Julian walked back to Chloe and went into her room along with her leaving everyone on the corridor baffled, many didn't see Julian or hear his words as he spoke in a very low voice to the producer and manager.

The event manager and the producer instructed the bodyguards to take away the bleeding Barry and disperse the crowd. Everything returned back to normal and people went back to doing their work.

Many wanted to talk about what happened but the producer forced all who were present in the scene to sign an NDA, as for the video that was posted online, they couldn't do anything about it but release a statement explaining the situation and the producer has been working on it.

Back inside Chloe's changing room, Julian and Chloe sat down on the couch while her manager seemed extremely terrified, even though she is Chloe's manager she was not able to handle the situation, she felt that it was her fault for not being with Chloe.

Julian noticed that Chloe's manager was freaking out right now so he decided to send her away.

Julian "You don't need to worry about it, go and rest for the day, I will be with Chloe"

He said and sent her away, the manager didn't say anything and just nodded before leaving.

Julian looked at Chloe and saw that she was still very angry, her eyes are red from rage, her hands are trembling, just the thought of Barry questioning her loyalty towards him made her this angry.

Julian didn't say anything and just put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him and hugged her.

Julian "Clam down, you don't need to waste energy over such people, I already took care of him, I don't think he will have a career anymore"

Julian comforted her, Chloe just nodded her head and closed her eyes, and rested her head on his chest, being close to him calmed her down.

Julian was also very angry about Barry's words against Chloe and that is why he decided to destroy that man's career which caused him to have such arrogance.

Daisy soon entered the room and saw Chloe sleeping against Julian, she made sure to not make a sound and sat next to Julian, she heard about the incident and rushed here as soon as possible.

Daisy also seems to be very angry over the fact that Barry called Chloe a whore, she wanted to go and beat up Barry as well but Julian assured her that it was over and there is no need to take action.

Daisy decided to listen to him and just sat there and talked with him.


While Julian spent his time with Chloe and Daisy, the producer of the event and the police released their statement about the actions taken by Chloe against Barry.

When the statement came out, it broke the internet again. In the statement, it stated that Barry was sexually harassing Chloe and Chloe defended herself in the process, though she used excessive force it was still self-defense.

Once the news came out Chloe's fans finally had the chance to talk and they started to shit on Barry, as soon as the topic of sexual harassment came forth, many other people also came forward and claimed that Barry had sexually assaulted them as well.

While some of these claims might be true most of the claims were just false, people just wanted to drag the drowning person to the very bottom.

After a day things got even worse, news came out about Barry losing his job, when people heard about this they started to shit on Barry again, they were glad that he lost his job, he was labeled as a pig for sexually harassing so many people.

Even the women that sued him for sexual assault came back and told the world that they were forced to keep quiet or their family and reputation will be hurt, their cases were reopened and Barry was arrested by people.

He lost all his sponsorship and his roles in upcoming movies, and now he might even lose all his money because of all the sexual assault cases that have been reopened.

Julian who read this on the internet was happy with the producer's work, he acted fast and took care of Barry, Julian decided to help his producer in the future and maybe even fund some of his work and help him grow even further.

With everything happening as he expected, Julian got up from his bed and looked at both Chloe and Daisy, they will have to leave today as they are busy people, they have their work to do and go back to their usual lifestyle.

He decided to make them some delicious breakfast before they leave him, both Chloe and Daisy woke up still a little tired as last night was more eventful than normal, they were still a little sore but they are strong enough to stand up and move around.

They cleaned themselves up and ate their breakfast happily, once they were done Julian finally took out the dresses he wanted to give them.

They were surprised to see the present, they didn't get many presents from Julian as they buy their own things, even though Julian is filthy rich they never relied on his money, they bought things with their own money.

So a present from Julian is rare, even though they are sometimes very expensive they still take it because they are that rare, when they opened the present and looked at the dress they were shocked.

They recognized that it was designed by Valerie, they looked at Julian in anticipation for an answer as they wanted to know how they got their hands on one of them, even the elites of the society don't have one of these dresses but now Julian has three of them.

Julian "I got it from Valerie, you can say she and I somehow became friends"

Julian said and smiled.

Julian "You should know which one belongs to you by their size right?"

Julian asked but he didn't get an answer, he saw both Chloe and Daisy picking their favorite dress, he was surprised that they picked the right dress without him pointing it out.

They looked happy so Julian became happy as well.

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