Chapter 698 Heavenly punishment

[OP: ]

Holding the white bow of light, as well as the branch of the world tree, he stood at the edge of the high tower with his eye locked on the targets that were going to be subjects of his heavenly punishment.


Winds were blowing fiercely as the sky had become dark, and malevolent after the descent of the demons on this land, and the way they were going at their targets right now was making the decisions of the resistance to use greater powers even more solid.

In the meantime...

The demons, both of them, were trying to move towards the city where the people were still sleeping.

Their goal was not only the destruction and chaos but also death and the souls of those innocents that they loved… for they tasted better than any delicacy one could find in the plains of hell.

'Initiating spell casting…'


The demons were dangerous, however, with the powers of the people fighting them, it was at least possible to keep them at bay. 


And they could have been able to do it easily had the cultist bastards not interfered with them as if they were their runaway lovers.

The demonic humans, the cultists were the bastards that had one goal, and that was death and chaos. To achieve that, they were going to lengths so great even the beings fighting them did not have thought about it in their lifetimes.

Even to summon these demons, they had killed their own. What more could make them the absolute worst that they already were?


The demons were a pain in the ass but, the cultist bastards were the burning candle in the asses that were constantly stimulating their weakest nerves…


However, they were enduring. And fighting back as well as they could, or at least, that's what they had done until now.

"Fuck these motherless cunts!"


"Fuck you! Fuck yourself you fucking pieces of shit!"


"Die! Just die you demon cock sucking whores!"

-Swish! Swish! Swish!

-Clank! Clank! Clank!

It was getting difficult to hold back their anger and frustration. 

The laugh of these bastards was just too much.

They were crazy, and powerful.


Things would have been different had this been an official battlefield, however, in a situation as shitty as this one, they had no choice but to endure even if they just wanted to blow out every single one of them.

The situation was tough for them since the enemy was strong. Even Rein had received a few minor wounds because of these bastards.


Alas though. The enemies before them weren't just going to stand there and watch them leave.

Not when they knew the attack that was being prepared was for them. 


They knew who was casting that spell. They knew how absurdly powerful that thing was.

They also knew it was not going to be left unnoticed by the world however, merely the fact that he was using a power of this level, made him more special and foolish than anyone who was part of this collective.


They pushed the demons and cultists back now that they knew what he was putting on the line here and gave their best while keeping an eye on the sky above the city where a rare sight was unfolding…

"He had been hiding this power, I see."

"No, Your Majesty. That bastard is just a fool that will throw up blood after doing that shit."

"Hahaha. That isn't a very nice thing to say at the moment, young miss."

The orbs of light were moving in the sky, carving a magic circle so delicate, complicated, and absurdly filled with unknown runes that were incomprehensible to even the smartest mages present in this place.

And, the runes aside, just the way this magic circle… or, the twin magic circles were forming in the sky, were enough for them to speculate how this power was on the same level as some of the elder mage candidates.

This power was strong, however, the way it was made to be used specifically against these demon bastards made it more threatening.

The caster, the one holding the white bow of light and the branch of the world tree, who was also bleeding from the nose, did not care about the blood, or the insurmountable pain.

He continued enduring, channelling his Mana and Solnova through the branch which transferred it to the spells through his bow. 

He endured.

And, when the sky had finally been filled with two bright magic circles of almost three-meter radius each, he was prepared to cast his final judgments.

'(: Heaven's fury).'

The first magic circle adored with golden runes and silver threads of energy turned towards the south, the battlefield where the higher-ranked demons had been engaged in a fight with the emperor and his darling.


And, the very next moment, the golden lightning that was covering the sky, the same golden lightning that was said to be used by the gods when casting a divine punishment, pierced through the dark clouds and descended upon the demon so accurately that nothing other than the demon were touched by it.

'(: Executioner's divine judgement)!'

He suffered some internal injuries as a result of the casting, however, he was not done yet.

He still had one more spell to cast, so, he did just that and the other magic circle, one with bright red runes that looked the same as blood, in the golden magic circle, turned towards the north where the demon of lust was causing the great scene.

And, when this happened…


The sky above the demon's head ripped open as a 'slash' resembling the axe of an executioner, made of golden light and a bright red handle, the same as depicted in some of the local folklores, descended right on the head of the lustful demon.


Which, of course, resulted in a fatal injury, that gave their side the chance they needed to attack and destroy the bastard demon, as well as the forces of these cultists altogether.

Yet… just as this happened, and Eon fell to the ground throwing up blood with his entire body vibrating with an excruciating pain…


Something happened on the western side where Empress Mendelian was fighting with lord Maverick and the others.

And, as a result of this happening, Eon was forced to stand back up… and do yet another crazy thing.

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