Julian allowed Metang to meet his other pokemons and greet and bond with them, after they got familiarized with each other, Julian walked back to the small village, when he reached there he noticed the people were just doing their regular work as if nothing happened at all, he thought they would be startled after such a big shock.

Seeing no reaction Julian sighed and walked towards Mr & Mrs. Abreo's home to find Daisy helping out Mrs. Abreo. ​​

Daisy "Julian you are finally here, that earthquake nearly scared me, Mrs. Abreo said that earthquake happened very frequently here"

Julian "I am fine don't worry"

Daisy "Are we leaving?"

Julian "Yes, we should leave, we should not trouble them by staying here for long"

Mr. Abreo "Don't worry young man, we can stay here as long as you want"

Julian "Thank you, Mr. Abreo, but we have important things to do"

Daisy "Thank you for the hospitality Mr & Mrs. Abreo, we will be leaving"

Mrs. Abreo "If you wish we can't hold you back, but come back and visit us sometimes"

Daisy "We will"

Julian "Once again thank you"

Saying so Julian walked towards his car followed by Daisy, soon they drove off on the road that leads to Fortree City.

Julian had now calmed down and started to think rationally about the things that happened in recent days.

Julian had left a mark on Chloe's body with Omniforce so he could locate her down anytime he wants, he was thinking about the last thing Chloe said to him, she said she had some unfinished business and she had to finish them.

He could not think of any possibilities of how Chloe became what she is at the current moment, she left no clue or a trail.

The only thing he knew was something was up in either Sootopolis city or LaRousse city, everything will take place in these two cities and he had to be there to find out what's happening.

After traveling for a few days Julian and Daisy had set up a camp in a forest near Fortree city.

Julian "We will reach the city by tomorrow"

Daisy "Great, I was tired of sleeping in a tent, finally some bed"

Julian "Ok I will be training my pokemons, then"

Julian got up and walked towards an empty area and called out his pokemons and started to train them, his old pokemons were with Daisy as she always groomed them up, having Daisy with him on the journey had helped Julian very much, she would always help him take care of his pokemons so he can concentrate on training his new pokemons.

As Julian was training his pokemons he noticed two kids who looked like he was 12-14 years old the boy was wearing a red hoodie and yellow half pants, he was also wearing a yellow cap and the girl had blue hair and wore a white jacket over a pink top and knee-length leggings.

He noticed Julian training his pokemons.

Jimmy "Hello my name is Jimmy and I am from New Bark town in Jhoto"

Marina "Hello my name is Marina and I am also from New Bark town"

Julian "Hello I am Julian"

Jimmy looked at his pokemons and fascinated by them, they all looked majestic, Marina was also the same, she liked pokemons which looked beautiful and cute and when she saw Julian's Milotic she fell in love, she was also captured by Julian's other cute pokemons as well.

Jimmy "Your pokemons look very strong, can I have a battle with you"

Julian "A battle?"

Julian 'Hmm I can have Larvitar battle, he is close to evolving'

Julian "Ok, how many pokemons do you want to use"

Jimmy "Let battle with two pokemons"

Julian "Ok then"

Julian came to the side.

Julian "Larvitar you are up"

Larvitar went and took his place and stared at Jimmy.

Jimmy "A Larvitar huh? I choose Quilava"

Julian was surprised by this choice, Larvitar had many type-weakness that could be taken advantage of but Fire was not one of them.

Julian "Are you sure"

Julian asked Jimmy as he was smiling.

Julian thought that this Jimmy resembled Ash very much.

Jimmy "Don't underestimate us, I and Quilava are very strong"

Julian "If you say so"

Jimmy "Quilava use Quick Attack"

Julian "Iron Defense"

Quilava charged towards Larvitar with full speed but before it could hit Larvitar, Larvitar used Iron defense, suddenly his body got covered by steel energy, as Quilava hit Larvitar it felt like hitting a metal pole and the backlash went through its body sending shivers.

Julian "Iron Head"

Larvitar activated Iron Head and gave a headbutt to Quilava sending it crashing on the ground, even though the move type was not effective it still had power behind it.

Jimmy 'So strong'

Jimmy "Quilava use Flame Wheel"

Julian "Use Sand Storm"

Suddenly the field got covered by sand storm and Larvitar's ability kicked in as he blended into the sandstorm, Quilava was rolling on the ground aimlessly.

Jimmy "Quilava stop"

Quilava stopped spinning and looked around, it couldn't see anything, the Sandstorm was flaring up and hurting Quilava slowly.

Julian "Use Rock Slide"

Jimmy "Quilava keep moving don't stop"

Quilava used quick attack and started to move around, the rocks started to fall next to it as it kept dodging.

Julian "Iron Defense"

Jimmy was taken back by this call then he suddenly realized something but it was too late, Quilava didn't notice Larvitar was right in front of it, it slammed into Larvitar and felt like it crashed into an iron pole.

Julian "Use Crunch"

As Quilava was startled and its head was spinning due to the sudden collision, it didn't notice the two giant jaws made of dark energy slamming shut on it.

Quilava was sent crashing out of the Sandstorm as it fell in front of Jimmy completely knocked out.

Larvitar may look week but he was the most powerful pokemon in Julian's Hoenn team, he didn't have flashy moves but with the help of Sandstorm and his ability Sand Veil he could blend in like he was not there at all.

Even if a pokemon had an advantage against Larvitar, its main problem will be to find him first before attacking.

Julian "I warned you before, I can see your Quilava is strong but if you go against someone like me who is calculative you can't just use with speed and weird strategies"

Julian already had seen through Jimmy he was just like Ash.

Jimmy "The battle is still not over, Murkrow come out"

Julian "Then make a move"

Jimmy "Murkrow use Air cutters"

Murkrow created numerous air blades and shot it down on the ongoing Sandstorm, the Sandstorm slowly faded away and Larvitar could be seen standing there.

Jimmy "Now, Feint Attack"

Murkrow dived down and charged at Larvitar, Feint attack couldn't be dodged so Larvitar had to take it head-on.

Julian "Iron Defense"

Larvitar used Iron Defense again and stood still on his spot, Murkrow came crashing towards Larvitar and slammed into him, Larvitar stood still and braced the impact, Larvitar caught hold of Murkrow's wings and withstood the attack.

Suddenly Larvitar's body started to glow as his hands and legs disappeared and his body started to change and grow big.

Julian 'He finally evolved'

Larvitar turned into Pupitar, he was a huge white shell with eyes.

Julian 'System display Pupitar's stats'

System 'Affirmative'



Type - Rock/Ground

Level - 31

Age - 12 months

Bond - 92%

HP - 170

Attack - 140

Defense - 180

Sp. Atk - 100

Sp. Def - 120

Speed - 70

Move set - Crunch, Leer, Sand Storm, Iron Defense, Substitute, Iron Head, Bulldoze, Earth Power, Rock Slide, Thrash, Dark Pulse, Earthquake, Stone Edge.

Ability- Shed skin (Unlock).


Julian 'He lost his abilities and gained a tremendous increase in both attack and defense, he also learned some new moves, Dark Pulse, Earthquake, and Stone Edge'

Julian "Pupitar finish it, Stone Edge"

Murkrow was startled by the sudden evolution so it didn't move, suddenly a blue glowing rock came from underground and slammed into it, sending it flying up in the air, it crashed down on the ground and fainted.

Julian "Looks like I win"

Jimmy sighed.

Jimmy "You are so strong, don't you think Marina?"

Jimmy turned towards Marina and saw her frozen on the spot staring at Julian.

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