Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1084 - Capturing Z3 And The Unknown Pokemon

When Julian reached his desired location, he released Zygarde Core from its Pokeball and looked at it, the Zygarde Core is surprised as it is used to seeing Julian's pokemon all the time but this time it is only itself and no other pokemon.

Before it could even figure out what was going on right now, Crystal popped its head out and went and hugged Zygarde Core, its new "best friend" is out so how could Crystal miss out on a chance to hug it.

Zygarde couldn't do anything but accept its fate and looked at Julian wondering why it was called out.

Julian "I need a favor"

Julian said with a smile, Zygarde Core felt that something is up and it doesn't want to be a part of it.

Julian "Don't worry you just have to do what you do naturally, absorb the sunlight or send out those unique signals of yours to lure out some people"

Julian said. Zygarde Core didn't seem to understand at first but soon realized that Julian wants to use it as bait, it didn't freak out and decided to go with Julian's plan, it knows that the pokemons in Julian's possession are very strong and there is no way anyone will be able to harm it under Julian's protection.

It walked up to a small rock and started to release its unique signal which set of the radars belonging to Team Flare.

Julian watched Zygarde and smiled, now he just has to wait for a while for the fist to take his bait, after a few minutes he received a message from Aliana that they will be here within an hour, with everything set in motion Julian climbed up a tree to hide within its leaves and play the long waiting game.


Mable and Aliana slowly made their way towards the north side of the city and they were very careful to not stand out at all, with them not wearing their usual uniform and gadgets they looked like normal civilians, even though the police have the description of the admins of Team Flare, there seems to be no resemblance to their current attire.

But they still executed caution, they made sure to always travel through very busy streets or paths where there were very few patrolling officers, once they felt that they were far away from the city center they quickened their phase as they didn't want to lose the Z3.

Mable looked at her radar and felt something was off because the Z3 signal looked very stationary, it was not moving at all, she wondered what it was doing, she is worried that this might be a layer habituated by a Zygarde in its combined form.

This was the only reason she could come up for the signal in the radar not changing position.

Mable "I don't feel good about this, maybe we should inform the headquarters, Z3 has not moved from its position, I can only come up with one reason for this and that it is in its combined form, with just eight of us we might not be able to capture it"

She warned Aliana.

Aliana stayed silent for a few seconds before replying.

Aliana "What you are saying has some credit, maybe we should first scout the location carefully then we can call for backup if it really is a Zygarde in its combined form, but before that, I will like to check it myself, I don't want to be ridiculed by those bitches back in the headquarters"

Aliana said.

Mable didn't say anything and just nodded her head, she understood what Aliana meant, if they called for backup before checking in the location, they both will be ridiculed by the other admins and they can be a bitch about it, they will definitely put them down through their words saying that they couldn't handle a simple scouting mission.

With putting caution behind her back Mable decided to first check out the location before coming up with a plan, after forty-five minutes of carefully making their way through the lefts and rights of the city, they finally arrived at its border, covered by a dense forest.

Aliana "Z3 seems to be inside the forest, the elite members are close by as well, lets group up first"

Aliana said. Mable nodded and sent a message to all Elite members to group up at their current location, after some time the six elite members regrouped with Aliana and Mable and waited for their order.

Aliana "Let's go"

Aliana led the group and headed deep into the forest, the elite members kept their eyes on their radar as they traversed through the forest, after some time Aliana suddenly stopped along with her group as they looked in front of them.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing, they didn't expect to find another pokemon alongside Z3, all eight of them could see Z3, a green squishy small pokemon with an orange hexagon on its chest but what surprised them, even more, was the tiny white pokemon that was sitting on top of its head sleeping with its eyes closed.

Mable "What kind of pokemon is that?"

Mable whispered as she filmed the little pokemon on top of Z3.

"It looks like a Mew but it has two tails"

One of the Elite members whispered as they recognized the silhouette of the pokemon but he was thrown off guard because it has two tails.

Mable "Whatever it is, it is a massive discovery, let's capture it, Z3 has not fused with its cells, this is our best chance"

She said and signaled the elite members to take out their net gun, it was best to capture both pokemons from behind.

The elite members quickly set up their weapon and aimed it at Z3 and the white Mew like pokemon, they were quite excited to have completed the mission, Mable even a little bit more, with this capture, she will be able to prove to the boss that she is the best amongst the Admins.

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