Chapter 531 JAYDEN

"It's okay, it's between girls, okay," Rachel said, not listening to Ivan's warning at all. "So? Have you ever been to the Tordoff mansion? What do you guys do on a date? How does it feel to date a tycoon? What kind of dates have you guys had so far? Dating on a cruise ship? Private jet?"

Apple wasn't really sure how she should answer all of these questions, because she felt she didn't have the answers.

Apple didn't feel like they had dated before, as the first few days of their relationship could be said to have had a bit of tension in them, and therefore Apple found it difficult to answer Rachel's question.

"I have been to the Tordoff residence," Apple replied, which made Rachel squeal and she didn't understand why this woman was making such a sound.

"Then, where else has Jayden Tordoff taken you?" Rachel asked probingly and a little excitedly for Apple liking.

Apple frowned. "I have never been on his private jet." It was certain that the Tordoffs owned a private jet, but she'd never even seen one, while for a cruise ship, Apple wasn't really sure Jayden would take her anywhere by it, given the trauma he was suffering from.

So there are no compelling answers that Apple can provide to Rachel's questions.

"So what are you guys doing?" Rachel asked, still excited to know the dynamics of their relationship. She never dated a conglomerate, let alone had a romantic relationship with those kinds of people. She never even knew someone like Jayden Tordoff. "Then what kinds of dates have you been to? Anything interesting while you two were together?"

To Rachel's last question, it looks like Apple has the answer.

"Well, yeah… I had an interesting experience," Apple answered slowly, noticing Rachel's eager face. The woman kept looking back, she had even shifted in her seat to face Apple. "I was robbed once at lunch with him."

This time Ivan laughed when he heard this. "Yeah, I remember that. It was the first news reporters covered about you two. You guys look so cute, exposed for being robbed at lunch."

Apple laughed wryly at that. "Pretty interesting, isn't it?"

Meanwhile Rachel didn't care about the news, she didn't even think about the interesting part when the two of them were robbed in the cafe, but rather because that wasn't the answer she wanted.

She wanted something romantic, something a little scandalicious, so she could use it as a gossip topic with her girlfriends.

But, sadly, Rachel didn't have much time for that because it didn't take long for Ivan to get to the bar they were going to and during that time Apple didn't answer any of Rachel's questions specifically.

Arriving at the bar, Apple and the others ordered drinks for themselves after finding a table to the left of the room.

"Why don't you call Jayden Tordoff over here?" Rachel asked, she still couldn't let go of her obsession with Jayden Tordoff and wanted to know everything about the man from Apple because she thought it was so interesting. "Why don't you call him? Invite him to come here. Wouldn't he be jealous when he saw you spending time with these men?"

"He is in city A, there is no way he can come here, it is too late after all," Apple politely refused. She was actually starting to get uncomfortable with Rachel's questions. It was obvious that this woman really wanted to find out all the details about Apple and Jayden's relationship.

"If he loves you so much, he will definitely be willing to come to this city even though the distance is so long."

Apple laughed when she heard that statement and this annoyed Rachel a little, because she didn't like being laughed at. "I never measure love by distance. If the position was reversed, I would also object to having to pass through several cities just to prove love. He has other ways of showing it." Apple glanced at Rachel, insinuating at something naughty.

And that made Rachel even more jealous of Apple's luck.

"Stop talking about Jayden Tordoff," Ivan warned his lover again. "It makes everyone here uncomfortable."

Rachel pursed her lips and for a moment, she didn't mention Jayden Tordoff anymore because she saw how strict Ivan had been in giving her a warning.

After all, whe could see that her boyfriend looked annoyed that she kept talking about other men right in front of him.

Therefore, Rachel had to calm her partner down.

That night at the bar there wasn't much of anything interesting, Ivan looked a little tipsy and Rachel was beside him, whispering something laughing and this made Ivan smile, while the other three men had left their table in search of other girls to keep them company. there.

One of them is Rio. Apple can see the man dancing on the dance floor. Together with a girl with light brown hair, they both seem to be enjoying one another's company.

While Apple was stuck in that place and had nothing else to do, especially when she saw Rachel and Ivan already kissing each other, Apple took it as a cue for her to get out of there. She didn't want to be a spectator to either of them.

Apple's main goal was finding a bar table, where she could order drinks while gazing across the room and enjoying her solitude.

But, just as she sat there, a man sat next to her.

"I've been watching you since a long time ago," the man said. He looked cute with glasses perched on his sharp nose, his smile looked very confident and he had a nice body.

Overall, he was pleasant to the eyes.

"May I know your name?" the man asked, holding out his hand. "I am Derek."

Apple looked doubtful when she saw the outstretched hand, but before she could decide, someone had reached out his hand first, over her shoulder and grabbed the man's hand.


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