Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1007 - Diantha Vs Magnus

Once both Diantha and Magnus were ready, the referee stepped in and started to explain the rules of the battle, this was a one vs one pokemon battle and not an official one and just an exhibition so the losses will not be added to their record.

With both trainers ready, the referee asked them to send out their pokemons, Diantha went first and sent out her Gardevoir into the battlefield, Magnus didn't make the crowd wait and sent out his Absol as well. ​​

The referee soon called out and began the battle.

Magnus went straight to attacking.

Magnus "Absol, use Bite!"

Magnus commanded and his Absol rushed towards Gardevoir and tried to slam a massive dark jaw made of energy on Gardevoir.

As Absol was about to shut its jaw on Gardevoir, Gardevoir just moved to the side gracefully and moved out of harm's way.

Magnus didn't stop and continued with his offense.

Magnus "Use Night Slash"

Absol charged at Gardevoir again but Gardevoir once again dodged the attack with grace, while others didn't notice anything special, Julian did and he was surprised.

Julian 'No wonder Professor Sycamore said her bond with Gardevoir is very powerful, they understand each other just through their eyes'

Julian noticed that Diantha didn't even need to speak, she could just command her Gardevoir with her eyes, it was not telepathy, it was just that they both understood each other perfectly.

Building such a strong bond is not easy, even Julian doesn't have this kind of strong bond with all his pokemons, there are only a few, and them being, Infernape, Gengar, and Crystal.

These three are the only ones that can understand Julian without him even saying a word to them, though his other pokemons have a very strong bond with him, none of them come close to these three.

Julian was impressed, at first Julian categorized Diantha as any other champion he faced, but now he put her on top of his list, just below Cynthia, a trainer with such a strong connection with their pokemon is not easy to beat, no matter how strong a trainer is.

Julian then smiled and watched with interest, now he was glad that he stayed behind to watch this battle.

The battle continued and Magnus's Absol failed to land even one good hit on Gardevoir, it looked like Gardevoir is a bullfighter and Absol is an angry bull.

Magnus "Use Night Slash again!"

Magnus shouted again.

Absol charged at Gardevoir full speed.

Diantha "Use Moonblast"

Diantha opened her mouth for the first time, Gardevoir suddenly lifted its arms and created a pink ball of energy between its hand, and threw it at the incoming Absol with full speed.

The Moonblast touched the glowing Night Slash and exploded sending Absol rolling on the ground, Absol struggled to get back to its feet, just that one move was able to render it in such a bad shape.

Magnus knew that he cannot continue like this so he decided to use his ace and takedown Diantha's pokemon with his.

Magnus "Use Perish Song"

Perish Song is a sure knockout move, once a pokemon listens to this song, it gets knocked out after a minute or two.

Absol released a weird sound out of its mouth and there was no escaping it, one cannot escape Perish Song unless the pokemon is deaf.

Diantha didn't waste her time once Perish Song was in play, Julian already knew this battle was over, Magnus could have dragged this battle a little longer if he had not used Perish Son but now he forced Diantha into a corner forcing her to make a move.

Diantha "Let's finish it, Moonblast"

Gardevoir suddenly shot towards Absol at extreme speed, Magnus and Absol couldn't even process as they saw Gardevoir appear right in front of Absol and used Moonblast at point-blank range with just one hand pressing down on Absol's head.

The Moonblast exploded as soon as it was formed and sent Absol shooting through the air, it then crashed hard on the ground and continued to roll back and finally stop right in front of Magnus's feet.

The referee looked at Absol and quickly called out the result.

Referee "Absol is unable to battle, Gardevoir wins, the winner of this battle is Champion Diantha"

It was a completely one-sided win from Diantha's side, she didn't go easy on Magnus at all, well she shouldn't, he is the champion of the previous league, he needs to be better at what he does.

Julian was impressed, the way Gardevoir moved reminded him of his own Gardevoir, she is also very graceful and powerful.

The crowd went wild as they saw the knockout, even Ash and his friends were very excited after witnessing the knockout, seeing the battle Ash wanted to battle Diantha and got all excited imagining it.

Back on the battlefield Magnus shook his hand with Diantha and excepted his defeat while the crowd cheered, the battle was done and soon people started to walk out of the stadium, Julian, Ash, and the group also did the same as they walked out of the VIP lounge and headed out.

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