Julian got back to the hotel room to find Daisy making some notes while munching down some snacks which were beside her.

Julian "Still preparing? I think you should take some rest" ​​

Daisy turned around and smiled at Julian.

Daisy "I know, I just started now, I was watching TV the whole day"

Julian didn't say anything and sat beside her.

Julian "So are we going to the contest tomorrow?"

Daisy "Of course, I need new inspiration, maybe they can help me in my exam"

Julian "Don't stress your self too much"

Daisy "I understand"

The day then went by as the two enjoyed each other's company.

The next day was big, the streets were crowded and most of the people were heading towards the building where the contest will be held, Julian and Daisy joined the crowd as they walk to the contest instead of going in a car.

When they reached there they saw the entrance was completely blocked by people trying to rush in, Julian knew this would happen so he had already reserved backdoor tickets to the VIP rooms, after getting inside the VIP room they were greeted by a worker who offered them drinks and went away, Julian and Daisy sat down and looked at the platform where the host of the contest entered, she is a lady with orange hair, Julian had seen her many times in anime.

The contest began and participants started to come up to the stage and perform, Daisy was concentrated as she started to scribble anything she found interesting, Julian got bored after five, six performance, he was never a contest guy, even though the performance looked beautiful it was not up to his taste.

Soon the kid with green hair came in and gave a good performance, missing a perfect score by 0.8 points, after him, another lady named Grace came in and beat his score by 0.3 points.

Next was May's turn she also did well and scored 25.9 points, Julian just looked at these performances as he thought they were better than the rest, he also noticed that one of the team rocket idiots was also participating in the contest, it was Jessie even though she cheated Julian was impressed by her creative ideas.

Julian 'Seriously why are they wasting their talent instead of being some petty thieves'

If Julian remembered correctly, these three idiots were good in everything they do except stealing pokemon, building robots they got it, making food they can do that too, fooling stupid people and making them buy the products they had a great business mind.

Julian shook his head as he thought how they waste their talent like this

Even though Jessie cheated in this contest she got the highest score, the competition moved on and Drew, May, Jessie, and Grace moved on to the next round.

May defeated Jessie and Grace defeated Drew, next round May defeated Grace and won her first ribbon.

Julian "It's over, let's go"

Julian got up followed by Daisy and they both walked out of the contest hall, it was still afternoon and people were still going around the hall and buying merchandises.

Julian "Daisy you should go back to the hotel room, Ash is here and I promised to train him today"

Daisy "Oh Ash is here as well, well then I will be going send my regards to him"

Julian nodded and watched Daisy walk away, he then went back to the place he met Ash yesterday when he reached there he saw Ash already waiting for him with Brock, May, and Max along with him.

Julian "Congratulations May"

May "Thank you"

Julian "Ok Ash lets head to the forest, I will train you there"

Saying so Julian started to walk, Ash soon sprinted behind his along with Brock, Max, and May. The forest was very big and they walked for more than two hours and still didn't reach their destination.

May was tired and was having a hard time catching up to Julian's pace, not only May even Ash, Brock and Max were feeling a little exhausted but they could still keep up with him.

May "Mr. Julian can't we take a rest for a little while"

Julian "Just a little more, we will be there in no time and walking is good for your health, it will improve your health and stamina"

Julian and the gang finally arrived at the lakeside, Julian chose this location as it was idle for training and he could have another encounter with that Absol again.

Julian "We are here"

Julian stopped and looked around the place, he only noticed that pokemons were only under the water and a few hiding on the trees.

May "Wow this place is so beautiful"

Brock "The water is very clean as well, it is great for drinking and cooking food"

Ash "Julian let's start with the training, are we going to have a mock battle"

Julian "No we are going to work out for a bit, stretching your pokemon's muscles before they move on to some heavy training"

Ash "What? but that sounds boring"

Max "You should listen to Mr. Julian, doing some stretching before training will prevent your Pokemon from receiving muscle damage, am I right Mr. Julian"

Julian nodded and didn't say anything.

Julian "Ok bring out you pokemons, let's see how they are"

Ash "Ok, everyone come out"

Ash brought out all of his pokemons, Taillow, Treecko, Corphish, and Torkoal, of course, there was Pikachu as well.

Julian looked at them and noticed all of them were in good shape, well having Brock as your companion has helped Ash improve along with his journey.

Julian "You pokemons are in good condition but they lack power and control and are little out of sync with you"

Ash nodded, Max, on the other hand, started to note down everything Julian explained to Ash.

Julian "I will be focusing on you and Pikachu, you other pokemons will be taken care by my pokemons"

Julian thought for a second and brought out some of his Pokemons.

Infernape, Grovyle, Kabutops, and Pidgeot, he chose Grovyle over Venusaur because he will have more of a connection with Treecko than Treecko with Venusaur, Infernape is going to take care of Torkoal, Kabutops will teach Corphish and Pidgeot will teach Taillow.

Julian looked at Ash's pokemons who got startled by being exposed to such powerful pressure from the three pokemons in front of them, Grovyle was still far from the others but still stronger than any of Ash's pokemon.

Julian "You guys will be put through some serious training and won't be allowed to slack off, got it"

Hearing Julian's firm voice all of Ash pokemon straighten up and nodded.

Julian "Good"

Ash's Treecko was more excited than others to prove his powers to its own kind.

Julian "Start by stretching them out then move on to strength building"

Julian's pokemons nodded and started to teach Ash's pokemon.

Julian looked at Ash and Pikachu.

Julian "As for you two you will be personally trained by me and one of my pokemon"

Ash nodded.

Ash "Let's go Pikachu"

Pikachu "Pika Pika"

Julian "Good then Pikachu lets teach you how to control your electric energy, Electivire come out"

Electivire comes out and looks at the tiny Pikachu in front of him and grins, Pikachu could feel the huge amount of electricity radiating from Electivire.

Julian "Electivire demonstrate how electricity should be controlled"

Electivire nodded and extended his hands forwards, he then started to channel all the electricity in a single point by making it flow through his body and gathering at one point.

Julian "The best way for Pikachu to learn to control electricity is to make his channel electricity to every part of his body and bring it back and gather it in a single point, let's start doing this"

While Julian explained the process, Electivire had created a very small ball of electricity between his hands but this small ball was heavily concentrated, it could destroy fields in second, the electric pull was so strong that the grass underneath was standing straight due to the static electricity, even electricity inside Pikachu was flaring up.

Julian "Ok Electivire stop, you don't want to destroy the site do you?"

Electivire stopped and absorbed the electric ball back to his body.

Everyone was shocked by the power behind that small ball of electricity.

Ash 'Will I ever be this strong'

Pikachu was also having the same thought.

Julian "You don't have to feel pressure, Pikachu has unlimited potential and if you keep training him properly he might one day reach the same level as Electivire here"

Ash nodded and Pikachu became determined.

Max "Wow so many champion level pokemons"

Brock "Indeed, each and every one of them could destroy cities if let loose"

May "Scary"

Julian was looking at Pikachu as he tried to channel electricity, but he noticed something else as well, few were spying on them and Julian recognize each and every one.

The first one was Absol, he had returned back and was shocked by seeing the power of the energy created by Electivire, it had never seen a pokemon at this level.

The other three were of course team rocket, they must have somehow stumbled upon here trying to find Ash.

Julian sighed seeing this.

Julian 'He really is a trouble magnet, trouble comes following him where ever he goes, but there is also good news, Absol is here and I will catch him this time for sure'.

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