Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 101 - Primal Reversion.

Julian quickly wanted to leave Rustboro city he wanted to investigate the ruins in Dewford island which stated about the legendary Pokemons Groudon and Kyogre and there is also the Dewford gym.

Julian quickly boarded a ferry and headed towards Dewford Island, on his way there he asked some question to the captain of the ferry but the captain didn't know anything about the ruins in Dewford island. ​​

Julian 'These ruins must be inside Granite Cave, this cave is still not explored properly by researchers due to the abundance of Pokemon present there that attack anyone crossing their path'

After traveling for a day and a half Julian finally reached Dewford Island, the Island was very big but there was only one small town present here.

Julian walked around the town and found the pokemon center so he decided to give a quick rest to his pokemons, he also saw the Dewford gym but he didn't want to challenge it right now.

After his pokemons had their short rest Julian decided to go and explore the Granite Cave, referring the digital map in his phone he reached the Granite Cave, as he was about to enter he saw some cave explorers running out of the cave.

Julian looked at them wondering what happened, one of them stopped as saw Julian trying to enter the cave.

Explorer "Friend, you should not go inside there are a large number of Zubats and many pokemons inside which attack you without any warning"

Julian stopped and looked at the Explorer

Julian "Thank you for the warning but I need to check something inside the cave"

Explorer "I don't advice you but it's your decision"

The Explorer left and Julian entered the cave, it was dark but he could see the inside of the cave clearly, after looking around the cave for some time he found few people exploring it as well.

Julian 'Even though the pokemons here attack but still people come here to find precious stones'

Every person he met inside were trying to find a precious stone.

Julian continued to go deeper inside, as he went deeper he encountered fewer people and more pokemons, the cave was filled with Zubats hanging upside down the ceiling and some of then even attacked Julian but Julian sent Electivire to take care of them.

Even after walking around the cave for almost one hour it didn't come to an end, Julian realized that this cave continues to go underground and it was not naturally formed as well, it was man-made, he realized this after seeing the marking made on the wall of the cave, it looked like they were hacked by something pointy.

Julian "These marking are old, this cave must have been extended in ancient times by humans"

The deeper he went the darker it got as the sunlight couldn't reach inside, even he couldn't see as he still needed light to see around so he had to relay on Infernape as he went deeper.

Something finally caught his attention, another opening on a wall, he walked in to find it was filled with pokemons but they didn't attack due to Infernape presence they got scared and ran away, he saw Geodudes, Arons, Makuhitas, and Zubats everywhere.

Julian "These must be the dominant species in this cave I guess"

He walked further and suddenly something caught his attention as this thing shined due to the light being emitted by Infernape's fire, Julian walked closer to the source and found a Mega Stone stuck deep in the wall.

Julian "A Mega Stone"

Julian got excited about finding one here.

Julian "Infernape break the wall"

Infernape used Mach Punch and shattered the wall into pieces, the Mega Stone fell on the ground so Julian picked it up, he cleaned the stone by removing the small stones stuck to it.

It has a clear outer layer and blue, white, and silver color in the core, he polished the stone and showed it to Infernape.

Julian "Do you feel anything?"

Infernape looked at the Mega Stone and didn't feel anything from it so he shook his head, Julian then looked at the Mega Stone and tried to recall anything he could from the anime but he failed as so many Mega Stone looked alike with slight color difference.

Julian then thought of something and used Omniforce to check the Mega Stone and found something interesting, he felt properties of Steel radiating from it.

Julian "It should be a Mega Stone for a Steel Type pokemon"

Julian called out Heatran to look at it but he got the same reaction from Heatran as Infernape, he didn't feel any attraction from it.

Julian "Let's keep it, I will look into it when I have some free time"

Julian continued his exploring and at one point he was attacked by a wild Aggron and it was pummeled by Infernape, Julian also tested the Mega Stone on Aggron but it also gave no reaction to the Mega Stone, Julian wondered which Pokemon's Mega Stone was this as it didn't even react to the caves steel type pokemon, that is Aggron.

Finally Julian reached his destination he found a rusted old locked iron gate blocking his path.

Julian "Infernape break the lock"

Infernape used Mack Punch and shattered the lock, then Julian pushed the gate open and what greeted him was a huge room carved with ancient writings and drawings of ancient fossil pokemons leaving with humans in peace.

Julian was fascinated by these carvings, it told him the story of ancient time and how humans and pokemons interacted with each other, he observed each and every carving and each and every one of them told a story, Julian felt like he was reading a book and as he went forwards following the carvings he saw carvings of three huge pokemons fighting with each other.

Julian was mesmerized by this grand site in front of him.

Julian "Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza"

Julian looked at these monsters but they looked very different from their normal form.

Julian "It not their normal form, it looks like Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and Mega Rayquaza"

Julian looked at the writings below them, Julian had been trying to learn the ancient language for quite some time, even though he was not perfect at it he could still figure out what it said.

The writings went like this.

[The legendary Pokemons Groudon and Kyogre came in contact with their respective orb and it fueled them with their true power, they attended their Primal Reversion, filled with unlimited power they started to do what they were meant to do as it was what the Original One wanted them to do, Primal Groudon started to create land everywhere and Primal Kyogre started to drown every land mass to create ocean, and it didn't take long for them to encounter each other, they see each other as mortal enemies as both of them oppose the other. They started to fight and their fight caused a great calamity an extinction of both humans and pokemons, but the Original One was wise as he had created another force of nature. Rayquaza came down tearing the sky in its Mega form, Mega Rayquaza battled both Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon and separated them from their Orb and put them to sleep, Rayquaza then took the Orb and placed it on Mt. Pyre. Rayquaza then returned to the sky and humanity and pokemons survived]

Julian read the ancient script and felt he was witnessing the even himself.

Julian "Primal Reversion, not a mega evolution but it restores Groudon and Kyogre's true power".

Julian felt a new world opened for him, even though he knew of these monsters existence he just knew it from the anime now seeing the events that took place countless years ago he couldn't help but imagine what kind of power they held.

Julian sighed and decided to leave as his purpose of visiting the cave was over and he also acquired a Mega Stone so he was pleased with this little adventure he had in Granite Cave.

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