Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 112 - A Piece Of Meteorite.

On their way back to Slateport city Julian felt something off, he suddenly felt a pair of eyes on him, for a second he thought Mew was back but this gaze was very different, he could feel desperation coming from it as if it was asking for help.

He looked around while driving, Daisy noticed the sudden change in Julian's attitude. ​​

Daisy "Is something wrong?"

Julian calmed down and looked at the road.

Julian "Nothing, it was just my imagination"

Daisy "Oh"

Julian could still feel the gaze, suddenly he heard a sonic boom and the feeling was gone, he looked at Daisy and noticed that she didn't hear the sound.

Julian 'Was the decibel too high for her to hear?'

Julian was indeed right, the sonic boom he heard was above the capacity of a normal human, he looked around and saw few bird pokemons were flying in different directions in a hurry it looked like they were also startled.

It was not over, he suddenly felt vibrations in the air, it felt like something big was moving in the air but he couldn't see it.

Julian 'System scan the surrounding'

The system started the scanning process and soon outputted the result.

System 'A big hover ship is moving south towards Slateport city'

Getting the answer Julian became alerted, he infused Omniforce in his eyes and tried to look around, at first he couldn't see but the more he infused the clear his vision became, then he saw an enormous ship like structure hovering in the air as it is traveling towards Sootopolis city, the ship is black in color with black and brown, and it had a Black colored 'S' and White colored 'L'.

Julian 'SL what is that?'

Julian wondered what it stands for then he suddenly remembered Shadow Legion.

Julian 'Could it really be Shadow Legion? What are they planning to do?'

He thought that the sonic boom was created by this ship but he soon removed the idea as this ship was moving slowly and isn't fast enough to create a sonic boom and the biggest reason is that it just reached here.

Julian 'The thing that created the sonic boom was a living being and it was also the one staring at me'

Julian quickly came to a conclusion was that the Shadow Legion was up to something, so he stepped on the gas and speed up.

Daisy was startled at first but didn't say anything as it was better to reach the city early, Julian also notice the ship's speed also increased and passed him, he just kept his pace and rode the car.

After riding fast for more than two hours they finally reached Slateport city, he drove inside the city and stopped near the Pokémart.

Julian "I just remembered something, you go and visit your friend and call me after your work is over"

Daisy "Ok, see you later"

With a peck on his cheek, she got out of the car and walked away, Julian took a deep breath and calmed down his thoughts but he didn't get any time to rest, he again felt eyes gazing at him, he infused Omniforce in his eyes to look around but before he could find anything, he heard a cry then a sonic boom again as the gaze on him disappeared.

Julian 'That cry, it wanted help'

Julian hit the accelerator and rode towards the direction the thing left, as it was a city he had to drive slowly, he couldn't just drive recklessly on road.

He finally reached the end of the city, the beach, he parked the car on the side and looked around the beach, he didn't find anything weird about it, he saw the regular tourist relaxing and kids playing on the beach.

He was disappointed not to find anything, as he was about to head back he again heard the sonic boom and this time it came from the south direction, from the sea.

Julian 'Why is it calling me towards the sea'

Julian looked around and saw people everywhere, he couldn't take out Gyarados in such a crowded place so he called out Pidgeot.

Julian "Pidgeot come out"

Pidgeot came out and landed near Julian, some kids playing around the beach saw Pidgeot and got excited.

Kid "Hey look that Pidgeot is so big"

Kid 2 "Yes, it so big, I wonder what it eats"

Julian quickly hopped on Pidgeot.

Julian "Pidgeot fly towards that direction"

Pidgeot nodded and flapped his wings and soared the sky with full speed, Pidgeot was fast, not faster than the thing that created the sonic boom but Pidgeot was also capable of creating it but now loud enough that even humans couldn't hear it.

Pidgeot flew for a few minutes but couldn't find anything, but Julian didn't give up he continued and finally he felt something the air around the surroundings suddenly changed, the energy present here is thicker than before, he suddenly felt like he passed through a barrier and what he saw next was an island right in the middle.

