Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1151 - The Knockouts (1)

Julian entered the battlefield as he heard his name being called by the announcer, as soon as he entered the battlefield, the boos turned into cheer as they saw Julian, his fans went crazy like always, people were shouting out of their lungs cheering him.

The scene burst into a never-ending cheer, Julian smiled and waved back at the crowd and made his way towards his position, he looked at his opponent and felt pity, he heard how the people booed his opponent for no reason but he doesn't have the power to change people's mind unless he asks his Gengar to perform mass hypnosis on these people and with how strong Gengar has gotten, it won't be difficult for him.

The crowd doesn't seem to be slowing down at all, they kept on cheering for Julian, his name engulfed the whole city, that's how loud the crowd was.

The referee took his spot on the battlefield, wearing an official league uniform, he had a red and a blue flag in both of his hands, he then looked at both trainers and began to explain the rules of the battle.

Referee "This battle will be a two vs two pokemon battle, both trainers are allowed to switch pokemon in the middle of the battle, the trainer with no pokemon at the end of the battle will lose and get eliminated from the tournament while the winner will advance to the next stage. Am I clear?"

Getting a nod from both parties, the referee continued.

Referee "Both trainers, choose your pokemon".

The referee called.

Julian decided to go first and sent out his Clawitzer into the battlefield, seeing Julian's Clawitzer, the crowd got excited and cheered for him as well, trainers who have a Clawitzer with them also felt proud that Julian is using the same pokemon they own.

Seeing Julian's choice, his opponent made a smart decision and sent out a grass-type pokemon, the pokemon he sent out is a Carnivine, seeing his choice surprised Julian because Carnivine is really not preferred by any trainers because of their nature and how hard it is to train them.

They are also very vicious, if someone gets trapped inside its mouth, it can lead to severe damage from acid and poison which is stored inside its mouth and if trapped inside for long, it will lead to death.

Many trainers avoid this pokemon but when it comes to performance, this pokemon is very good, it has an all-around stat with very good Attack and Special attack, both of its defenses are good and with the ability Levitate, it is completely immune to Ground-type moves.

If Julian had encountered one in the wild, he would not hesitate to catch one as he would like the challenge of training such a pokemon.

Now he is a little impressed by his opponent, to train a Carnivine to this level is very good, Julian can see that it has been well trained and raised but it doesn't meet the gold standard that Julian looks for in an opponent.

With both pokemons on the battlefield, the referee wasted very little time and raised both flags up in the air, and called for the battle to begin.

Referee "Let the battle being"

With the referee's call, Julian's opponent John made his move, he knows that waiting for Julian to make a move is not a wise decision but attacking first has not been useful against his either.

John "Carnivine, use Leaf Tornado"

John called for a special attack from the very beginning so that he can drag this battle a little further than possible, the Carnivine opened its mouth wide open and shot numerous leaves out of it, these leaves started to spin and form a massive tornado.

The Carnivine then slammed the tornado towards Clawitzer.

Julian "Clawitzer, use Water Pulse"

Julian ordered. Clawitzer snapped open his massive claw which caused a ripple, then a pulsing ball made of water energy started to form between the claw's mouth, the ball started to spin rapidly creating a humming sound.

As the tornado reached halfway through the battlefield, Clawitzer aimed directly at Carnivine and shot the Water Pulse, the Water Pulse zoomed through the air splitting the wind and hitting the incoming Leaf Tornado, the Water Pulse made contact with the tornado and went right through it creating a hole which completely destroyed the tornado.

The Water Pulse then continued towards Carnivine still filled with power.

John "Quick, dodge"

John ordered and called for a dodge, Carnivine saw the incoming attack and moved to the side dodging the Water Pulse by an inch.

Julian "End it, Scald"

Julian called and without wasting any time, Clawitzer hot a scalding hot stream of water at Carnivine, the speed of this Scald is much faster than the Water Pulse.

Carnivine saw the incoming attack and moved to the side again but this time there is no escaping it, Clawitzer's eyes are locked onto it, as Carnivine moved, Clawitzer moved while continuing to use Scald.

The Scald slashed Carnivine like a water blade and sent it flying through the air and was tossed out of the battlefield, the referee rushed close to the Carnivine and checked it.

Referee "Carnivine is unable to battle, Clawitzer wins"/

The Referee called for the result as he confirmed that Carnivine was knocked out.

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