create land everywhere"

Blaise "For Team Magma"

Tabitha "For Team Magma"

Courtney "For Team Magma"

The Admins were ready to get hold of the orbs, but they didn't know someone else was smiling looking at this in the same building in another room.


The night went away and the next day arrived, Team Magma made a move, they deployed all the grunts and went towards Mt. Pyre, Julian let Gengar follow them.

After the inn was empty Julian also walked out of the inn and looked outside to find the place pretty quiet, he didn't see children playing and nobody was roaming outside, all the doors and windows were closed, it looked like a ghost town right now.

Julian 'The villagers must have found out about the thing that is going to happen, well its better this way'

Julian pulled out the mask and a long coat and wore it, he took out the Eon flute and blew it, soon Latios came shooting from the sky and levitated near him, he hopped on Latios and looked towards Mt. Pyre.

Julian "Let's go"

He commanded Latios and took off to the sky, soon he arrived next to the top of Mt. Pyre and saw two people standing next to an ancient altar and the alter had two glowing orbs, one was blue and the other was red, Julian was high in the sky so these two girls didn't notice him.

These two were the gym leaders of Mossdeep city Tate and Liza and they had their pokemons alongside them Lunatone and Solrock.

Julian frowned seeing this, from what he saw these pokemons were not strong enough to take on the whole Team Aqua and Magma, maybe they could take down two to three admins but will all the grunts alongside them they had no chance.

Julian 'Looks like the league and the gym leaders completely underestimated the power of Team Magma and Aqua, they don't know how powerful the admins are and how powerful the boss of each faction is'

He waited in the sky and carefully observe what was happening down there, at first it looked like nothing is happening but he noticed people in normal clothing, he knew they were the members of Team Aqua or Magma surrounding Mt. Pyre from all sides.

Soon the main characters came forward, the admin of Team Aqua Amber launched a sneak attack on Tate and Liza alongside with few Aqua grunts.

Tate and Liza were expecting Team Aqua or Magma to interfere but they didn't expect to get sneak attacked by them, their pokemon were hurt by the sneak attack but they still put on a fight, they both worked together and finally brought down most of the Aqua grunts that were alongside Amber.

Amber has a Shedinja which was pretty tired right now as he faced off with Tate and Liza, he was pretty strong, his Shedinja was going head-on against both Lunatone and Solrock.

Amber "What are you idiots doing go and get the orbs"

Amber shouted as he ordered the grunts to get the orbs from the altar, few grunts ran towards the altar to get the orbs but suddenly they were attacked by a flamethrower, the Aqua grunts were sent crashing on the ground.

Amber, Tate, and Liza were startled seeing this they turned around and saw the three admins of Team Magma standing opposite to them.

Amber "Yoooouuuu? Team Magma don't you dare get in our way"

Blaise "Hahaha, Amber your Team Aqua are really stupid, coming alone to steal the orbs, you people should just go back to become a pirate that you are"

Amber was really frustrated, his fellow admins and his boss were on the run as Drake of the elite four was hunting them down, he had escaped and came here to steal the orbs but now team magma interfered with his plans.

Amber couldn't fall back now, he was currently fighting with Tate and Liza, he can't defend against the attacks of Team Magma.

Tabitha "Courtney go and get the orbs"

Courtney nodded and walked towards the altar with her Mightyena to take the orbs.

Tate "Liza stop her I will deal with them"

Tate said to his sister and attacked Amber, Liza chased after Courtney but was suddenly stopped by another Flame thrower.

Blaise "Not so fast"

Blaise stopped her from stepping forwards and started to battle her.

Julian looked at this and decided it was time to make a move.

Julian "Latios fly high"

Latios shot even higher to the sky and reached the clouds, Julian wanted to test out a Mega Evolution and he was very excited about it, he tossed the ball up in the air and Electivire came out, as soon as Electivire came out he started to fall, seeing this Electivire was startled, he looked around and saw Julian next to him riding Latios downwards.

Julian "Electivire are you ready to Mega Evolve?"

Hearing this Electivire looked at his arm, the Mega ring which was attached to a metal armband.

He nodded and got excited, he looked down as he was falling down at a pretty fast rate but that didn't scare him.

Julian "Let's do this"

Julian took out his Keystone out from his shirt and held it in his hands and drove his energy into it.

Julian "Let's go, Electivire Mega Evolve"

Julian's keystone shined brightly and the light emitting from it started to flow towards Electivire's Mega Stone, the Mega Stone also started to shine and it released a purple light which started to fuse with the Keystone's light.

Electivire's body started to glow and the light started to turn purple, his hands became bigger as his fingers turned into red sharp claws, his body grew bigger and his fur turned purple with black strips, his tails split at the end forming into a lightning bolt shape, now he had two tails with four lightning bolt ends, his two horns disappeared and got replaced with three purple color trident shape horns in front of his face, the horns on each side were shaped like lightning bolts and the one in the middle was a straight long purple horn, his whole body was covered with purple lightning.

As he mega evolved the sky around Mt. Pyre started to turn black and started to thunder, lightning cracked and came down on Electivire.

Everyone on Mt. Pyre got scared seeing the sudden change in weather, they had never seen a lightning storm like this, and what was more astonishing was the lighting was purple in color with a hint of red in them.

They noticed a bolt of purple lightning coming straight towards Mt. Pyre, but they found it weird as it was slower than normal lightning.

Courtney "What is happening?"

Tabitha "I don't know, look all our pokemons are shivering in fear, something dangerous is coming down"

Each and everyone on Mt. Pyre was scared right now, the locals were all inside their house so they didn't know what was happening outside, they could only hear the lightning storm.

Julian was fascinated by the drastic change Electivire received, Purple fur with black strips, red sharp claws, a powerful and large body, the long and sharp tail ends, nobody could guess that this is an Electivire.

Electivire could feel the power running through his body, the sheer destructive power of the purple lightning was devastating.

Electivire drove the lightning across his body and shot towards Mt. Pyre with full speed and landed on the ground with a huge bang.


The whole island shook by Electivire landing on it, the members of Team Aqua and Magma were scared to their core by the huge lightning bolt that hit Mt. Pyre, they could not see what was inside this purple lightning but they knew it was not something they could mess with.

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