It was a big island, a large town could be built on it.

Julian looked at the island and felt it was not from this world but it was still giving off familiar energy.

Pidgeot suddenly started to act weird as he got excited and increased his speed suddenly, Julian quickly calmed him down and notice something as he was now quite near the island, he saw people wearing brown uniform with letter 'L' written on it, he also saw a man wearing Black and Brown uniform with letters 'SL' on his uniform.

Julian 'Shadow Legion?'

Julian patted Pidgeot's head and indicated him to land somewhere where no one was around, Pidgeot soon found a place near some trees and dropped Julian.

Julian noticed that Pidgeot looked very impatient, he felt Pidgeot found something attracting him.

Julian "Go and check it out what it is, then come back and find me"

Receiving the green light from Julian Pidgeot flew away into a certain direction.

Julian got back to his own thoughts and started to look around, after some time he saw a man wearing the brown uniform coming towards his direction, Julian hid behind the tree, he saw this man carrying few pokeballs on his belt and a weird looking gun.

Julian sneaked behind him and hit the back of his neck with a chop and rendered him unconscious, he took his communicator and tied him up on top of a tree with his mouth closed.

Julian switched on the communicator and changed the channel to everyone, and soon he started to hear voices.

Voices "Boss, we found her but she escaped, it looks like she is carrying something"

Voices "Boss, we found him as well but he is too strong, we need backup"

Julian listened carefully to what these voices were talking about.

Julian 'Are they trying to capture it?'

He suddenly heard a female voice coming from the communicator.

Female voice "Continue to chase then, this island might be big but our numbers are enough, I am still at the mining site so don't disturb me, get one of the commanders to command you".

Julian 'What's going on here?'

Julian thought about the conversation he just heard, he was also curious about the energy coming out of the ground he was standing.

Julian 'Let's check out this first'

Julian started to control a large amount of Omniforce and slowly started to inject it into the ground after some time the whole Island was covered with his Omniforce and what he discovered shocked him.

Julian 'This whole Island is a piece of a Meteorite and it is filled with different Mega stones and Keystones'

Julian couldn't help but shiver by what he saw just now, he also realized why Pidgeot was so excited he must have found a Mega stone.

Julian 'So Shadow Legion is after Mega Stones but why do they need so many, it's given that more mega stones mean more powerful pokemon, are they even giving Mega stones to their workers, do they also have so many Keystones with them'.

Julian 'But first'

Julian called out Infernape, Infernape came out of the Pokeball and sensed the dense energy present underground.

Julian "Do you feel anything that is attracting you?"

Infernape focused and tried to but couldn't find anything attracting him, he could feel the dense pure energy but he felt nothing special coming from it, he felt that the energy surrounding Julian was much superior to this.

Yes, Infernape could feel and sometimes even see the energy coming out and surrounding from Julian unlike his other pokemons, even Julian didn't know about Infernape's capability to see Omniforce as Infernape has not informed him.

Why Infernape has not done it because he thinks everyone could see this energy so he didn't even bother of asking his fellow brothers or Julian.

Julian was disappointed but didn't think much, Infernape didn't need a Mega stone, to begin with, his powers suddenly started to grow at a rapid pace and now he was as Powerful as Snorlax in pure firepower, his defense was still lacking behind few of his brothers but his speed still kept him in lead.

Julian "Ok stay alert and quite"

Julian next called out his other pokemons and some of them actually sensed something reaching out to them, Venusaur, Gengar, and Kabutops actually found something attracting them.

Julian suddenly became happy, he knew that there was a 90% probability of finding Mega stones for them.

Infernape, Heatran, Electivire, and Snorlax didn't get any reaction but they didn't care.

Grovyle, Larvitar, Ralts, and Milotic didn't find anything attracting them, Julian thought that they still have not reached their final form so they didn't get any reaction but he had no idea about Milotic.

Julian called them back to their Pokeball and decided to find their mega stones after solving the problem which is going on right now.

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