Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1021 - Julian Vs Korrina (4)

After realizing that Korrina relies on her Lucario more than she should, Julian decided to end this one quickly as well.

If Korrina keeps battling like this, she will never become a good gym leader, she will just keep winning and hold back young trainer's progression, winning is not important for gym leaders, it is their job to guide trainers and with how Korrina is doing her job, she is not being a gym leader. ​​

She is just aiming to be an undefeated gym leader.

Julian "Use Dive"

It was time to go for the offense, Skrelp stopped using Scald and suddenly switched his attack, he surrounded himself in water and blasted it everywhere, the whole battlefield was now submerged underwater and Lucario is having a hard time moving around and locating Skrelp.

Skrelp swam through the water and got close to Lucario and lunged at it on its back, Lucario felt as if it got hit by heavy rock and got sent flying into the air, the water that covered the battlefield disappeared, and only Skrelp remained on top of the battlefield.

Korrina panicked seeing this and quickly called out a move.

Korrina "Use Protect"

She shouted but her Lucario didn't listen, it suddenly created a bone out of its aura and when it was about to touch the ground, it used it as a medium to stop itself from crashing hard and then used the same aura bone to launch itself towards Skrelp using Bone Rush.

Korrina saw this and hesitated a little but decided to go along with Lucario's choice.

Julian "Scald"

Lucario left itself wide open for a marksman like Skrelp, as it is in the air, it cannot change direction, no matter how fast Lucario is traveling, it won't be able to dodge Skrelp's attack this time.

Skrelp locked on and shot a scalding jet stream at Lucario, this time it couldn't dodge it and got hit, Scald is a very powerful move, and the biggest strength of Scald was that it could add burning effect on its target even though it being a water type move.

The Scald landed and Lucario was stopped in its tracks, it crashed on the ground and flames suddenly engulfed its body, it howled in pain as burn started to take effect.

What surprised Julian was that Lucario is still standing.

Julian "Get this over with, Shock Wave"

An unavoidable electric type move should put an end to this battle. Since Lucario is covered with water, electricity would conduct better which will have more effect.

Waves of electricity released by Skrelp touched Lucario and zapped it, Lucario howled and went on its knee, it still tried to fight back but the burn effect flared up once again putting its struggle to end.

It blacked out as its face hit the ground and the battle ended just like that.

Gurkinn "Lucario is unable to battle, Skrelp wins, the winner of this battle is the challenger"

Gurkinn announced the victor of this battle, he didn't expect his granddaughter to lose so easily but he didn't expect anything else, the person she is facing is one of the greatest if not the greatest, he just picked her apart like the veteran he is.

Gurkinn knows that to a powerful trainer like Julian, it doesn't matter how strong of a pokemon Korrina has, she is just a rookie gym leader who needs to learn a lot, and trainers like these are too easy to deal with.

Korrina couldn't believe what she just saw, she couldn't even land one hit on her opponent during the whole battle, she was picked apart and destroyed.

Julian "Such a disappointment, here I thought I would at least get a challenge"

Julian said.

Korrina finally snapped after being mocked by Julian, she glared fiercely at her challenger.

Korrina "What do you mean by that?"

Julian "I wonder how you became a gym leader? Is being a gym leader so easy? Can anyone become a gym leader?"

Julian asked in a mocking tone.

Korrina "You.....!"

She wanted to say something but couldn't think of anything.

Julian "How could someone like you be a gym leader, you can't even control the battlefield, you can't even control your own pokemon, it's just moving around doing whatever it wants while you just stand there and watch it do so, it's pathetic.

A trainer is supposed to be the one in control, not the other way around, no wonder you are so weak"

Julian mocked her again.

Korrina didn't know what to say to Julian's claim, even though she didn't want to believe it, she felt Julian was telling the truth, she looked at her unconscious Lucario and wondered about how she has been battling along with it all this time.

Every time she would just go along with Lucario's instinct, it was as if she didn't need to be there at all.

Julian "What's the use of being a trainer, if you can't guide your pokemon?"

Julian asked but he didn't get any reply, Korrina just kept looking at her Lucario.

Julian "Am I done here, can I have my badge?"

Julian asked. Gurkinn walked up to Julian and handed him the gym badge and guided him out of the gym.

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