Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 136 - Hoenn Is In Trouble.

Next day Julian and Daisy finally reached Fortree city, when they entered the city they saw houses built on top of trees, each and every house was connected with rope bridges which were attached to tree tops. Stores and Pokemon center were built on ground for the convenience of travelers.

Julian noticed that everyone living in this city was fit as they had to climb up trees, of course, there were ladders but most of them didn't use it at all, it was mostly used by the tourist. ​​

Daisy "Look all the houses are built on treetops, I wonder why they do this?"

Julian "The motto of the city goes 'The Treetop City that Frolics with Nature', I think the people of this city want to be connected with nature and its wild pokemons so they built their house on tree tops"

Julian was indeed right, people living here all believe in being connected with the wildlife so they decided to build their homes on treetops, they always welcome wild pokemon to their home that enters through their doors and windows.

Julian had to drive carefully because he heard many Kecleon block people's path after turning invisible, Julian drove slowly as he used him omniforce to scan the surroundings and avoid any Kecleon that was sitting in front of the road completely invisible.

He finally stopped in front of a huge tree that housed a huge tree house, it is actually a hotel for travelers to stay.

Julian got out of his car and walked towards the tree trunk, Daisy quickly followed behind him as she was excited seeing a completely different type of lifestyle, Julian started to climb the tree and reached the top, he helped Daisy to get on board on the ledge of the house, they opened the door and entered the tree house, as they entered they were greeted by a young boy who was wearing white clothes.

Boy "Welcome to our tree house hotel, please visit the counter to rent a room"

Daisy "Thank you"

Julian and Daisy walked towards the counter and saw a woman sitting at the counter as she was attending to some travelers. Daisy walked forwards to rent a room while Julian started to look around the hotel, he saw that the windows were opened, he noticed some Taillow sitting on the rail of the windows picking small fruits that were growing in the trees that were right next to the window.

He noticed that Daisy has finished renting a room so he followed her upstairs, as they entered their room they saw that everything was made of wood, the bed, table, chair, walls, windows.

Daisy "I kinda feel like I am one with nature"

Julian "Sure"

Daisy "You don't believe me do you?"

Julian "I totally believe you"

Daisy "Fine, I am tired so I will be resting you can do whatever you want"

Daisy seemed pissed but she soon fell asleep, seeing that he has nothing to do here, he decided to explore the city and maybe challenge the gym.

He went out of his room and walked out of the treetop hotel, he looked around and saw that there was more than one rope bridge connecting to different directions.

Julian 'Where should I go?'

Julian wondered as he looked left and right, he finally chose one of the rope bridge and moved forwards, he noticed that Kecleon are even on the rope bridge sitting still and making people fall on their face.

Julian carefully avoided them and started to move around the city, he was impressed by the construction of the city, it may be made of wood but the construction was made in a very sophisticated way that it could even survive a real earthquake.

Julian moved towards the middle of the city where all the big buildings and the gym was situated, when he reached there he saw a few familiar faces.

Julian 'Wallace and Norman what are they doing here?'

Julian was surprised seeing both Wallace and Norman, one is the current champion of Hoenn while other is a powerful gym leader.

Normally every gym leader is powerful and they have many pokemons with them, they choose their pokemon looking at their opponent's pokemon or how many badges they had, when Julian first challenged Norman he had no badges so Norman chose his pokemon which could be defeated by rookie trainers and pokemons but it won't be easy either.

As he stood on his spot he noticed another gym leader arriving at the scene, it was Roxanne.

Julian 'Something huge is happening and this is just the calm before the storm'

Julian waited there and observed what the gym leader and the champion are planning to do, soon they entered the gym and disappeared from Julian's sight.

Julian "Gengar, come out"

Julian called and asked him to spy on the gym leaders.

Julian "Gengar be careful and don't get caught, also don't cause any trouble"

Gengar nodded and disappeared into the shadows, Gengar snuck into the gym while Julian waited outside, Julian could now easily see and hear what Gengar to see and hear from the connection between them.

Julian noticed that there was more than one gym leader inside, he saw Roxanne, Brawly, Norman, Winona, and Juan, Wallace was also inside sitting next to Juan as Juan is his Mentor.

Juan "Where is that new gym leader who called for this meeting?"

Winona "Flannery will be arriving shortly, something serious is happening in Hoenn"

Julian who is outside frowned hearing this.

He suddenly noticed a girl with red hair riding an Arcanine coming towards the gym.

Julian 'Flannery!'

Flannery quickly stopped her Arcanine and sent it back to its Pokeball and went inside the gym, Julian saw Flannery entering the Gengar's sight.

Flannery took her seat and tried to catch some breath, all the leaders present were staring at her.

Juan "Tell me, Flannery, why did you ask this sudden gathering?"

Flannery "Something bad, very bad, Mt. Chimney died"

Everyone "WHAT?"

Juan "Don't joke around, do you know how severe this is"

Flannery "I am not joking, Team Aqua stole a meteorite from Professor Cozmo to power up some kind of machine they built to kill the volcanic activity of Mt. Chimney, I was trying to stop them but the Admin of Team Aqua interfered and stopped me, I defeated her but it was too late, they succeeded in killing Mt. Chimney "

Mt. Chimney is an integral part of the water cycle of the Hoenn region, as the heat emitted by it evaporates water from the sea around the region and maintain the water level under the safe zone marking.

Wallace "Mentor this is a serious problem if it stays like this soon the water level on Hoenn will rise and flood every city and town, and if the flooding happens the imbalance may lead to them awakening again"

Juan "Those Team Aqua imbeciles did this on purpose, they want us to be distracted with keeping the safety of Hoenn and they will try to steal the orbs in Mr. Pyre"

Winona "We should not worry about the orbs right now, I had assigned Tate and Liza to take care of the orbs, we should concentrate on how to activate the volcanic activities of Mt. Chimney again"

Flannery "Winona is right, we should first concentrate on how to bring Mt. Chimney back to life or whole Hoenn will drown and those things will awaken"

Juan "What's the estimated time for the water to start rising?"

Flannery "About a month from today"

Juan "Hmm, ok then let's concentrate on Mt. Chimney first, every gym leader go back to you respected cities and start to evacuate the people living there, I and Wallace will visit the Devon corporation and talk with Mr. Devon and figure out how to bring back the volcanic activities"

The remaining gym leaders understood and quickly left for their respective cities to start the mission.

Julian who saw everything frowned.

Julian 'I was too busy dealing with the shadows that these two idiotic teams caused another trouble and this time the trouble is even bigger than I expected'

Julian was thinking about what he should do.

Julian 'Let the gym leaders do what they planned, I will go to Mt. Pyre and stop those idiotic team on getting their hands on the orbs'

Julian "But first, let's get that badge"

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