Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 114 - Complete Devastation.

Pidgeot looked down on the three mega evolved pokemons, Salamence, Aerodactyl, and Aggron, he was ready for a battle.

The mega stone in his beak reflected the sunlight off it, Julian took out his keystone and flashed it, suddenly light started to emit for it and flowed towards Pidgeot, the Mega Stone in Pidgeot's beak also started to glow and light started to flow out of it and connected with the light coming out from the keystone on Julian's neck, soon Pidgeot started to glow as his wingspan started to get bigger, the feather on top of his head became thicker and started to change color. ​​

Pidgeot transformed into Mega Pidgeot, his coat became bright orange, the end of his wings was white and blue, and he had a long red feather-like hair on his head.

Zabak, Zaily, and Brad were worried they didn't know if they will be able to take on these two pokemons and there was also Latios and Latias behind him.

Zabak "We can't back down now, we have to fight, order the grunts to confront the Gyarados and we will fight the Pidgeot"

Brad "Grunts attack that Gyarados"

Brad shouted at the Grunts present, they were startled and next, they got scared as they looked at Gyarados but seeing their numbers they build up some courage and sent out numerous pokemons, Julian frowned seeing this, he brought out Gyarados so that he could scare them off so these grunts won't Interfere much, but he underestimated them, he forgot that if humans desire to revolt becomes stronger the more scared they become, fear was also one of the humans greatest weakness and strength as well.

Julian 'I should have predicted this, now hundred of pokemons are trying to come after Gyarados and me, Hmm looks like I have to bring down each and every one of them'

While Julian was distracted from the sight of hundreds of pokemons surrounding him, Zabak took action.

Zabak "Salamence, use Hyper Beam"

Zabak underestimated Julian, even though Julian was focused on the pokemons down below, Pidgeot was still keeping an eye on them, Julian was connected with Pidgeot so he knew what was going on.

Julian "Dodge then Air Slash"

Pidgeot moved away dodging the Hyper Beam, but Salamence kept on shooting Hyper Beam so Pidgeot flew around in circles to escape.

Zaily "Aerodactyl use Rock Slide"

Aerodactyl suddenly created a large number of rocks and sent them crashing on Pidgeot, Pidgeot swiftly moved through the falling rocks while escaping the Hyper Beam.

Brad "Aggron Flash Canon"

Aggron who is on the ground started to build up a powerful Flash Canon, even thought Pidgeot's speed increased from Mega Evolution he still couldn't escape all three attacks before Aggron could launch the Flash cannon it suddenly felt a huge amount of pain on his stomach, it looked down and saw Infernape staring at it with red eyes and his fire on top of his head burned bright blue.

As if it was in slow motion Aggron's feet were lifted from the ground and was sent flying backward with the speed that broke the sound barrier from a powerful fire punch which is burning blue.

Aggron was planted on a small hill and it fainted and lost its Mega form.

Julian "Heatran finish the once down there"

Julian then sent out Heatran, Heatran landed on the ground which caused a mini quack, the hundred of pokemons which were surrounding Gyarados felt more pressure coming down on them.

Heatran suddenly started to burn as orange energy started to cover his body, the surrounding was becoming hot and lava started to appear around Heatran, soon the lava turned into a raging spinning tornado which started to suck in small stones, then started to rip the ground, small lightweight pokemons couldn't hold on to the ground and were sucked in, the tornado started to spin faster and faster as pokemons started to get sucked in and soon the whole area was empty all the pokemons and grunts had totally disappeared from the area, the Magma Storm stopped and for a few seconds nothing happened then suddenly a grunt fell down with his body turned black, soon many grunts and pokemon started to fall from the sky and after a few seconds there was a pile of unconscious people and pokemon lying on top of each other.

Pidgeot Dodged the attacks easily as Aggron was taken care of by Infernape and the other pokemon were taken down by Heatran, Pidgeot saw that Salamence was tired and saw his opportunity and launched a powerful Twister at the exhausted Salamence, Salamence was trapped inside a powerful Twister which continuously damaged it, it couldn't take it for much longer.

Zaily "Aerodactyl quick use Areal Ace"

Areal Ace was a move which could never be dodged and Pidgeot was busy right now taking down Salamence as Aerodactyl was just about to hit Pidgeot it was suddenly hit by a Hyper Beam which sent it crashing down on one of the small hills nearby, Aerodactyl lost its Mega form and fainted, Zaily was shocked and looked at the direction the attack came from, she saw smoke coming out of Gyarados's mouth, she realized Gyarados just attacked Aerodactyl.

Soon Salamence also gave up as it lost its Mega form and fainted, all the three commanders fell on their knees they just lost with few minutes.

Zabak 'This is unfair how could he use more pokemon to suppress just the three of us'

Zaily 'This is completely cheating, those things are not pokemons but monsters'

Brad 'I want to go home, mommy where are you'

Julian would be dumbstruck if he heard what was going in their mind, well he didn't understand the feeling of getting completely devastated by someone as he has never experienced it.

Julian called back his pokemons and then tied the three commanders up and started to interrogate them.

Julian "So tell me why come to this island?"

Julian already knew that they were collecting Mega Stones but why do they need so many of them.

Brad "We don't know we only follow commands, you should ask the Admins we commanders don't have access to highly authorized information"

Zabak and Zaily nodded confirming this.

Julian "So where is this Admin of yours"

Zaily "She is right in the middle of the island, there is an unknown shrine there, she is supervising right there"

After getting all the information he needed Julian walked away toward leaving them behind as he didn't care what they would do and he didn't give a fu*k.

Julian 'Looks like I have to go and talk to this Admin of their's'

Julian continued on foot towards the middle of the island.

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