After taking care of the egg, Julian fed his pokemon and went to sleep with Daisy, a new day and the journey continued, Julian didn't expect that Lavaridge town was so far, it took him two days to reach here.

Julian "We finally reached Lavaridge town, what do you want to do first?" ​​

Julian asked Daisy who was pretty tired right now.

Daisy "How about we go to a hot spring first"

She said with sparkles in her eyes.

Julian 'I should look for an inn which also had a hot spring'

He drove around the town and finally found a small inn which had both hot spring and sand bath.

Julian talked to the innkeeper who is an old lady and rented a room for a few days.

Daisy didn't wait around and as soon as she put down her stuff in the room she bolted towards the hot spring dragging Julian with her.

It was a separate spring only for couples and Daisy was holding on to Julian whit her eyes closed and enjoying her time with him.

Julian was busy thinking about the incident which happened on that island, even though he didn't show it back then he was quite worried if Shadow Legion was able to get control over Rayquaza or the Mysterious pokemon, not only Hoenn but the whole world will be in trouble.

Julian 'This mysterious pokemon, could it be Deoxys?'

Julian was thinking about how to stop Shadows, he could have easily gone to LaRousse and eliminated them but now Daisy was with him, he didn't want to put her in danger while doing so, so he decided to take it slowly, he had already ruined their plan stopping them from getting hold of that large amount of Mega stones and Crystals and even took all their mega stones and left them in the island.

Julian 'Let's not think about it right now, just relax and enjoy the bath'

Julian closed his eyes and calmed his mind.

Next day Julian woke up pretty late, it was already 10 AM, he looked around and saw Daisy was nowhere to be found, he got up and wore his clothes and walked outside to find Daisy enjoying a sand bath, Daisy noticed Julian and waved at him.

Daisy "Julian come and join me"

Julian smiled but he suddenly noticed something rushing towards Daisy from under the ground, he frowned and sent out Grovyle.

Julian "Grovyle stop that thing"

Grovyle came out and saw a bulged on the sand rushing towards Daisy, Grovyle bolted towards the bulge on the sand and pounded it, the sand bulge got destroyed and a pokemon was exposed, it was sent toppling backward, the pokemon landed on its head and started to struggle to get on its feet but it was having a hard time doing so.

The pokemon had a big head and a very small body which was orange in color.

Julian 'A Trapinch?'

Julian was surprised seeing a Trapinch here, Trapinch usually lived in desert areas where there is a lot of sand, he didn't expect to see a Trapinch here.

The Inn Keeper rushed in hearing the noise.

Inn Keeper "Did something happen?"

Julian pointed at the Trapinch.

Julian "Is that yours?"

The Innkeeper looked at Trapinch and laughed.

Inn Keeper "Oh, that Trapinch is regular here, he must have separated from his group and somehow came here, now he lives here, he really likes to bite down unsuspecting people's head but he doesn't hurt them"

Julian sighed in relief, he couldn't help but imagine what would have happened if Trapinch bit really hard.

Julian walked towards Trapinch and lifted him up and placed him on his legs, Trapinch became happy and leaped onto Julian's leg and bit him.

Julian was startled and tried to remove Trapinch, but Trapinch's grip was very strong.

Inn Keeper "Hoho, looks like Trapinch likes you very much"

Daisy also laughed seeing this.

Daisy "That Trapinch is so cute, hehe"

Julian thought of an idea and took out a Pokepuff from his pouch and placed it on the ground, Trapinch smelled the delicious Pokepuff and let go of Julian's leg and attacked the Pokepuff and gulped it in one go, Julian tried to escape but Trapinch started to follow him where ever he went, Trapinch's eye sparkled as he wanted more Pokepuff.

Julian was helpless and fed his Pokepuffs one after the other until Trapinch was full, Trapinch literally ate half of the Pokepuffs he had with him.

Julian 'How can this little guy eat so much in one go?'

Julian was shocked by Trapinch's appetite, he was only next to Snorlax, after having his full Trapinch once again bit down on Julian's leg, he just shook his head admitting defeat.

Inn Keeper "Hoho, looks like Trapinch is really fond of you, why don't you take care of him"

Julian was surprised by hearing the Inn Keeper.

Julian "Isn't he yours?"

Inn Keeper "No, Trapinch is wild and no one has caught him, you should take him with you, I know he will be very happy"

Julian "Are you sure?"

The Inn Keeper nodded with a smile on her face, Julian looked at Trapinch who was chomping on his leg.

Julian "What do you say, little guy, do you want to come with me?"

Trapinch looked at Julian and let go of his leg and stood in front of him and nodded his head.

Julian "Great"

Julian smiled and took out an empty Pokeball and tossed it at Trapinch, Trapinch went inside the Pokeball and it bleeped three times indicating the catch was successful.

Julian called out Trapinch and Trapinch once again bit onto Julian's leg, Grovyle came forward and said hello to Trapinch, Trapinch let go of Julian and started to play around with Grovyle.

Julian 'System so Trapinch's stats'

System 'Affirmative'



Type - Ground

level - 19

Age - 13 months

Bond - 60%

HP - 60

Attack - 100

Defense - 60

Sp. Atk - 60

Sp. Def - 65

Speed - 40

Move set - Bite, Feint Attack, Mud Slap, Bulldoze, Sand Tomb, Dig

Ability - Hyper Cutter (Unlocked), Sheer Force (Unlocked)


Julian 'He stats are ok except his Attack which is on another level, his move sets are fine and his abilities are also great'

Julian was happy to get a good pokemon.

Julian 'I should train my new pokemons before I face the gym, I haven't had time to train them at all recently'

Julian looked at the Inn Keeper and asked a question.

Julian "Are there any place where there is no residence in this town?"

Inn Keeper "Well yes there is, go on top of Mt. Chimney, no one lives there and there are many wild pokemons out there as well"

Julian "I see"

He decided to train on Mt. Chimney for a few days.

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