Since Sycamore had no problem with Julian taking Charmander with him, Julian took this chance to add another pokemon with massive potential to his team.

He put Charmander back into his Pokeball and put it away, now it was time for Julian to leave, Sycamore escorted Julian out of the lab but both of them stopped as they noticed someone is coming towards them through the entrance. ​​

Julian looked at this man and felt something was off about him, this man is tall, even a little taller than Julian, he has long orange hair shaped like a lion's mane, Julian thought that this hairstyle looked ridiculous, he didn't know why the people of this world is so obsessed with weird hairstyles.

The man is wearing a black suit and pants with orange lining, the man stopped right in front of Sycamore and greeted him, he then looked at Julian and wondered who this person is? Since Julian already put his mask up, the man with orange hair couldn't recognize him.

Sycamore "Oh, Mr. Lysandre, what is the reason for your visit?"

Sycamore asked. Lysandre is a very well-known name in Kalos, he and his team have always been helping people and pokemon through their research and project.

Sycamore has a quite good impression of Lysandre.

Lysandre "Who is this person?"

Lysandre asked Sycamore while looking at Julian, Sycamore looked at Julian and noticed that Julian has no intention to introduce himself so Sycamore quickly came up with an answer.

Sycamore "This person is a guest of mine, he was just about to leave"

Lysandre nodded and extended his hand towards Julian.

Lysandre "Hello my name is Lysandre, I am a Scientist, nice to meet you"

Lysandre said.

Julian looked at Lysandre's hand for a second before extending his hand as well, even though he had a feeling that Lysandre is a shitty person, he still decided to greet him, he didn't want to set off this Lysandre's alarms by being rude to him.

Julian "I am Julian"

Julian said and gave him a firm handshake, Lysandre was surprised to hear the name, being an influential figure himself, he knew who the name Julian is attached to a very important trainer in this world, he carefully looked at the man in the mask and the Infernape beside him, he realized that it is indeed the same person he is thinking of.

Lysandre "What a surprise, I didn't expect I would meet the legendary Mr. Julian himself"

Lysandre said with a smile.

Julian "I am sorry that I don't know you"

Julian said.

This time Sycamore stepped in and introduced Julian to Lysandre.

Sycamore "Mr. Julian, Mr. Lysandre is a very famous person in Kalos, he and his team have been helping people and pokemon for ages now, they have worked hard providing people and pokemons assistance whenever there were major catastrophe or problems"

Sycamore explained.

Julian wasn't actually surprised to hear this at all, his guts told that this person in front of him is a shitty person and the best way to cover up that persona is by putting on a mask of a good person.

Julian "It seems like you are a very good person, Mr. Lysandre"

Julian said.

Lysandre "I just do my best to assist people, if people of this world are happy I will be happy as well"

Lysandre said.

Julian just nodded his head, Lysandre then looked at Julian's Infernape and got curious, he has seen this pokemon on TV before but in person, Infernape looked quite majestic.

Lysandre wanted to touch him and examine him but before he could even put his hand on Infernape, he suddenly felt a burning sensation on his palm and he quickly retracted his hand and squeezed it.

Julian "I am sorry, I should have warned you sooner, my Infernape's fire is really hot and he doesn't like other people touching him"

Julian said.

Lysandre "No, it's my fault, I should have known not to approach a pokemon so suddenly"

Lysandre said while he was trying his best to hide the pain his palm is going through right now, he was really shocked by this, he didn't even touch Infernape and his palm took a nasty burn.

Julian "You should see a doctor or that might get worse"

Julian advised as he looked at Lysandre's hand. Lysandre just nodded and took out a cloth bandaid and rolled it over his palm.

Lysandre "Mr. Julian, your Infernape is quite a beautiful pokemon"

He said.

Julian "Beautiful? Haha, this is the first time someone described my Infernape as beautiful"

Julian said and laughed, he realized that this Lysandre was clearly a nut case, who would consider a pokemon beautiful when it just burned his hand.

Lysandre "I am not lying, Infernape is indeed beautiful, I wish to make this world an eternal beautiful place, and pokemons like your Infernape will be a great addition to it"

He said.

Julian didn't answer and just looked at Infernape. Beautiful? Infernape is everything but beautiful, and he wondered what this Lysandre is on about eternal beauty, Julian already knew that he had met a nut job but now he believes that this person might have a very serious problem.

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