Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1160 - The Knockouts (10)

Ash clearly won the first exchange proving that his pokemons are the stronger ones on the battlefield, both of Simon's pokemon Lucario and Raichu suffered massive damage from that exchange.

Simon clicked his tongue as he realized that he needs to somehow isolate Ash's Greninja to win this battle, he also severely underestimated Noivern's power and because of that, his Raichu suffered devastating damage from Noivern's Dragon Pulse.

Luckily for him, his pokemons are tough so they didn't get knocked, his pokemons grunted in pain but they got back to their feet and glared angrily at their opponents.

Once they were up, Simon made his move again.

Simon "Raichu, use Quick Attack. Lucario, Aura Sphere at Greninja".

His Lucario formed a sphere out of aura and blasted it towards Greninja and Raichu followed right behind, even though Aura Sphere is a projectile attack, his Raichu seems to be much faster and overtook the Aura Sphere and got very close to Ash's Greninja.

Ash saw that Simon's Lucario is wide open for an attack so he decided to take this chance.

Ash "Noivern, use Dragon Pulse on Lucario. Greninja counter with Night Slash"

Ash ordered.

His Noivern puffed its chest and blasted a powerful Dragon Pulse at Lucario while Raichu got very close to Greninja, Greninja, on the other hand, created two blades made of dark energy and got ready to counter both Quick Attack and Aura Sphere.

But Simon seems to have other plans.

Simon "Now Raichu, deflect it towards Noivern, then use Thunderbolt".

As soon as he said these words his Raichu abruptly stopped and did a flip and swung its tail towards the incoming Aura Sphere and redirected it towards Noivern from below.

Since Noivern's attention is on Lucario's its lower body is completely exposed to an opponent who is underneath it.

With Raichu's redirection, the Aura Sphere shot through the air and hit Noivern on its chest but Raichu quickly followed up with a powerful Thunderbolt zapping the breath out of Noivern causing the big flying dragon to come crashing down.

Ash's Greninja was surprised by this but nothing was going to stop it from attacking, since Raichu stopped itself and attacked Noivern, it left itself open for an attack from Greninja.

Greninja dashed towards Raichu and landed two lethal slashes with the Night Slash and sent the Raichu rolling through the battlefield, when Raichu came to a stop everyone could see that it got knocked out.

The crowd cheered as they saw this.

Ash's Noivern which had crashed on the battlefield surprisingly got up but it had to struggle its way up.

Simon was shocked, he risked his Raichu to take out the Noivern, after seeing how powerful Noivern's Dragon Pulse was, he couldn't let such a dangerous opponent fly over his pokemons who will clearly have a disadvantage against attacks coming from above.

He decided to risk his Raichu so that Noivern will be taken out but in the process, his Riachu will also be exposed to an attack that he had anticipated. What he didn't anticipate was Noivern actually surviving that Thunderbolt and getting up again.

His plan backfired and now his Lucario is all alone on the battlefield.

Ash now clearly has an upper hand in this battle and he was quick to take advantage of this situation.

Ash "Greninja, use Aerial Ace. Noivern, use Hurricane".

Greninja suddenly moved from its spot at extremely high speed as two small white glowing blades formed over its fist, it then jumped high up in the air and suddenly disappeared and then appeared right in front of Lucario and landed two lethal slashes at it.

This took Lucario off its feet and its back hit the ground, Greninja quickly moved away as Noivern's shadow came over Lucario and it started to move its wings aggressively, the wind started to build up creating a powerful tornado, the tornado picked up the fallen Lucario and tossed it around all over the place before sending it flying out of the battlefield.

It hit the furthest wall of the stadium and got the wind blown out of it and got knocked out.

Referee "Both of Simon's pokemons are unable to battle, Ash's Greninja and Noivern wins, the trainer advancing forward is Ash"

As soon as the referee called out the result, the crowd burst into cheer and Ash also jumped high up in the air in excitement, his opponent Simon went on his knees and angrily punched the ground in frustration.

He made one simple miscalculation that caused the whole battle to be turned upside down for him which led to his devastating loss, this battle could have gone much better for him, his pokemons are not that weak compared to Ash's but his mistake cost them this battle.

He then angrily stomped out of the battlefield after sending his pokemons back to their Pokeball leaving Ash cheering happily and waving his hands at his fans alongside his pokemons.

Julian who was watching the whole battle inside the waiting room was impressed by Ash's pokemon but he was also disappointed by his opponent's mistake.. If he had not taken that risk he could have pushed Ash a little further which could have led to an even better battle.

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