Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1157 - The Knockouts (7)

With his first pokemon down, Julian's opponent sent out his second pokemon, though he has no chance of winning and he knows it, he still has hope of landing a hit on Julian's pokemon and maybe dealing a little damage.

The second pokemon he sent out is a Seviper, the pokemon to enter the battlefield this time is a poison type.

As soon as Seviper entered the battlefield, the referee called for the battle to start and Julian's opponent once again made the first move.

"Use Poison Jab'.

The opponent called out and he seems to be very determined to at least win once exchange against Julian.

Julian "Use Energy Balls"

Julian called out. Florges extended her hand and suddenly multiple Energy Balls appeared around her and started to circle her, its speed kept on increasing which suddenly created a green glowing halo around Florges.

The speed of these Energy Balls created a tornado around Florges which displayed how good Florges's control over this attack is, the Energy Balls kept on spinning around her while creating a humming sound.

She then locked onto her target and started to shoot the Energy Balls, each ball separated from the halo and went straight towards the Seviper, each Energy Ball tore through the air leaving behind a trail of light.

Seviper saw the incoming Energy Balls and panicked, it then moved swiftly using its slithery body and dodged a few Energy Balls by hair inch, each time the Energy Balls made contact with the ground that was dodged by Seviper created a deep pit.

Due to Seviper's slender figure, it was able to dodge the few first Energy Balls but there is no way it can dodge all of them, with the speed and accuracy Florges is shooting them, one will hit and others will follow.

After dodging the first four Energy Ball, the fifth one finally landed as Seviper was just a few meters away from Florges, as soon as the fifth Energy Ball made contact, Seviper's whole world went upside down as its head was first smashed into the ground and it then recoiled up in the air causing its whole body to do a 360 spin in the air.

The other Energy Balls soon followed and hit Seviper while its body was still doing a 360 in the air, its body was bent in half as the next Energy Ball connected and it was sent shooting through the air, Energy Balls followed right behind and as soon as it came in contact with the ground it got bombarded with the remaining Energy Balls.

Dust rose up high in the air blocking everyone's view but it didn't matter because people already knew the result, they saw the devastating attack and no one believed that the Seviper survived that.

Everyone present in the stadium was stunned by the display of power from Florges, they didn't even wait for the referee to announce the result before cheering for Julian and Florges, this was the battle they had been waiting to see.

Till now Julian had been very reserved with his offense, he ended all his battles with one hit but this time he showed how he can up the ante of his pokemon's moves to give a show to the public.

As the dust cleared up everyone could see the Seviper pushed into the ground, around it was a massive pit with cracks covered all over it, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that Seviper won't get up.

The referee announced the result without even taking a good look at the Seviper, like everyone he could also tell that Seviper won't be getting up.

Referee "Seviper is unable to battle, Florges wins. Hence trainer Julian advances to top 32".

The referee announced the result while the crowd continued to cheer, Julian's opponent sighed in disappointment as his run in this tournament has finally come to an end.

He sent his Seviper back to its Pokeball and walked away and so did Julian, once both of them walked out, the tournament continued as more trainers were called so the winners can advance.

Julian stayed behind as he wanted to see the remaining battles as well, he watched Ash battle with some girl with blond hair, even though the girl was skilled she was not a match to Ash and lost. Ash advanced very easily as well.

There was also Alain who also advanced very easily with the help of his Charizard.

The top 64 finally ended and now the top 32 begins.

With the start of the top 32, every trainer still alive in the tournament is a big player and now the battles would be more extreme than ever.

Julian returned to his apartment and laid down on his bed and wondered what he should do next, with the Kalos league coming close to an end, Julian has no other plan for his future, he wondered which regions he should go to next.

He wants to visit Galar and see how a region that is out of the league's jurisdiction functions, there are also other regions he is interested in, like Jhoto but he doesn't know what he will do there, he didn't go to Jhoto during the Jhoto league so he has no interest in it right now.

As he was thinking about his future plan his phone started to buzz, he picked it up and noticed a message from his trusted servant Angela.

The message read that Lysander is on the move and he is planning to use Zygarde to cause havoc after the league ends.

When Julian read this, he wondered if this was the plan all along or if there was something more, Julian didn't believe this was Lysander's final goal.

To use just Zygarde to take over the region is a stupid plan, the other legendary pokemons that reside in Kalos won't take this lightly and will take action and Julian also knows that Lysander has something else planned that no one knows about in Team Flare.

Julian is more worried about that than Zygarde being used to destroy the city.

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