Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1036 - Another Legendary

The battle between Kyurem and Lugia became completely one-sided, Kyurem soon started to figure out how Lugia battles, even though Lugia is weaker than it, it is still a legendary pokemon, its attacks are very dangerous.

And even Kyurem with its decent defense and overall growth it still has to be a little careful and not get hit by them. Moves like Sky Attack and Future Sight that Lugia used against it can deal a lot of damage. ​​

Once Kyurem got the hang of Lugia's battle style, it was soon able to counter its every move, with Lugia living in this world for so long, it clearly has a very refined battle sense and so did Kyurem but under Julian's training it has improved a lot and it could clearly be seen.

With the level Kyurem is in right now, it is hard for him to level up and him being legendary also slows down his process, but it was not a bad thing at all.

Julian was able to focus on Kyurem's control over its energy and not worry about it leveling up rapidly like other pokemons.

After a few minutes, Lugia seemed exhausted, it was battling an opponent who is stronger and has a better battle sense, if Kyurem wanted it could have defeated Lugia but Julian told it to slow down and not hurt Lugia badly, only exhaust it till it gives up.

Lugia shot a powerful Ice Beam at Kyurem and Kyurem also countered with one of his own, like every exchange between them, Kyurem overpowered Lugia and pushed it into a corner.

Lugia felt trapped right now, it couldn't do anything, the opponent was too tough to deal with.

Julian watched the battle closely while keeping himself safe, as he was focused on the battle between Lugia and his Kyurem, he didn't notice something was sneaking towards him from his back.

As this thing got close, Julian suddenly felt something was about to attack him, it was his senses that warned him about the danger, Julian quickly stepped aside and saw a black blur pass right by him and land on the ground.

Julian looked at this black figure and realized that this one is a Pokemon he has never seen before, the black pokemon looked like a dog and has some green accents to it, it is standing on four legs and growling at Julian.

Julian carefully looked at this pokemon and realized that something was familiar about it to Julian, he then looked at its chest and saw an orange color octagon, Julian realized that the octagon looked similar to the Zygarde cell that he possesses.

He then looked at other features of the pokemon in front of him and realized that this pokemon is actually Zygarde itself, the octagon-shaped eyes, octagon patterns on its body, green accents similar to the color of the Zygarde cell that he possesses, everything was pointing at one thing to Julian.

This pokemon in front of him is Zygarde itself but Julian didn't find it powerful at all, at best it was at elite-level pokemon, not comparable to a champion pokemon.

Seeing Zygarde was hostile towards him, Julian realized that Lugia might actually be protecting this Zygarde, Lugia's are known for being very protective, sometimes they were spotted guarding pokemons in the wild.

Lugia must be doing the same here as well, and Zygarde being a pokemon that is connected to this world itself, Lugia must feel like protecting it, Julian knew that those weird people in orange suits were trying to hunt down Zygarde's cells and cores to take control over it and use it for some stupid reasons and because of that Zygarde should be in hiding.

But this was just a guess and most of the time his guesses were quite accurate, Julian looked at Lugia who is on verge of collapsing due to exhaustion, and then at Zygarde who is shaped like a dog.

Julian "Kyurem, stop. Step Back"

Julian gave his command, Kyurem backed down and landed behind Julian and kept a close eye on both Lugia and the small dog-like pokemon, for some reason Kyurem felt that the little dog was more dangerous than the Lugia itself.

Julian "Clam down, I am not your enemy, you don't need to worry about me"

Julian said with a calm voice, hearing Julian both pokemons in front of him are still wary, they don't trust him at all.

Julian "I know you don't trust me, I just came here to check the den and nothing else, it was you who attacked me first"

Julian said while looking at Lugia, Julian knows that both these pokemons are very smart and can clearly understand him, Lugia for some reason wanted to trust Julian, it knew that it attacked first as it saw a human entering the den.

Zygarde told it that it was being hunted and its body parts have scattered all over the region so it cannot fully utilize its power, because of this, Lugia decided to protect Zygarde until the other parts of Zygarde's body gathered up close to it so that it can depend on its own power to protect itself.

Julian then looked at Zygarde and took out a Pokeball, Zygarde backed down a little wary of what Julian is going to pull out, Julian didn't say anything and released the cell from inside.

Julian "This must belong to you"

He said while Zygarde looked at the cell on top of Julian's hand.

Julian "Take it, just wanted to show you that I am not your enemy"

Julian said and placed the cell in front of Zygarde.

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