Chapter 1273: The Chase

The cry out of nowhere made everyone surprised. Julian also heard the cry and realized what it belonged to, so he turned his head to look in the direction from where the cry came.

And as he had predicted, a rooster pokemon shot out of a tree and rushed towards Hala. It appeared over Hala like a blur and then proceeded to change the Fightinium-Z with an Electrium-Z.

Seeing the Electrium-Z instead of the Fightinium-Z surprised everyone. They all knew it was Tapu Koko as it didn't take a genius to figure it out. Tapu Koko clearly favors Ash a lot, and this is proven by how Tapu Koko has gifted something to Ash multiple times.

First, it gave Ash a Z-ring along with an Electrium-Z, which shattered after one use. It also approached Ash and battled him.

But the appearance of Tapu Koko and it giving Ash another Electrium-Z still surprised everyone.

But something else happened that went unnoticed by anyone other than Julian. As soon as Tapu Koko made its entrance, it caught someone else attention. Something that is one of the most dangerous things in this world.

It was none other than Crystal. As soon as Tapu Koko made its appearance, it caught the attention of Crystal and this made Crystal excited. It has been a while since Crystal met its new friend and it will not let it go this time.

Crystal popped out of Julian's pocket and rushed towards Tapu Koko, seeing this surprised Julian. He couldn't leave Crystal alone, so he called out his Charizard and followed Crystal.

Seeing Julian get on a Charizard and chase the silhouette of Tapu Koko surprised everyone, as they don't know why Julian is chasing after it.


Tapu Koko was making its way back to its hideout when it noticed something was following it, it turned its head and, to its surprise; it saw a tiny mouse pokemon chasing after it with a big smile on its face.

As soon as Tapu Koko saw this little thing chasing after it, it scared the living crap out of it.

It started to panic and increased its speed even further, trying to escape the menace that is chasing after it. Crystal, who saw Tapu Koko speeding up, got excited and sped up as well.

Everything is a play for Crystal. The more you try to escape, the more Crystal will enjoy it.

Julian, who is on Charizard, also caught up to Crystal and saw Tapu Koko trying to run away from Crystal.

Tapu Koko is fast but not as fast as Julian's Charizard, so Julian was able to catch up since Crystal was flying at Tapu Koko's pace.

Julian wanted to stop Crystal from fooling around, but then he saw Tapu Koko and Crystal increase their speed again.

Julian sighed and told Charizard to increase his speed as well. Both these pokemons are flying so fast that even if Julian yells, they will not be able to hear him.

By now Tapu Koko is shitting bricks. No matter how much it increases its speed, it is not able to get rid of the menace that is chasing it. Now forced into a corner, it has no choice but to attack.

So it stopped right in its tracks, turned around, and used Shock Wave. Tapu Koko wanted to send a stern message, so it used a move that couldn't be dodged.

As Crystal rushed in, it got hit by the Shock Wave, but to Tapu Koko's surprise, Crystal doesn't seem to be harmed at all. Instead, Crystal let out a chuckle, inclining that it felt like a tickle.

Now that Tapu Koko has thrown the first move, Crystal is not going to hold back, so it also decided to send a gift back to Tapu Koko

Crystal then used Thunderbolt and sent it crackling at Tapu Koko. The lightning bolt thrown by Crystal was so hot that it immediately scorched the air, creating a defining sound.

Sensing the power behind the Thunderbolt terrified Tapu Koko and it couldn't do anything but dodge it. Tapu Koko quickly moved to the side and dodged it, but it still felt the air vibrating through where the Thunderbolt passed.

Realizing that it was no match for the little rodent, Tapu Koko knew it needs to make an escape. So, without wasting any time, it made a run for its life and Crystal was about to give chase.

But the crafty Tapu Koko had a trick up its sleeve. As it made a run for it, it threw a shiny object at Crystal.

Crystal, being the curious, innocent being that it is, stopped and grabbed the shiny object with sparkling eyes, and this was all Tapu Koko needed to escape.

It bolted and disappeared into thin air. Julian, who has been close to the scene for a few seconds, now also noticed the shiny object that Tapu Koko threw at Crystal, so Julian approached Crystal to figure it out.

Crystal turned around and greeted Julian by waving one of its tiny hands and in that hand was the shiny object that Tapu Koko threw at Crystal.

As soon as Julian's eyes fell on the shiny object, he realized that this object was none other than an Electrium-Z.

This surprised Julian. He didn't expect Tapu Koko to actually sacrifice an Electrium-Z to make an escape.

Crystal then rushed back to Julian and entered his pocket while holding onto the Electrium-Z, seeing how closely Crystal was holding onto it. Julian knew that it wasn't going to part with it anytime soon.

He knows Crystal very well, so he also knows that Crystal will be bored with it within a few hours and hand it over to Julian later.

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