It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



Hailee woke up and immediately looked around the room that felt foreign to her.

Her brows creased, but a moment later she remembered last night's incident, how she had a sudden idea that led her to go to Lexus's house to call Ramon.

When the name Ramon crossed her mind, Hailee immediately grabbed her cellphone. Last night, because Ramon wanted to continue the video call, Hailee didn't turn off her cellphone and just fell asleep.

The cellphone in Hailee's hand was off now, apparently it ran out of battery, because yesterday she didn't charge it at all.

Hailee didn't know when her cellphone turned off, but for sure, Ramon had seen her fall asleep. Hailee just hoped that she didn't snore or have a strange sleeping position.

After finishing washing her face and brushing her teeth, Hailee came out of the room and found a servant, who happened to be passing by, greeting her.

"Miss Hailee, what would you like for breakfast?" she asked kindly. "Mr. Lexus left for the office an hour ago, he told Miss Hailee to eat something first before going home."

Hailee smiled at that, but because she wasn't really hungry, finally Hailee decided to just ask for some toast.

While walking into the dining room, Hailee thought of charging her cell phone so she could use it later.

However, before Hailee could follow the young maid any further, she heard Lis's voice calling out to her.

"Hailee, I came to Ramon's house, but they said you were here," Lis said with her voice that sounded calm and dignified as usual. She had just returned from a business trip out of town and wanted to see Hailee right away because the news she had heard was; this girl was hospitalized overnight due to an illness

However, what Lis saw made her frown a little.

Meanwhile, when Hailee turned around to look at the figure of Lis, who was wearing a dark blue blazer and white high heels, she could also see an unpleasant expression on the middle aged woman's face, which was still beautiful.

Instantly, Hailee knew what the problem was…

The pajamas she was wearing now, felt inappropriate for her to wear in another man's house, even if it was Ramon's own brother, because it looked vulgar and seemed out of place.

Especially when the pajamas she wore were cut with shorts that covered her knees only.

"Mother… this…" For some reason, Hailee felt the urge to explain her current appearance so that Lis wouldn't misunderstand.

"Hailee," Lis said, and this tone was the same tone that her mother always used just before she scolded her. "I hope I don't see you dressed like this coming out of Ramon's house again."

"Yes, mother." Hailee looked down, obviously she couldn't argue back because she knew she was at fault this time. "I will never do it again. Last night I didn't think much and came over here hurriedly, so…"

"I know…" Lis could see the guilty expression on the girl's face in front of her, and for her that was enough, after all, Hailee's mistake wasn't something to be exaggerated. "How did it go? Have you made up with Ramon?"

After all, Lis was happy that Hailee seemed to be getting along with Lexus too, but still, there had to be a limit between them.

Meanwhile, because Hailee had never felt what it would be like having an older brother, she didn't really consider it.

"Yes," Hailee said in a low voice. She pondered, what was Lexus gossiping about her with Lis?

"Good then," Lis said cheerfully, it seemed like she didn't mind this anymore and Hailee could breathe a sigh of relief. "Before marriage, there were some undesirable things that happened."

Hailee smiled and walked toward the dining room with Liz.

"I hope you can be patient with Ramon and his mood which is sometimes difficult to read," said Lis.

Well, to face Ramon, it took more than just patience.


"Are you back?" Haileeasked as she twisted the ends of her hair, a habit she always had when she was nervous.

This time, after finishing breakfast with Lis at Lexus's house, Lis drove Hailee back to Ramon's house before she returned to her own house.

However, because Hailee had nothing to do and the time she spent in front of the television watching the continuation of the case that ensnared Roland Dimatrio no longer excite her, she decided to call Ramon.

"Yes," Ramon answered in a voice that sounded like someone muttering. "Two hours ago, but I had to go to the office to take care of something."

For some reason, Ramon, who explained to Hailee why he didn't come home right away and what he's doing now, made the girl smile broadly. Feeling happy to know this little detail.

Hailee then glanced at the clock on Ramon's desk. She preferred to spend her time here when Ramon wasn't around.

"Are you going home this afternoon?" Hailee asked carefully, keeping her voice from sounding too hopeful.

But unfortunately, Ramon caught that easily. "Why?" A smile crossed his lips when he heard Hailee's question.

"It's nothing much," Hailee said, shrugging her shoulders, acting nonchalantly, although Ramon definitely couldn't see the gesture. "I just remember that last night someone said my cooking was better than the food at the hotel where he was staying, so I thought maybe I could cook something for him..."

Hailee bit her lip at the end of her sentence, nervously waiting for Ramon's response, but then she heard the man's low laugh, which made her smile too.

"I probably won't be able to come home for lunch, but I suppose you can come here for lunch with me," Ramon suggested.

This was completely beyond Hailee's expectations. Ramon asked her to have lunch together?

Hailee then pushed her cellphone away to shout silently. Their relationship was very smooth when things were like this.

The imminent marriage looked even more beautiful in Hailee's eyes now.

Now the girl was optimistic that the two of them could fall in love with each other and have a happy little marriage and family. After all, spending the rest of your life with someone you don't like would be a trouble!

"Hmm, alright…" Hailee answered softly, so as not to sound too happy. "I'll be there in two hours."

"Hm," Ramon muttered.

And when the phone was cut off,Hailee immediately ran to her room to choose an appropriate outfit. She had a date!

Meanwhile, Danny stood beside Ramon with an expression that indicated there was a problem.

"What is wrong?"

"Mrs. Smith is waiting outside."

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