Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1015 - The Mirror World

Now that Julian knew he cannot exist in two different dimensions and timelines at the same time, he was somewhat relieved, the less there are people like him the better.

He also wondered what it is really like inside the mirror dimension so he approached the mirror and tried to touch it and as soon as he did, he felt his arms pass right through the mirror as if it didn't exist at all. ​​

This surprised Julian once again.

Julian 'System, can you explain?'

Julian asked again.

System 'Since the host is a singularity, he can enter any dimension with ease and won't be repelled, since the mirror cave acts as a gateway to the mirror dimension, the host can use it whenever he wants'

The system replied to him, hearing the answer Julian got a little excited as he wanted to explore the mirror dimension so he stepped right into the mirror surface, even though the mirror was a solid object, Julian didn't feel it at all, it was just like passing through a sheet of a bubble.

When he arrived on the other side, Julian found himself inside the cave once again but he could see the difference, everything was opposite here than in the real world, objects that seem to be on right were on left and the ones on left were on right.

Even the entrance was different, he walked out of the entrance and looked around, just like he had expected, everything was mirrored here, the first thing he did was head back to Geosenge town and check out a few things before he figures out what to do next.

As he had expected the town was also very different, everything was opposite to what he experienced before in the real world, he needed to check something so he headed towards the library.

It was still the same, an empty old library where no one bothered to come, Julian entered the library and noticed the old librarian but for some reason, this librarian felt different, he was glaring at Julian.

Librarian "What do you want?"

The old librarian grumbled in a very rude tone, Julian was once again surprised by how the old man behaved, back in the real world the old man was quite polite and docile but this old man was rude and fierce in character.

Julian "I just wanted to read some books"

Julian answered. He didn't want to start a fight with this old man right now.

Librarian "Ha, nowadays, even chumps like these want to read books, whatever, I don't want to be bothered"

The old man was very rude but Julian didn't mind and walked past the old man and picked up the same books about the 3000-year-old war, he sat down and opened the books and noticed that all words were mirrored as well, he had to read from right to left, instead of left to right and it was also a little hard to read it like that.

But after a few minutes, Julian got the hang of it, once he was done reading, Julian realized that there was not much difference between the history of the mirror world and the real world, it was just that people had polar opposite personalities to their real-world counterpart.

That didn't mean they hated what they liked before, no they were still the same but how they acted was different, in the books he read that AZ was a coward king but in the real world he was a brave one but his reason to create the Ultimate Weapon was still the same, to revive his dead pokemon which he loved dearly.

After clarifying his suspicion Julian left the library, the old man was still grumpy as before so Julian didn't bother to talk and just walked out, he looked around the town and noticed that everyone was different, the old woman at the flower shop who was very kind in the real world acted like a rude bitch.

Everything was different, Julian made his way towards the hotel he stayed in, in the real world and suddenly realized something. If he uses his old id, they will not work in the mirror world, people of this world will think that his card has been printed wrong.

He quickly took out his ids and noticed something strange, the words in his IDs were mirrored as well.

Julian "Huh?"

Julian didn't expect the real-world items to alter in this world as well.

System 'Items from the real world will be altered as soon as it enters the mirror world'

The System answered him.

It did make sense, as he entered the mirror world, everything in his possession was mirrored as well, Julian entered the hotel room and booked a room for himself, unlike others the staff working in the hotel were still professional no matter how their character really was.

But what was completely new to Julian was that these people didn't know who he was at all, they thought he was just some random trainer, in this mirror world, Julian didn't exist, so there was no 'The Strongest Champion, Julian'.

This was completely new and Julian is not going to miss this opportunity, he decided to take advantage and explore this world even more.

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