Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1074 - Julian Vs Valerie

Julian also nodded and accepted her greeting, he wondered who this person is and what is her role in this gym.

"Greetings, are you a challenger or a customer?"

The beautiful lady asked.

Julian "I am a challenger"

Julian said.

"Oh, then please head to the battlefield, I will inform the gym leader, she will be there shortly"

The lady said and guided him towards the battlefield, Julian entered the battlefield along with the beautiful lady, she soon left Julian behind all alone in the battlefield, he looked around and found nothing special about the battlefield.

There seems to be no theme-based battlefield here as well, he only encountered theme-based battlefields in Kanto and Hoenn, battlefield here in Kalos is simple but it's larger than the ones in other regions.

He had to wait for a while before the gym leader finally walked in with the same beautiful lady that brought him here.

Julian looked at the gym leader and was surprised by how beautiful she looks, her long shiny black hair gleamed under the lights of the gym, her flowery dress danced with the slightest wind, she gave off a very mature aura though she is very young as in, in her early 20s.

Valerie "You must be the challenger, sorry for the wait"

She said with an innocent smile, Julian nodded and took his place on the battlefield, Valerie is surprised by how calm her opponent is, she just smiled and walked towards her end of the battlefield.

The beautiful lady with brown hair took the referee's position and took a look at both of them.

Referee "This will be a two on two pokemon battle, the rules are similar to every other gym challenge, the challenger is allowed to switch pokemon during or in the middle of the battle while the gym leader cannot.

The winner with a pokemon remaining at the end of the battle wins"

The referee called out the rules and looked at both trainers to confirm if they understood her or not, seeing both of them nod their heads she moved on to the next step.

Referee "Both of you may choose your pokemon"

With her call both Julian and Valerie sent out their pokemon, Julian sent out Floette and Valerie sent out her Spritzee.

With both pokemon floating over the battlefield, they stared at each other, both are pure fairy types, both are lightweights and the same size, at the end of the day it will depend on who is the better pokemon.

With both pokemon on the battlefield, the referee didn't make them wait and gave them the go for the start of the battle.

Julian "Use Magical Leaf"

Julian started off strong with Magical Leaf, he wanted to see how much he can push his opponent's pokemon and what is its limit, by using Magical Leaf, Julian made sure that the opponent's pokemon cannot escape and cross moves with his Floette.

Magical Leaf cannot to dodged as it will home in and won't let go of the target until contact.

Multiple glowing leaves shot towards Spritzee at full speed, seeing the incoming attack Valerie quickly made a call.

Valerie "Use Fairy Wind"

As the leaves got close to Spritzee, it blasted a powerful gust of Fairy Wind stopping the leaves in their tracks, the leaves lost their glow after traveling a little further and turned into energy and disintegrated into light particles fusing into the atmosphere.

Valerie then continued with the offense by calling out for a Moon Blast, after seeing the last offensive move from her opponent's pokemon, Valerie knew that her opponent is a lot stronger than anyone that has challenged her before.

Her Spritzee charged up a powerful Moonblast and shot it towards Floette, Julian was surprised by how Valerie was not holding back but he could understand, it's better to take out a stronger opponent before they can deal any damage to your own pokemon.

Julian "Dazzling Gleam"

Julian decided to counter with his own powerful Fairy-type move, Floette aimed the face of her flower at the incoming attack and blast a dazzling beam of light towards the glowing ball heading towards her.

The two attacks collided causing a powerful shockwave followed by a massive explosion, once the explosion faded away the air swirled back into the impact zone refilling the area.

Julian "Energy Ball"

As soon as the explosion died Floette blasted an Energy Ball at Spritzee, Spritzee saw the incoming Energy Ball and it knows that it cannot dodge this, it is too slow to dodge it, Valerie also knows this and quickly made a decision.

Valerie "Protect"

She called out for a Protect, Spritzee put up a forcefield in front of it and stopped the Energy Ball in its tracks, the Energy Ball clashed onto the forcefield and exploded, Spritzee was pushed back but it didn't suffer any setback.

Julian "Use Multiple Energy Balls"

Floette didn't stop and sent out multiple Energy Balls at Spritzee, these Energy Balls were not as big as the one before but they have the numbers, multiple Energy Balls shot towards Spritzee like bullets from a minigun, Spritzee continued to hold onto its forcefield but the barrage of Energy Balls started to show its effect.

Floette didn't stop and continued with them, cracks started to appear on the forcefield and then it shattered into pieces, the remaining Energy Balls made their way through and bombarded Spritzee.

Spritzee got hit by the first Energy Ball and got blasted away, it crashed into the ground but it didn't stop, the other Energy Ball followed right behind and continued hitting Spritzee sending it rolling on the ground till it was thrown out of the battlefield.

Floette finally stopped as she knew it was over, the referee checked on Spritzee and called out the result.

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