Julian walked around the school until Daisy's exam was over, the pokemon school was nothing special it was the same as other schools in different cities and towns.

After waiting around for three hours Daisy finally came back finishing her exam. ​​

Julian "How did it go?"

Daisy "I think it went well"

Julian "Great, so we can leave to Fortree city?"

Daisy "Ok, when do we leave?"

Julian "We can leave today"

Daisy "Fine, lets head back to the hotel then we can continue"

Julian took Daisy back to the hotel so that she could get ready, Julian went out to fill up his stock and returned back to see that Daisy was ready since they had nothing to do they left the town and headed back to Mauville city as it was the only way to go east of Hoenn, Mauville city connected many town and cities, it was also the biggest city in the east of Hoenn.

While riding back to Mauville city through route 11 they didn't face any trouble, the road was peaceful and no sign of sandstorm could be seen.

Once they reached Mauville city after days of riding they rested there for a day before continuing their journey through route 19.

After traveling from route 18 to 19 he noticed that there are many grasslands and big hills around here, he noticed that birds of different regions could also be seen flying around here, Julian thought how much a picture of a landscape changed just by moving from one place to another.

As he was enjoying the scenery he heard something flying towards them from the back with full speed, he turned around a saw a big blue pokemon with red wings shooting like a jet in the air, he also saw a woman sitting on it and she had red hair and glowing green eyes, but these eyes looked dead with no self-conscious reflecting on it.

When Julian saw this woman he was shocked, he froze for a second and came back

Julian "Chloe?"

Julian hit the accelerator and chased after the Salamence, Daisy was startled seeing Julian act like this, she heard Julian call out a woman's name and looked at the woman sitting on top of that Salamence.

Daisy 'Is she the one Julian was talking about'

Daisy becomes nervous and her heart beat fast as she falls into deep thought.

Julian chases after the Salamence, Salamence who was flying at full speed looked back and see someone chasing it so it increases its speed.

Julian "Pidgeot come out"

Julian "Pidgeot keep an eye on that Salamence follow it till the end"

Pidgeot nods and shoots towards the sky and chase Salamence, Chloe who was sitting on top of the Salamence turns around and looks at Julian but there is something different about her.

Julian "Her eyes, they look lifeless"

Julian got worried about seeing this, her pupils were glowing green instead of her usual brown pupils.

Daisy heard him and tried to observe Chloe's eyes, she couldn't see clearly that far but she could tell that eyes don't glow like that.

Chloe's face had no change and she looked like an expressionless robot, she tapped her Salamence head as if giving some kind of command, the Salamence sent out a Dragon Pulse towards Julian but Julian moved the car and escaping it but it caused the car to get jerk a little but he continued.

Julian "Pidgeot, don't attack her, she might get hurt"

Pidgeot nodded and shot towards Salamence and started to distract it by flying circles around it and distracting it, Julian got his grip on the road and once again hit the accelerator.

Seeing the annoying Pidgeot flying around her Chloe once again tapped Salamence on the head and it dived down towards a hill nearby, Pidgeot also chased behind it by maintaining some distance.

When he reached near the hill he got out of the car and took out his bike, as he sat down he noticed Daisy also followed and sat behind him, he looked at her once then started the bike and ride up the hill, when he reached up the hill he saw Pidgeot was moving around the sky dodging Salamence's attacks, he also saw Chloe simply standing there motionless looking at Pidgeot.

Julian approached her and looked closely at her, he noticed a large amount of psychic energy emitting out of her body, equal or even a little stronger than Gengar's.

Julian "Chloe"

Julian called her and Chloe looked down towards Julian, Daisy was standing right behind him and looking at Chloe, she felt odd when looking at her, she didn't feel like a human at all to Daisy.

Julian carefully looked at the aura surrounding Chloe.

Julian 'It is not human something is definitely controlling her'

Julian then looked at Salamence and saw that it was also under some kind of mind control but for some reason it still had awareness.

Julian 'I need to bring down that Salamence if I want to help her'

Julian "Kabutops come out, help Pidgeot bring down that Salamence"

Julian sent out Kabutops because along with mastery of Rock and Water, Kabutops also had tremendous control over Ice so bringing down a Dragon was no big deal for Kabutops.

As soon as Kabutops came out he started to attack Salamence and brought it down quickly as Pidgeot pinned it down on the ground till it became unconscious.

Seeing Salamence down Chole's body suddenly started to glow green and she started to float in the air, she was trying to escape, but before she could the psychic energy around her body got completely suppressed by an invisible force and she fell back to the ground.

Julian used his Omniforce to suppress the psychic energy coming off her body, he quickly approached her and hit some accupoints to render her unconscious.

Daisy approached and looked worriedly at Chloe.

Daisy "Is he alright?"

Julian stayed silent and started to infuse Omniforce into Chloe's body to see what's happening and he soon found the reason, he found a thin line of consciousness connected to her lifeforce itself, if he tried to remove this consciousness Chloe might die.

Seeing this Julian frowned.

Julian "She is not fine, but her life might be in danger, I have to find the source of this psychic energy"

Daisy was really worried now, she knew Julian cared about this woman who is unconscious right now and she couldn't do anything to help.

Julian went into deep thought and was trying to come up with a solution.

Julian "Let's leave her here"

Julian put Chloe on the ground and called back his pokemons and walked back to his bike.

Daisy "How could you do that? Can't we take her with us?"

Julian "Don't worry, I know what I am doing. Even if we take her with us when she gains back her senses she will start to retaliate and oppose us, it can become dangerous, her life is not in danger until the thing that is controlling her is safe and sound. I left a type of tracker in her body, when she wakes up she might go to this place where the thing controlling her is"

Daisy "I see"

Daisy becomes silent, in situations like this it is best for her to listen to Julian, she felt useless as she couldn't help him in any way, they went back to their car and went a little far from the hill area.

After waiting for a while the unconscious Salamence woke up to see its master on the ground, it went towards her and started to lick her.

Eventually, Chloe woke up but her eyes were still the same, glowing green, she just stood up and hopped on Salamence and flew away towards South-East direction.

Julian observed properly and noticed that the two major cities are situated in that direction, LaRousse, and Sootopolis city.

Julian 'Looks like everything finally comes down to these two cities'

Julian sighed and continued driving towards Fortree city.

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