Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 138 - Julian Vs Winona (2)

Winona sent her Pelipper and Julian returned Metang back, he didn't want to overstress Metang in his very first gym battle.

Julian "Kirlia lets go" ​​

Kirlia entered the battlefield and looked at her opponent.

Winona "Pelipper, use Steel Wing"

Pelipper dived down towards Kirlia as its wings got covered by a layer of Steel energy, Pelipper used Steel wing and attacked Kirlia.

Julian "Kirlia, use Double Team"

Kirlia quickly made multiple copies of herself and avoided the Steel Wing.

Julian "Psyshock"

Winona "Pelipper quickly dodge"

As Pelipper was very close to Kirlia and its back was turned against her it couldn't dodge and got hit by the Psyshock, as Pelipper's defense was higher than the special defense it somehow survived the attack and quickly made its escape to the sky.

Winona knew she cannot launch any physical attack at Kirlia.

Winona "Pelipper, use Ice Beam, freeze the whole battlefield"

Pelipper shot Ice Beam and started to freeze the battlefield.

Julian "Kirlia use your psychic powers and levitate"

Kirlia didn't have the ability like Levitate but she could still easily float using her psychic powers so attacks from the ground were also useless to her.

Julian knew that Winona was trying to restrict Kirlia's movement by using Ice Beam but she didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Winona "What?"

Winona was really not expecting something like this.

Julian "Kirlia use Sunny Day"

Kirlia raised her hand and suddenly the sun rays became brighter and hotter, the frozen Ice battlefield started to melt.

Due to Sunny Day, Pelipper's water type attack powers got reduced.

Winona "Pelipper, use Rain Dance"

To counter the Sunny Day, Pelipper used Rain Dance, soon it started to rain and the Sunny Day was canceled, Pelipper's water type attack power rose.

Winona "Pelipper finish this, use Hurricane"

Due to Rain Dance in place, Hurricane would hit no matter what the opposition did,

Julian "Kirlia use Light Screen then protect yourself with a psychic barrier"

Kirlia used Light Screen, which will reduce every special attack's power by 50% then she created a barrier made of psychic energy and covered herself.

The Hurricane came hurdling towards Kirlia, soon it surrounded her the power of the hurricane was reduced due to Light screen and Kirlia was safe inside her psychic barrier.

But the hurricane wasn't going to stop, Kirlia focused on increasing her psychic powers as she used Calm Mind and her psychic powers kept increasing, suddenly she started to glow.

Julian "Looks like she decided to evolve"

Kirlia was holding back her evolution to perfect her psychic energy control and now that she had reached the limit of her middle stage evolution she has no choice to evolve, soon her height started to increase and her hands became longer and slender, her white coat grew longer covering her legs, the horns on her head moved towards her chest.

Kirlia evolved into Gardevoir.

Julian 'System display Gardevoir stats'

System 'Affirmative'




Level - 35

Age - 14 months

Bond - 99%

HP - 90

Attack - 90

Defense - 80

Sp. Atk - 152

Sp. Def - 130

Speed - 100

Move set - Growl, Psyshock, Confusion, Calm Mind, Double Team, Teleport, Draining Kiss, Disarming Voice, Light Screen, Magical Leaf, Heal Pulse, Future Sight, Shock Wave, Moon Blast, Dazzling Gleam.

Ability- Synchronize(Unlocked), Telepathy(Unlocked).


Julian 'Great, Gardevoir evolution has brought great abilities, she really did well focusing on mastering her psychic and fairy type energy'

Julian "Gardevoir let's finish this"

Gardevoir who was inside her protective psychic barrier nodded and suddenly her eyes glowed and she sent out a psychic blast with her psychic barrier which ripped through the Hurricane and Gardevoir came to their sight, she looked majestic in her new form.

Julian "Gardevoir, Dazzling Gleam"

Gardevoir rose up in the air and suddenly released a bright dazzling light which blinded Pelipper and a white beam was shot at it, the white beam hit Pelipper and sent it crashing on the ground.

Julian "Finish this, Shock Wave"

Gardevoir sent out a wide area Electric Wave which could not be dodged, Pelipper received it directly and got electrocuted, as Pelipper is 4x weak to electric attack it didn't survive the attack and fainted.

Winona "Hmph, you got lucky"

Julian "Luck is also a very important factor in a pokemon battle"

Winona didn't say anything, she was just pissed on how Julian didn't care about her status as a gym leader, he was acting as if it is a normal trainer's battle.

Winona "There are still two pokemons left don't get ahead of yourself"

Julian just smirked hearing this, seeing his smirk Winona gritted her teeth.

Winona "Skarmory, I choose you"

She sent out her Skarmory, it was a perfect match for Gardevoir but Julian was thinking of bringing a new player to the battleground.

Julian "Gardevoir return"

Julian called back Gardevoir and threw another Pokeball up in the air.

The Pokeball opened and Trapinch came out of it.

Winona was surprised by this choice, she knew that Julian was not an idiot to send out a ground type pokemon to battle a flying type.

Winona 'Maybe it knows rock type moves'

Winona was on edge right now

Winona "Skarmory, use Swift"

Skarmory shot multiple star-shaped energy blades at Trapinch.

Julian "Dig"

Trapinch quickly dug into the ground and escaped the Swifts.

Winona "Skarmory, as soon as Trapinch surfaces attack with Air Slash"

Julian "Trapinch play around the battlefield"

The battlefield started to shake a little, suddenly a part of the battlefield started to move down, Skarmory saw this and suddenly attacked with Air Slash, as the Air Slash hit the ground the process became faster and suddenly a pit was created in seconds.

Again another part of the battlefield was going down, Skarmory once again attacked using Air Slash and another pit was created, soon Trapinch started to do the same everywhere and Skarmory kept attacking forming pits all over the battlefield.

Winona frowned seeing this, not because the battlefield was a complete mess but what was Julian planning to do.

She looked at Skarmory and at the pits, then she noticed something, her Skarmory was getting tired whereas Trapinch could make how much ever pits he want as it is natural to his species.

Winona 'He wanted to tire our Skarmory from the start'

Winona realized it but it was too late, her Skarmory has used a lot of energy attacking the ground.

Julian "Use Rock Slide"

Trapinch came out of the ground, Skarmory saw this and attacked with another Air Slash but it was too tired to make an accurate attack, Trapinch easily dodged the attack and brought down multiple rocks on Skarmory, Skarmory couldn't dodge the rocks and came down crashing with the rocks, as it crashed on the ground the whole battlefield got covered with dust.

Seeing this Winona gritted her teeth, she didn't know what to do and how to counter that dig, she couldn't even switch her pokemon, she was in a really bad spot.

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