[Mia's POV: ]

There are times when a sudden inspiration just strikes you and you start doing things that you did not think about ever in your lives. 

'Something similiar happened with me as soon as the round actually started.'

I had no idea what we were going to create for the fifth round of the cometation and then there was this nostalgia stuck with me from last night.

'Master Axion, and Lady Reinelle… they are very similar to vice captain and Uriel.'

So much so that there were moments yesterday that I almost believed the two of them are the same people.

However, it also didn't take long for me to accept it was not the case.

'However similar the two of them are, there are things about the four of them that are just too different from each other and, those fundamental things could not be changed even if one wanted to.'

Vice captain is a very good pure archer for now who is aiming to become a magic archer even though he has affinity with all six major elements of nature, a condition so rare that in history, few with similar condition are able to survive after awakening a Mana nucleus.

'Vice captains knows it well and that is the reason he is going at it with a unique approach of his own.'

Magic doesn't necessarily have be cast with Mana as its base. Some, very few and very special Aura users could also cast magic if they have proper understanding of the magic and deep enough knowledge about themseves and their Aura to substitute it for Mana.

And from what we all could see, he will surely achive what he is aiming for and one day, he will defiantly become a proper magic archer that casts magic with his Aura.

'He is unique, while on the other hand, Master Axion has already achieved what vice captain is aiming for.'

Everyone knows Master Axion is a high grade mage as well as a very good Aura user archer. So good that Alfred and Carla doesn't get tired of talking about their training with him and his harsh training methods.

'The two of them praise him so much and say how they are at that level thanks to him that most of us who occasionally have lunch together have to stop them from talking about him.'

Vice captain sure is smart, knowledgeable, and a very, very special person. But, Master Axion is fundamentally different from him. 

'It's like Master Axion is the light that everyone wants to see, the light that everyone does see, and a light that everyone wants to possess, while vice captain is a kind of shadow that is mostly ignored by the world even though he has unmatched skills, powers and abilities compared to the others.'

And, I could say the very same for Lady Reinelle and Uriel. One is light and the other is a shadow that is limited to its own turf.

They are special in their own ways however, they both definitely are special and that fact makes them different from the normal people.

'Normal people with inherent limitations that, at one point in their lives, stop pushing forward towards self improvement.'

Growth is a factor that always has a timeframe.

When it doesn't happen, one feels like they are struck at one point in their life facing an insurmountable wall that could never be crossed over by them even if they tried with all they had, even if they gave their all and did everything humanly possible.

'It feels like you are stuck in a dark hole when growth isn't happening, when you are just maintaining what you have, when despite your desperate attempts, nothing really seems to change.'

Everyone with a selfish desire to achieve something greater faces this kind of 'wall' at least once in their lifetime for a time period that depends solely on them.

'And when the growth is indeed happening in the early stages, it always feels so fast that one themseves might not even be able to see the changes that are happening with them, in them, or around them.'

That's the nature of growth, unpredictable and uncertain.

However, growth happens since it is part of the eternal 'change'.

'Everything changes since everything is in motion. Stillness might exist however, a stop is nonexistent. Something that could only exist on paper, in writings, in fiction.'

Change is unstoppable, and as a positive part of the change, one's growth is also unstoppable. At least, until one starts to believe it is stoppable. That it is finite.

'A thought struck me a moment before the start of the cometation.'

What if we couldn't do what we are supposed to do here?

What if we couldn't make past this round and enter the last round?

What would happen if we could not give everything we had like we were supposed to or give more than we possessed as vice captain had instructed us to?

I thought about how whatever happens today, there will come a time when I will not be able to do what I was supposed to. That I will feel stuck and no part of my body will be able to move.

'Just like the wall I had been facing before joining the academy and meeting the vice captain.'

Every being has an innate limitation to them, and those who do not are the beings we prise as Gods of nature. And those who surpass their limits, and achieve what is not possible, we praise those as Lords who once were mortal.

That is how nature has made things. And that is how every existing element followed these laws.

'However, how are these limitations imposed?' I wondered at that moment.

In that moment which seemed to have stretched many folds, I wondered what is in the human body that limits one's 'growth'.

What is it that stops one from achieving what others could achieve much easily?

What exactly is the 'limiter' that stops the eternally changing factor 'growth'?

'I thought, and thought. And when I remembered the epistemological theories vice captain taught us, I was able to reach a very simple conclusion.'

Mortal body. 

'And even in it, the way a physical body is naturally imperfect.'

The imperfections are the main factor that makes one as human as one can be. And the limitations come from these imperfections, in a way.

'The physical body changes but soul remains immortal, as it is proven by various famous researches.'

Energy, as it is something which had one true origin, would return to that origin after the 'vessel' holding it is destroyed.

Body and Soul, or as we alchemists call it, the true essence of a being.

'When I thought about it, as an epiphany or divine revelation, something came to my mind, no, a certain end product was revealed to me.'

And the last nine hours I spent were all to reach that end I had seen in that eternal moment.

'I knew where I had to go, and so, I did all that came to my mind to do it. And at last, We succeeded in creating it.'

A blue powder rested inside the pure white translucent container sitting on the desk. A substance that might have been thought about by many, but I was the chosen one to actually create this miraculous drug.

"It looks pretty, captain."

"It sure does, but, does this thing actually boost one's growth factor or does it boost one's innate potential? What does it actually do?" They asked with genuine curiosity with an expression I could only chuckle at.

"Hehe, it doesn't actually boost anything specific. This powder is kind of a poison."


"What do you mean captain?!"

"H-how can a poison-"

"Calm down everyone."

Explaining to them how it worked would take a long time since they did not actually know about the (Genetic editing), (Body reconstruction arts) of east, or (Physical refinement) or, how the human body was actually made.

'All their knowledge was mostly from the book of alchemical knowledge, so the details might be difficult for them to understand right now.'

But just from how they followed all my requests and helped me without questioning with the best of their abilities this time, was more than enough reason for them to deserves a proper answer from me.

"You can say this thing helps you overcome the 'wall' that has been blocking you. It's just that to actually climb the wall, you would have to endure a bad degree of pain so not just anyone can use this."

But still, this was something that can help someone overcome the wall that they previously could not. 

And that very thing made this little blue powder one of a kind.

"Everyone, how about we submit this and then talk? I think we should be the last ones anyway."

"Yes! We should do that!"

We took too long, truthfully. 

However, we made it without giving up.

And that was the only thing that mattered here.

"Alright then…"

We walked to the center of our special workplace together, placed the container on the altar there, and pushed the submit switch as the roof above our heads vanished along with walls, and practically everything else.

And then, we found ourselves standing in the arena alongside everyone else.

But… Something strange happened all of a sudden.

"What happened everyone? Why did you suddenly fall silent?"

There should have been voices and sighs from the other participants, joyous cheers from the audience or at the very least, an announcement from the announcer. 

There should have been voices, but there were not.

Everything around me was dead quiet, along with my teammates.

"Hmmmm? What are you looking at?"

And they were looking up for some reason. What was happening?

'Did something happen?'

I did not understand it when I looked at the clear sky above my head. It was a pretty normal sight. 

However, when I saw how there were darker clouds in the sky and the only part above my head was clear as a day, a sudden thought struck my head.

[ "U-unbelievable! Everyone! This…! We are seeing the birth of a new master! Everyone! This is… perhaps also the youngest person to be acknowledged as a master! This is unbelievable!" ]

And right after the announcement of sir announcer, and the strange feeling that overwhelmed my entire being, that thought became reality.

And also an unforeseen moment that I had been wanting to experience for the last few years…

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