Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1106 - Be The Manager

The Owner is in shock, all his men and their pokemons were blown away with just one hit from this person's pokemon, he didn't even see what happened.

He just saw the other person's pokemon take action and the next moment there is a massive explosion that shook the whole room and sent all his men crashing against walls.

The Owner's body trembled in fear as he realized he fucked up once again.

Julian "It looks like you don't realize what is going on here, I will give you one final warning, get out of here or spend the rest of your life in prison"

Julian warned him.

The Owner didn't even think for a second before abandoning everyone and running out of the hotel in a hurry, he didn't want to get hurt by Julian.

The Valet who was standing close to the hotel's entrance wondered what is going on inside the battlefield room as he heard the explosion and felt the termor, he felt bad for the guest that just arrived but the next moment he noticed the owner running out of the hotel screaming out of his lungs in fear.

The Valet was stunned as he couldn't tell what just happened, he adjusted his glasses and stared at the running owner, because of this decided to check out what happened and walked towards the battlefield room. .

When he got there he was shocked to see the scene in front of him, he saw the goons that ran this hotel all over the battlefield, some of them were knocked against the wall with their pokemons while some of them laid on the floor with their asses up in their air out cold.

He also saw the customer who just checked in a few hours ago, he also saw a Darmanitan jumping around the battlefield which seems to be burnt completely.

The Valet then noticed the customer looking at him.


Julian smiled as he saw the previous owner run away scared as he had no other choice, Julian then realized that someone else is in the room, he turned around and noticed the Valet who was also the receptionist.

Julian knew that this Valet is a good person so he approached him.

Julian "So who are you?"

Julian asked.

Valet "I am just a worker here"

He said and his voice filled with disappointment, Julian could hear it, he knew there was more to this old man.

Valet "So what happened here?"

He asked.

Julian "Well I got challenged for a pokemon battle and I won, now I own this hotel"

He said.

Hearing Julian, the valet's eyes went wide, he didn't expect the owner to lose a pokemon battle, and even if he lost, he still had some underhanded methods to come out on top.

The Valet never expected to see the owner actually accept his loss and leave.

Julian "You look very surprised"

Julian said.

Valet "Indeed, the Owner was not an honorable person, I am sure he would have used underhanded methods to somehow win the agreement"

He answered.

Julian "Well he did try but I have met people like him, I know how to deal with them"

Julian answered.

Valet "Now that you are the owner, what are you going to do with this hotel?"

He asked and he seems to be a little concerned about the hotel's state more than the owner himself.

Julian "You seem pretty concerned about the hotel, what relationship do you have with this hotel?"

Julian asked curiously, he knew that this Valet had a story to tell.

Valet "Well, I was the original owner of this hotel but the ownership was snatched by Mantle, the guy that just ran away"

When Julian heard this he was surprised but soon realized why this man was doing all the jobs in this hotel, the previous owner or Mantle which seems to be his name must have replaced all the workers with his own goons putting the hotel in its current state.

Julian saw great potential in this hotel, its architecture is high-end, all the equipment that was in his room was all up to date and advanced, the room was well designed and cozy.

Julian knew that people would love to stay in this hotel if not for Mantle and his goons, and now that they are gone, this hotel has a future.

Julian "So, what's your name?"

Julian asked.

Valet "Ah, sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Weston"

The old man introduced himself to Julian and looked warily at him, Julian noticed the concern on the old man's face and got curious.

Julian "I see, Weston, I plan to get this hotel up and running again, and with those fools out of the picture, things should go smoothly"

When Weston heard this, he was delighted, he put his lifeblood into this hotel and he didn't want it to go down.

Julian "But I cannot stay here and run the business, I am a traveling trainer, I need someone to run the hotel and I think you can do that, will you be the manager?"

Julian asked. He believed that Weston would be the right person for the job, as he was the owner and built this hotel on his own, he should be able to manage this hotel.

When Weston heard that Julian would make him the manager, he became happy, he has been waiting for this chance for 12 years now, he lost this hotel to Mantle 12 years ago and from then on he had been working in this hotel to make sure that the hotel doesn't get ruined.

He had to beg Mantle to let him stay and work in this hotel, for 12 years he tried his best to do all the work in the hotel but the goons were making his life miserable.

But now there is finally hope.

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