"Welcome. My name is Eldes, and I am a resident of Mt. Battle. Are you perhaps an adventurer?" Eldes asks in a friendly tone.

Julian "How did you know?"

Julian plays along. He can already feel this man's intentions. So now he wants to figure out this man.

Eldes "You are clearly not a native and definitely not from Orre. These eyes have seen the world after all"

Julian "Impressive,"

Eldes "Hahaha, it's nothing. Well, anyway, I just wanted to welcome you to our humble town when I saw you."

Julian "Thankyou,"

Eldes "Now, be careful out there. The region is not stable right now and there are dangers everywhere. Especially for an adventurer like you. Thieves and bandits walking around with ill intentions"

He warns and walks away

Julian 'This bastard is definitely cooking up something,'

Julian thinks and continues looking around the town. Even though he is on a mission, he can't help but get distracted by the complex town that Mt. Battle is.

Even after being one of the poorest regions in the world, innovation is very present here. People have built so many unique machines and devices that Julian has never seen before and that too on such a large scale.

He can't help but wonder what the people of this region will be able to do once they are free of Cipher's control and when the region starts flourishing with development projects from other richer regions.

As a rich man, he too sees great potential in this region and he wouldn't mind opening a mechanical and technological branch here.

Done with looking around, Julian starts asking for Vander and he quickly gets an address.

He arrives at the town center and finds a grand building that is very ancient. It looks like a king's palace. Well, it used to be one. Now it is a government building where the town leader lives.

He walks in and sees wild pokemons occupying the gardens. They are small and harmless so the officials don't bother chasing them away.

Julian arrives at the front gate and is immediately stopped once again by an official guard.

"Halt! State your business!" The guard shouts.

Julian "I am here to meet Mr. Vander. Here you can show this to him."

Julian says and hands over the same card he used to get inside the town, just as Lily suggested.

The guard takes the card and goes in.

Soon after, he rushes out and welcomes Julian into the mansion.

Once in, Julian is immediately greeted by an elegant maid who guides him to the office room. She knocks on the office room's door and announces his presence.

"Come in."

 A strong masculine voice comes from the other end.

The maid pushes the door open and guides Julian inside.

Julian sees a man in his thirties with short maroon hair, brown eyes, and wearing an elegant-looking suit, fitting for a man in charge.

Vander "You are Mr. Julian, welcome!"

Vander gets out of his seat and walks up to Julian to greet him with a handshake. Julian shakes his hand and greets back.

Julian "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Vander,"

Julian says.

Vander "You may leave,"

Vander says to the maid. The maid bows and leaves, leaving Julian and Vander alone.

Vander "Please take a seat,"

Vander insists.

Julian sits down and so does Vander.

Julian "If you know me, then you must know why I am here?"

Julian asks.

Vander "I am sorry Mr. Julian. I only knew it was you when I saw you. Who doesn't know the great Julian? I allowed you to meet me because of the card you had in your possession. Prior to this, I did not know you were here. As for the reason for your visit, you need to be more specific"

Vander says.

Julian 'Looks like Lily hasn't told anyone about the kidnapping. Not even Vander,'

Julian thinks as he stares at Vander, making Vander a little uncomfortable.

Julian "So you work for the resistance,"

Julian comments, catching Vander off guard, but he quickly collects himself.

Vander "Lily must have told you about me since you have her card,"

Vander says to which Julian nods her head.

Julian "She sent me here as I am looking for someone. She said you are the only person who can help."

Julian says.

Vander "Who are you looking for?"

Vander asks.

Julian "Professor Krane has been kidnapped and I need to know where he might have taken."

Julian says.

Vander "What Professor Krane has been kidnapped?"

Vander gets off his seat and asks in shock.

Julian "Don't you work as an informant? Weren't you aware of this?"

Julian asks.

Vander "I was not informed about this at all,"

Vander says.

Julian 'Hmm, they didn't tell him. Do they suspect him of being a double agent?'

Julian questions, but doesn't voice out his thoughts.

Julian "Well, what matters right now is to find Professor Krane. Do you know where he could be taken?"

Julian asks again.

After giving it some thought, Vander finally speaks.

Vander "I think I know... There is a hidden lab in a desert south of the mountain... It is the only place I can think of as It's the closest to Gateon and located in a very remote area. It will be difficult to locate without directions,"

Vander says.

Julian "Do you have the directions?"

Julian asks to which Vander shakes his head.

Vander "No, I got hold of this information secretly. I don't know where exactly it is,"

Vander says.

Julian "It's good enough for me. I will take my leave then"

Julian says and leaves.

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