After walking out of the gym Julian went back to the tree house hotel, he knew he cannot waste time and he definitely can't allow Team Magma to Team Aqua to get the orbs.

He wanted to visit Mt. Pyre as soon as possible, he had seen how distributed the gym leaders of the Hoenn where. ​​

He didn't believe just two gym leaders can handle Team Magma and Aqua both simultaneously.

When he reached the tree house hotel he saw Daisy was awake and was talking to some lady.

Julian "Daisy are you busy?"

Daisy "Oh Julian, actually I am, I heard that there will be a festival soon in Fortree city and there is also a Pokemon groomer's exhibition and I am planning of attending"

Julian "I see, actually I also have a very important job to do and I need to leave Fortree as soon as possible"

Daisy "What? You can't come with me to the exhibition?"

Julian "I am sorry but this is important"

Daisy thought for a while and nodded.

Daisy "Ok then be safe I will wait for you to come back"

Julian "Thank you for understanding, I will be going then, and here take the car keys you may need them if anything happened"

Julian threw the car keys at Daisy and she caught it.

Daisy "You don't need them?"

Julian "For the time being, no"

Daisy kept the car keys in her bag and nodded at Julian.

Julian "Ok then, enjoy while visiting the exhibition"

Daisy "You too, be safe"

Julian nodded and walked away from the tree house hotel, he walked across the rope bridge and arrived at a quiet location.

He needed to reach Mt. Pyre as quick as possible, of course, Pidgeot was the best option but he needed something faster and he had just the right thing up his sleeve.

He put his hand inside his dimensional pouch and took out a flute, it was the eon flute given to him by Latios and Latias.

He looked around to check if anyone was present nearby, seeing that no one was present around he blew the flute, as he blew the flute he didn't hear any sound coming from it but he could feel the tiny vibrations being created around the flute.

He stopped blowing the flute and looked up in the sky, he then suddenly noticed a black dot up int the sky miles away coming towards him at full speed, as the black dot got closer he could clearly see that it was not black but blue, Latios came rushing towards Julian breaking the sound barrier and stopped right in front of him.

Julian "You came"

Julian patted Latios head and smiled, Latios rubbed his head against Julian happily.

Julian "I need you to take me to Mt. Pyre as soon as possible"

Hearing Julian Latios nodded. Julian didn't waste any more time and hopped onto Latios and Latios took off.

Latios traveled at blinding speed, luckily Julian could easily see even after traveling at such high speed.

To his surprise, he was already above route 120, if he had taken his car it would take him more than an hour to reach route 120 but it only took minutes for Latios to arrive here.

With this speed, I will be at Mt. Pyre within four hours, Latios could, of course, go even faster but riding with someone on his back will make it a very shaky and unstable flight.

As Latios was flying he suddenly started to slow down and finally stopped, Julian noticed this and looked around.

Julian "What happened?"

Latios pointed towards the ground as he showed a worried expression, seeing this Julian looked down and saw that they were right above the Ancient Tomb, people say that a legendary pokemon lives inside and it's very dangerous to go inside alone.

Julian "Is something wrong inside the Ancient Tomb?"

Latios nodded his head.

Julian sighed seeing this, Latios and Latias are very friendly pokemon and they don't like to see anyone being harmed, Julian guessed that there was some kind of pokemon inside the Ancient Tomb in trouble and Latios could sense it so he stopped and asked Julian for help.

Julian nodded and agreed to help, he wasn't in a hurry right now after experiencing Latios's speed in flight.

Julian "Ok let's go and see what is happening there"

Latios dived down towards the Ancient Cave as soon as he heard Julian's call, Latios entered the Ancient tomb through the cave which leads inside the tomb, Julian looked around and saw that the cave was recently visited by a group of people as the footprints on the ground were quite fresh.

Julian knew that something is not right, so many human footprints entering an unknown Ancient Tomb only spelled one word for Julian and that is unnecessary trouble.

He and Latios advance forwards and suddenly they heard a bang, Julian knew there was a fight going on, he had no choice to take out his mask and wear it.

Julian "Latios let's go"

Latios flew forward and when they arrived at the spot they saw two 13-15-year-old kids fighting with some team rocket grunts, Julian recognized these two kids, they were Jimmy and Marina who he met before reaching Fortree city.

Of course, the grunts noticed the unknown visitor, they saw a man wearing a red mask and black coat standing on top of Latios looking down on them, just seeing the man they felt some kind of pressure, one of the grunts gathered up some courage to speak.

Grunt "Who are you?"

Julian "You don't need to know".



I have said this several times, and I will say it again, I want my readers not to get confused why Julian is not recognized.

Yes, he was a champion but only for a few months, soon Lance took over his spot and became champion, now if you think about the champion of Kanto and Jhoto its Lance and everyone will say that.

If you ask a gym leader who is the champion of Kanto they will say its Lance, not Julian.

It's been months since Julian went public (a reference to our time, its more than a year).

People of other regions will think of Lance when the champion of Kanto is mentioned, not Julian so I want you to keep that in mind.

And one more thing, even if the gym leaders know about Julian's existence, they cannot simply remember a face that has not been seen for months, I am not telling Julian is forgotten, Julian is still that badass man who was undefeated in Indigo league, I am telling his face is forgotten, people tend to forget, they are not gods to remember everyone's faces, even Julian cannot remember everyone's faces even after his memory being enhanced, and people won't stay on the internet to look at other people's faces every day (Some might, I don't judge them?).

Then there come people who recognized his, let's take Max, he is one of Julian's die-hard fans so he remembers Julian's face, there is his father when he saw Julian's poster and it jogged his memory, there is Roxxena who overheard Ash and his friends which helped her remember who Julian is as well, then there is Marina, she is a die-hard fan of Lance and Lance has only lost to Julian making her not forget his face as well.

Hope this clears up all your doubts.

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