Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1023 - Evil Pokemons

As he was about to climb the dead volcano which is also the Grace Tower, he heard a rustle coming from the nearest bush, he looked in the direction from where the sound came and he was surprised to see what came out of the bush.

It's a Malamar and a pretty big one, from what Julian knows, Malamars are not very friendly pokemon and they are very vicious in nature, he looked at the Malamar carefully but he couldn't feel any animosity coming from the Malamar. ​​

And as he expected, this one was quite friendly, it greeted Julian with a smile on its face, soon multiple Inkays came out of nowhere and dragged Julian into the forest, as Julian followed the little pokemons, he saw many pokemons moving around playing with each other, eating berries under the watchful eyes of three Malamars.

Julian let out his pokemons and let them hang around with the wild pokemons here, after a few minutes Julian heard something, something big was rushing through the road, it got Julian's attention and he looked in the direction where it came from.

He then noticed three massive trucks heading towards the Grace Tower, Julian looked at these trucks with suspicion as there is no need for such massive trucks here, he wondered what is being carried inside these trucks.

He got up and sent all his pokemons back to their Pokeballs and bid farewell to wild pokemons before giving the trucks a chase, he watched them as they drove the truck up the tower, it looks like people have built a path on the tower so it was easy for massive trucks to go up.

Julian followed the truck all the way up but on his way he noticed someone was also there staring at the trucks as well, it caught Julian's attention and sneaked to the area where the person is currently hiding observing the trucks as well.

When he got there he was surprised to see the person, it was officer Jenny, he watched her carefully and followed her from behind, once both of them climbed up and reach the top of the tower, Julian stood right behind Officer Jenny but she didn't notice him at all.

He also watched what was happening in the middle of the tower, Julian was surprised to notice that the tower was not hollow since its a dead volcano, it had a firm ground where the three trucks standing next to each other.

Julian waited for the big reveal, as soon as the doors of the trucks opened, Julian was surprised to see what came out of the truck, three Malamar floated out with wicked smiles on their face.

Julian 'Now that's creepy' Julian thought.

With all the time he spent here in this world, it is the first time he has seen pokemons like this, pokemons that look pure evil in nature, he has seen bad pokemons but they were always under evil people's influence but this time it is not.

It's the pokemon themselves that are evil to the core, this was new to him so he is a little excited.

Julian "So officer Jenny, what do you know about these Malamars?"

Julian asked.

Jenny "The Malamar in the middle is the leader, I have had an encounter with it before, and trust....."

Before she could finish her word, she realized that someone is right behind her, she was just so focused on observing the Malamars that she forgot she was all alone.

She was about to make a sudden movement but was stopped by Julian, he put his hand over her mouth and held her tightly so that she doesn't move, Officer Jenny is shocked as she felt powerless in this person's hold.

She tried to say something but her voice was muffled.

Julian "Shhh, don't make a sound of they will hear you"

Julian whispered in her ear, Officer Jenny calmed down listening to Julian, she didn't feel scared in his arms so she listened to him.

Noticing that she calmed down Julian let go of her and smiled.

Julian "So Officer Jenny, what is happening here?"

He asked again.

Jenny "First, who are you?"

She whispered and asked.

Julian "My bad"

Julian said and removed his mask to show his face, as soon as Jenny saw Julian's face she was shocked, she was about to scream but Julian quickly covered her mouth again and held her tightly and didn't let her go, one arm around her waist and other on her mouth.

Julian "You are too jump right now, let's calm down first"

He whispered into her ear from the back and looked at the three Malamar as they seem to be communicating with each other in their own language.

Julian "Do you know what they are up to?"

Julian asked again as he noticed that the Malamar suddenly used their power to open up the container carried by the trucks, as soon as they opened the containers six weird-shaped artifacts could be seen.

They started to glow and float up in the air, it was clearly being done by the Malamars, now Julian wanted to know what those weird things are, the only person who could answer him is Officer Jenny.

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